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  3. Cepheus Protocol Escalation feature list & Community AmA this Friday

Cepheus Protocol Escalation feature list & Community AmA this Friday

Development Rollup resume on Discord

Mark your calendars! In 4 days, we’ll be holding a Development Rollup to catch everyone up on progress. We’ll be answering questions from the community and reviewing overall development since last time we met. The session will be live-streamed on YouTube and will also be available as a VOD for those who can’t make it live.


CBRN rework of CERC

After years of feedback we've caved and decided to pivot our design of CERC ground units. We are designing a new base "look" and getting rid of the "GI Joe" look. Our goal is for Michael to have the first pass out by Halloween there might be some bleed over. But its his primary goal and he'll be sharing progress on the Discord every few days starting after today in our announcements chat.

We currently are pursuing a more polished "final" look for our EA release next year based on the following ideas.

[h3]Mood board images for all classes redesigns [/h3]

[h2]After this is done if there is still a demand we will consider "camo" reskins for different nations as support packs. Let us know if this is still desired in the comments below[/h2]

Abrams/Bradley and basic physics on Experimental

More physics and destruction is coming!

Cepheus Protocol Escalation feature list
Only the Bradley/Abrams and basic destruction is live now

The current update we are polishing on Experimental is code named "Escalation". We will not push it to public till the following line items are implemented and ready for general play. But you can jump in and test our progress and leave your feedback at any time by installing experimental. We prefer Discord for feedback so we can jump in voice calls easily but Steam is monitored as well.

We will be discussing the Abrams and Bradley and the MRLS which will be released within the next few days and the remaining challenges and goals going into the Halloween sale and beyond to wrap up the year.

[h2]What's coming in "Escalation"[/h2]
  • Localization for all Languages updated
  • Doctrines shifted/reorganized for longevity (Armored Core, Infantry Core, Airborne Core and Utility)
  • Sparrow Weapons added
  • Blackhawk Weapons added
  • VTOL + Weapons added
  • New Doctrines implementation that is geared towards longer play taking reference from games like Total War and Sins of a Solar empire.
  • Mortar weapon Infantry
  • Passive upgrades and ability tweaks across the board
  • Abilities polish pass for Infantry to finalize them I.E the Sniper gains a claymore or heavy gains an actually "deployment" system that he setups up a basic defensive fortification.
  • New Vehicle AI/ Driving still needs some polish
  • Helicopter AI is reworked
  • Some performance tweaks
  • Vehicle Formations /Infantry spots next to vehicles
  • Infantry/Units moving at the pace of the slowest unit in move order
  • MLRS implementation with abilities
  • Bus evacuation(Delayed) Will be coming at the end waiting for a more finalized driving AI
  • Destruction (Delayed) Working out some technical issues with save/loading. We might have to forgo full saving as it works right now fully in terms of the destruction aspect. More details on this during the discussion this Friday
  • Mine Deploying Atlas (Delayed) Low priority but coming
  • Armor kits for the Abrams, Bradley & Striker with defensive items (Active denial for civilian RPG hunter teams)
  • New and revamped Airstrikes
  • More to be announced