This week on Cepheus Protocol August 2nd
What is Cepheus Protocol?
Where other zombie games in the genre have asked "How will you die" (Project Zomboid), Cepheus Protocol dares to ask "How will you survive". Giving you the tools of a recently created new branch called CERC its now your job to tackle how to handle the spreading Pangu Virus. We are dedicated to continuing to work with our community to keep refining Cepheus Protocol till its a true gem.
It should be noted that while we embrace critical feedback it should be given in a manner that is respectful and conductive of actually having a conversation. I.E Don't say X is Bad fix it. Say X is bad because of X,Y,Z . Then we can start to have a meaningful conversation. It should be noted naturally all suggestions cannot be implemented but we will keep them in mind for a possible addition in the future depending on scope budget etc.
The Development update video linked above will have further details. After all of this is implemented we will convert all current vehicles to this system and implement the Abrams, MLRS and Bradley to officially start the CERC/Doctrines card outlined here.
Development Update from Jun 13, 2024
Note: we will not be allowing full destruction but like mentioned in the last update on Youtube partial destruction in the terms of street lights, fences, walls etc. Preplaced assets in the world to make areas like the center park in Treasure Island far more dynamic so vehicles and explosions can affect the world.
[h2]What is Chaos Vehicles?[/h2]
[h2]What is Chaos Destruction?[/h2]
If your getting crashes/out out of memory issues check out this post
Airborne Doctrine Backlog assets
We will be allowing users to customize what weapons appear in what "slots" for each helicopter allowing for in-depth customization on the vast amount of gameplay situations that can occur. A few examples would be mix/matching different weapon combinations based on need.
I.E Missile pods for saturation of an area without a need for accuracy vs say Hellfire missiles which would lock on and track their targets and be fired much slower 1-2 every few seconds. Then you toss in gatling guns/MGS for constant suppression/saturation and you have a party
[h2]VTOL [/h2]
it wil feature an unarmed version and armed version. It will allow you to cycle between hover/flight mode and will not feature any transport capacity for lifting vehicles.

[h2]Little Bird[/h2]


Calypso Valley V2 (Pending Rename)
Originally intended to be a "demo" map only it was repurposed as additional content and for lower spec machines. When we feel the game is more feature complete we will revisit the demo.
I have earmarked some issues/corrections that need to occur on Calypso including renaming the map, some level design changes and bug fixing. I estimate at least till Wednesday to the point we are completely done.

[h2]Pass 2 8.2.24[/h2]

Vehicle AI
Vehicle AI is an extremely slow process of updating references to a new "Shared" Interface/Actor Components. Which meant thousands of lines of code that had to be refactored and reconfigured. We finished the C++ aspect of it earlier this week but now we are working through the Blueprint components and improving/updating logic as we go to better practices. In some cases we are down converting BP logic to C++ for refinement purposes/streamlining the workflow.

Currently the list in the picture shown below is what remains till we can even play in our editor and do the vehicle porting aspect. It's a big step and has taken us weeks to accomplish based on on its sheer size. The Abrams and co will come shorter after all current vehicles are ported over.
[h2]So Order of Operations.[/h2]
Vehicle AI Interface stuff -> Port all Current Vehicles -> Experimental -> Abrams, Bradley, MLRS & C5 Galaxy -> Resume CERC/Doctrines roadmap.
I don't have an estimate yet for this. But we believe it to be quite soon for the porting aspect. We will know more once we fix the remaining compile errors and start testing in our SDK
Last Vehicle AI Video update
Part of the work is also making it easier for me to switch over to road-to-coop which will be a channel that after we "push" all the current vehicles over to Chaos Vehicles i will be shifting over to.
I will effectively be working on systems that are mundanely simple that wouldn't change like Shooting, Health etc. I.E the "Core" components and learning GAS. (Gameplay Ability System) It would effectively make a lot of "abilities" replicated natively and streamline the creation of new ones.
if you want to consider supporting us check out our patreon or Discord pledge system everything helps!