Battlecruisers 6.4.34 Patch Notes[h2]Changed[/h2] Variants in shop are now sorted Improved Japanese translation thanks to MMDer K Updated MissileFighter missile explosion effects Updated Sledgehammer shell impact effects Improved destruction effects for smaller buildings Updated MissileFighter description Updated Credits Simplifications to PvE and PvPyet again, these shouldn't have any impact on gamplay[h2]Fixed[/h2] Flak projectile explosion sound now plays correctly Particles no longer appear as pink squares sometimes Addressed minor, non-breaking errors
Battlecruisers 6.4.32 Patch Notes[h2]Changed[/h2] Simplifications to PvE and PvPthose shouldn't have any impact on gameplay[h2]Fixed[/h2] Stealth works properly again
Battlecruisers 6.4.31 Patch Notes[h2]Changed[/h2] Updated StoryDialogScreen backgroundAdjusted building death effects[h2]Fixed[/h2] Stealth works again Fixes to Mann o' War boss sound and animation
Battlecruisers 6.4.30 Patch Notes[h2]Changed[/h2] Adjusted Nuke effects PvPDeckShield energy bar is now the same as in PvE[h2]Fixed[/h2] 'Next' button in Story scenes is interactable again Rusty Fly exo is at correct position again Arena background sky is at correct height now