Update January 22nd 2025 (Version 0.4.01)
Patch notes for January 22nd 2025 (Version 0.4.01)
- Added dynamite to mine steel cabinet loot pool
- Fixed time related bugs
- Fixed RM hyperdeflation
- Fixed some places having their own calendar system
- Fixed dirty water being too dirty even for showering
- Fixed max all addictions achievement(s) being practically impossible to get
- Fixed rocks poking through tipping wagons
- Reduced hygiene degration rate
- Fixed fake invoices being broken
- Fixed prison not working correctly
- Fixed refigerators not showing items until searched
- Fixed firewoodpiles and others not updating their visual state after loading a game
- Fixed Ivar Phil hoarding green shrooms
- Added the ability to ask Heska Pavonen for the gate code
- Added the gate code to the task notes
- Added dialogue for Heska when the player returns from the radioactive repository
[h2]Tenement System[/h2]
- IV mining depot orecrusher now unloads tipping wagons and automatically processes items.
- Fixed large orecrusher still crueshing rocks despite being off
- Fixed shabby and decent bathroom shower owernership
- Fixed being unable to plant leeks
- Lattemaster now has better equipment quality
- Antero and Emil now mentions the payment
- Player can now insert stuff into the mine claim ore chutes
- Mine sacks now have mine specific loot
- Fixed Antero Eriks scamming player
- Made it easier to climb out of mines
- Fixed speed camera sending double invoices