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  3. A Brief Status Update

A Brief Status Update

Hello commanders!

We hope you are well. With the dust settling after Nemesis #7 (the winner being Nemesis: Hell’s Highway), let’s give you a brief update on what’s cooking in Eugen’s kitchen for Steel Division 2.

We’d also like to share with you that from now on, the Steel Division 2 DevBlogs will be posted intermittently, no longer following the regular once-every-week structure.

[h2]What’s in store?[/h2]
We are working on the following things:

  • The free new map VALLEY OF DEATH is in the final stages of testing and should be one of the next releases for Steel Division 2. Check out a preview of this map in this DevBlog here.
  • The free new map DUKLA PASS is being tested as we speak. A DevBlog with more details can be found here.
  • The new major expansion for Steel Division 2 will be the Army General-focused DUKLA PASS. Make sure to read more about this expansion in this dedicated DevBlog.
  • And, of course, the next Nemesis: Hell’s Highway coming at a later date in the future. Check out all the juicy details of what you can expect here.

[h2]Until next time[/h2]
As mentioned above, we’ll be posting Steel Division 2 DevBlogs intermittently from now on. Keep an eye out on the news feed!

Be sure to join the Steel Division 2 community on our Steam forums. If you want to keep up to date with the latest Steel Division 2, keep an eye out on our Instagram. Looking for an online game? Visit the Discord server or Reddit page and get involved with the lively Steel Division 2 community!

See you on the battlefield, commander!