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Obenseuer News

Update February 7th 2025 (Version 0.4.02)

Hello, landlords and myco-excavators, it's time for another round of bug fixes with some new additions!

[h2]Gas Mask[/h2]

The Gas Mask is a new item that protects you from mushroom spores longer than a regular face mask.

[h2]New Task[/h2]

A new task was added where you have to find a specific minitrain miniature for Mikkel, and he’ll help you with minitrain speed camera!

[h2]Furniture Console Commands[/h2]

Three new console commands have been added for managing furniture:
  • add_furniture – Adds a specific piece of furniture
  • add_furniture_all – Adds all furniture at once
  • find_furniture – Searches for furniture by keyword and prints matching results to the console

[h2]Other notable changes[/h2]
  • Consuming orange mushroom powder now speeds up working speed on manual machines.
  • Mining has been made more profitable, ores are now more valuable, and mining rocks now increases your skill. Also the mining permit costs less.
  • Winning on slot machines now yields a mood boost.

[h2]Patch notes for February 7th 2025 (Version 0.4.02)[/h2]

  • Added mining skill gain when mining (issue #2760)
  • Added mining skill effects to mining
  • Added fallback fonts for some characters
  • Added controls to the list menu (Hotel) (issue #3503)
  • Added controls to the minitrain (issue #3506)
  • Fixed vsync setting being limited to 55
  • Fixed already learned recipes not working without the recipe when the recipe is required (issue #3591)
  • Fixed some interactables getting stuck in interacted state (issue #3609)
  • Fixed items dropped on train becoming gigantic
  • Fixed stuff left on trains, elevators and doors not staying on the train/door/elevator when loading a save
  • Fixed minitrain coupling weirdness with multiple locomotives (issue #3571)
  • Fixed stuff cart lantern (issue #3560)
  • Fixed bank ignoring compound interest (issue #3622)
  • Fixed police footstep sfx being tied to player (issue #3523)
  • Fixed some chairs snaping camera to wrong position (issue #2338)
  • Removed camera rotation when entering/exiting the minitrain
  • Removed TAA
  • Increased pickaxe hit range
  • Being high on orange shrooms now speed up manual crafting
  • Winning in slots machines gives a dopamine spike.
  • Fixed "Eat only familiar shrooms" achievement
  • Small and medium distillerys now have better equipment quality
  • Telemarketing now yields more xp

  • Added ability to asks about the permission again from Toivo
  • Added ability asks about the blonde haired woman from Laura Markkanen
  • Lowered the miner's tax price
  • Fixed Orange Heaven not progressing when asking about Malone (issue #3512)
  • Fixed Seamus not giving potatoes
  • Fixed giving the photo not being removed when given to Pia
  • Fixed apartments showing "not fully examined" text when the walls are upgraded (issue #3642)

[h3]Tenement System[/h3]
  • Changed location of the mail to be outside the player apartment when the player apartment is under renovation
  • Fixed being unable to grow stuff on T3 and T4 extensions.
  • Fixed clipping furnitre related to fine tier heating uprade (issue #3533)
  • Fixed Amanda's ghastly table (issue #3532)
  • Fixed free gold (issue #3626)
  • Fixed item placement being mirrored in the tenement stairwell (issue #3637)
  • Fixed resident list board being in the apartment

  • Added furniture add command
  • Added furniture add all command
  • Added furniture find command
  • Fixed list blueprints command not listing all blueprints.

  • Added gas mask
  • Added gas mask filter
  • Added Minitrain Miniatures
  • Fixed receipts showing OC value with RM currency
  • Fixed watermelon alcohols destroying bottle
  • Fixed unpickupable taters (issue #3578)
  • Fixed ratcat
  • Increased ore prices
  • Improved pickaxe durability
  • Fixed pack of cigars

  • Pickaxe and axe are now made on anvil
  • Added pickaxe
  • Added handwheel
  • Cable and copper wire can now be recycled
  • Fixed saline, also uses pure water now (issue #3586)
  • Fixed not being able to bage dough (issue #3581)
  • Fixed potatoes with meat sauce (issue #3646)
  • Fixed gold extraction duplication loop (issue #3648)
  • Fixed sawdust doughs being uneconomical to make
  • Fixed Fish 'n' Chips recipe taking 2 plates (issue #3677)

  • Fixed several furniture not being sold by vendors
  • Fixed Fancy Wooden Desk (issue #3629)
  • Reduced the Small Wood Shelf price (issue #3676)

  • Fixed pine tree throwing players into the sky (issue #3531)

  • Added ability to turn off speed cameras
  • Added note about nuclear fuel wagons
  • Added mentioning that powered radiation measurement devices must be powered
  • Updated mine UI map
  • Fixed pipes collision issues near the elevator area (issue #3538)
  • Fixed ownership and collision issues on the fine tier mine upgrade (issue #3530)
  • Fixed trains being able to phase through blocked tunnel (issue #3616

[h3]Mine Canteen[/h3]
  • Petting Kisu now yields dopamine

[h3]Potato Mine[/h3]
  • Fixed background sounds not working

  • Fixed prison trying to make prisoners fat

Old 0.4.01 version can be accessed from Steam library -> Obenseuer -> Options -> Betas and selecting 0.4.01

Update January 22nd 2025 (Version 0.4.01)

Patch notes for January 22nd 2025 (Version 0.4.01)

  • Added dynamite to mine steel cabinet loot pool
  • Fixed time related bugs
  • Fixed RM hyperdeflation
  • Fixed some places having their own calendar system
  • Fixed dirty water being too dirty even for showering
  • Fixed max all addictions achievement(s) being practically impossible to get
  • Fixed rocks poking through tipping wagons
  • Reduced hygiene degration rate
  • Fixed fake invoices being broken
  • Fixed prison not working correctly
  • Fixed refigerators not showing items until searched
  • Fixed firewoodpiles and others not updating their visual state after loading a game
  • Fixed Ivar Phil hoarding green shrooms

  • Added the ability to ask Heska Pavonen for the gate code
  • Added the gate code to the task notes
  • Added dialogue for Heska when the player returns from the radioactive repository

[h2]Tenement System[/h2]
  • IV mining depot orecrusher now unloads tipping wagons and automatically processes items.
  • Fixed large orecrusher still crueshing rocks despite being off
  • Fixed shabby and decent bathroom shower owernership

  • Fixed being unable to plant leeks

  • Lattemaster now has better equipment quality

  • Antero and Emil now mentions the payment
  • Player can now insert stuff into the mine claim ore chutes
  • Mine sacks now have mine specific loot
  • Fixed Antero Eriks scamming player
  • Made it easier to climb out of mines
  • Fixed speed camera sending double invoices

Mines update is out now!

Well, the Mines update is out now for ya.


The game is now on sale, after which the price will increase. So now is a great time to grab it if ya don't have it already.

Major points from the changelog:
  • Many new areas, including the new Mines District.
  • Minitrain system.
  • Liquid storage system.
  • New full-length story quests
  • Glowstick Trail, Orange Heaven and Getting a Passport quests are now fully completable
  • Overhauled character models for: Malone P., Tatyana G., H. Mobelmann, Amanda K., Sara C., Vivi B. and Patrik A.
  • Added consequences for choosing Crazy Neighbour and the police as a threat in the starting choices
  • Readable literature, including newspapers, magazines and books
  • New chains of alcohol production
  • New branches of crafting, including sewing and electronics, both with 2 tiers of machines and associated skills
  • The addition of Drawing Table that allows you to craft furniture blueprints, including unique ones
  • Vendors now shown an indicator of their current wealth
  • Player stats tab, currently showing the skill levels player has
  • Reworked backpacks now each working as a separate inventory, as well as the addition of new types of backpacks
  • New animal types, including cats and chickens, as well as new fish types
  • Multiple new furniture available to buy and craft
  • Multiple new gameplay mechanics, machines, recipes, tenement upgrades, vendors and such tied with the mines
  • Fixed a bug with solid-fuel machines having unusable fuel slots

The full changelog can be read here:

As there may be some issues when coming from old versions, it's always possible to roll back to previous versions. Workshop, Shroomcave and basement upgrades should be completed before coming to the new mines version, as their contractor changes in the update.

Version 0.3.38 can still be accessed via: Steam Library -> Obenseuer -> Options -> Betas and selecting 0.3.38.

Dev blog – The Mines #3

Hello mushroom miners!

This is the last dev blog entry before the update, as we have been working on the main content of the Mines Update; the train system, quests and the mines area.


One of the major addition of the mines updates are minetrains, or minitrains, as established.
The mines contain network of long tunnels what can be explored with your locomotive.

It is possible to couple wagons into a long train, and haul rocks and ore into processing area for some sweet sweet cash. But be aware that driving around consumes precious diesel.

With minitrains, we're also adding a new line of tenement upgrades; a mining depot connected straight to the mines.


You can finally see your own skills! At the beginning all skills are hidden and by doing different things, like mining, engineering or drinking, you unlock new skills that you can level up.

[h2]Orange Mushrooms[/h2]

There are a lot of orange mushrooms in the mines, so we added new effects and stat to them. The mushroom powder made from them makes the player move and dig faster. And lock picking is also easier, but using orange powder also has negative effects!


Mine update will have a huge amount of new furniture. Some furniture also has the option to change the style, for example you can change the sleeping bag to a packed form. Some old furniture also has received new skins such as different colored letters.

[h2]Other upcoming additions[/h2]
  • Vendor's wealth level indicator
  • Deekula B rooftop terrace
  • Safes with different types of loot
  • Residents from streets now pack up their tents if you rent them an apartment
  • New alcoholic drinks with associated production chains
  • New fishes

Full list of upcoming changes can be found out by wading through our changelog:

Dev blog – The Mines #2

Over the last month we have continued to develop the mines and added some new features and improvements. Here are some new things to come:

[h2]Liquid storages[/h2]

There will be liquid storages, such as barrels or makeshift sinks, where you can store liquids. It's also possible to take a shower in any liquid you want, such as beer, mushroom water or sulfuric acid!

This means that the early tenement upgrades with makeshift-tier tanks and barrels now have a limited supply of water. But don't worry, when you ran out, you can ask Ol' Malone to refill the storages for you.

Also, as Obenseuer is a place known for its nonpotable tap water, O-Market has stocked itself with large 10L canisters of fresh spring water.

[h2]Drawing board[/h2]

With the drawing board, you can draw blueprints, instead of relying on blueprints scattered around the district. You can get started with just some paper and duct tape, but for more complex furniture blueprints you'll need more advanced stuff, such as a math/tables book.

[h2]Other upcoming additions[/h2]
We have also added other content such as:
  • Balanced output quality of self-made alcohols and farming. Now some easier early game (sugar, turnip) mashes doesn't automatically turn out crap, having less value than the ingredients.
  • Rent payment interval options
  • New furniture such as ore crusher, plastic barrel shower, makeshift IBC sink and pillows
  • New items such as rat trap, spring water and 10L water bottle

And here are a few more pictures of the upcoming content:

Full list of upcoming changes can be found out by wading through our changelog: