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  3. RP #17 - War Reserves - Units Reveal #4

RP #17 - War Reserves - Units Reveal #4

Hello commanders,

We are back with the last installment of the Reinforcement Pack #17 - War Reserves previews.

Today’s spotlight will be swung on the Soviet Union and its allies.

To glory!

[h2]War Reserves In Brief[/h2] RP #17 - War Reserves is the direct consequence of Eugen designers finding extra time to update several Steel Division 2 units across the base game and its various expansions and Nemesis DLCs. In total, there will be 15 to 20 new units, including a dozen brand-new 3D models. The free Reinforcement Pack #17 - War Reserves is in active development and shouldn’t take too long to release.

[h2]Soviet Union[/h2]
Let’s look at the units of the Soviet Union and its allies.

  • The first unit is not an addition, but a replacement. It corrects a long overdue mistake: the Soviet M5L (M5 Stuart), which only deployed into the Red Army in two models. Both of these were tested… and rejected. Instead, the more numerous variant used in the Soviet Union was the M3L (M3A1 Stuart).
    • The M3L will replace the M5L in both the 184-ya Strelkovaya Div and Podv. Gruppa Tyurina. These are base game divisions.
  • The T-80 RAZVEDKA is next. Not the mighty Cold War T-80, but the latest upgrade in the World War 2-era light tank series of the T-60 and T-70. The T-80s' development as a more advanced offshoot of the T-70 with a two-man turret happened too late in the war. By this time, light tanks had mostly become obsolete, and production was halted in the second half of 1943. The handful of T-80s that were produced saw action mainly on the Romanian front.

  • The next one is not a new unit but an existing vehicle cast in a new role: the EMCHA RAZVEDKA. This is a recon M4A2 Sherman equipped with a radio as part of the Allied lend-lease effort to the USSR.
    • The EMCHA RAZVEDKA will replace the Valentine recon tank in the 29-y Tankovy Korpus. This is a division from the base game.

  • The final updated Soviet unit is the additional of a new, heavier loadout to an existing plane: the La-5FN with a new payload of 2x 100kg bombs.

Foreign corps in the Red Army will also receive some existing (from other parts of the Red Army) but missing (in their own arsenal) equipment.

  • The Estionian 7. Eesti Laskurdiviis will receive its absent M3A1 half-track for the TANKODESANTNIKI squads. This division is featured in Steel Division 2: Burning Baltics.
  • The Polish the 1 Dywizja Piechoty "Tadeusza Kościuszki" from Steel Divison 2: Death on the Vistula will get its missing WC-52 light truck. A small addition, but it will help add some speed to the deployment of several light squads and guns.

Lastly, there are several more new units in the pipeline. Note: these won’t be delivered with RP#17 - War Reserves. We have only discovered them recently, and there was simply no time to squeeze them into the development cycle for this Reinforcement Pack. However, we didn’t want to ignore them.

Instead, these new units will be modeled alongside the upcoming Battle for Dukla Pass. When this expansion releases, the missing units will be retrofitted to War Reserves - and as such - made available to all for free.

  • The fast BT-5 light tank will be added to the 126-y L. Gornostrelkovy Korpus (Steel Division 2: Fate of Finland expansion).
  • The VALENTINE X features a slightly different turret compared to its predecessor (the IX) and included a coaxial machine gun. This means the tank, notorious for its lack of HE, will receive some self-defense anti-infantry capability. This unit will be added to the 3-y Gv. Mekh. Korpus (base game).
  • Finally, the YAK-9K was a not-so-lucky attempt at improving the YAK-9T's firepower by upgrading its 37mm nose gun to a 45mm one. The gun proved unreliable, and only two regiments fielded this variant. One of these formations supported the 39th Army during Operation Bagration. As such, the YAK-9K will be added to Podv. Gruppa Bezuglogo (base game).

[h2]See you on the battlefield[/h2]
That’s all for the Reinforcement Pack #17 - War Reserves previews. We’ll be back soon with more Steel Division 2 news.

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