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  2. News
  3. Battlecruisers 6.3.81 Patch Notes

Battlecruisers 6.3.81 Patch Notes

  • 3 new languages: Thai, Indonesian, Italian
  • Button for purchasing Bodykits in loadout
  • Increased all building health by 50%
    • GrapheneBarrier, Nuke Launcher, Ultralisk, Broadside Cannon, Nova Artillery and Ultra CIWS are unchanged
    • other exceptions:
      • SAMSite health: 450 -> 720 (would have been 675)
      • MLRS health: 400 -> 480 (would have been 600)
      • IonCannon health: 400 -> 540 (would have been 600)
      • DeckShield health: 50 -> 70 (would have been 75)
      • LocalBooster health: 150 -> 240 (would have been 225)
      • StealthGenerator health: 150 -> 240 (would have been 225)
      • Orbital Laser health: 500 -> 520 (would have been 750)
      • Kamikaze Signal health: 1000 -> 1200 (would have been 1500)
      • GlobeShield health: 1000 -> 1080 (would have been 1500)
  • Reduced Robust variant building health multiplier: 5x -> 4x
  • Increased Robust variant unit health multiplier: 1.66x -> 1.75x
  • CIWS:
    • increased burst fire rate: 48 -> 50
    • increased projectiles per burst: 48 -> 50
  • Frigate + Destroyer:
    • increased mortar damage: 120 -> 150
    • increased mortar aoe radius: 0.75 -> 1
  • AttackRib
    • reduced reload: 5s -> 4s
  • SteamCopter
    • reduced build time: 50 -> 40
  • Broadsword
    • increased missiles per burst: 3 -> 4

  • Too many texture changes, fixes and improvements to list
  • Minor visual enhancements and fixes in loadout screen

  • A lot of incorrect variant stats have been corrected
  • Cruiser damage indicators no longer flash permanently in PvE
  • Price label and buy button are now hidden when changing shop category
  • BattleScene HUD bottom panel no longer has colour banding