New RP #17 - War Reserves - Units Reveal #2
Hello, hello!
Welcome back to another Reinforcement Pack #17 - War Reserves preview. We continue with several new and updated units for Steel Division 2, shining a light on Finland’s armed forces this time.
Let’s go!
[h2]War Reserves In Brief[/h2]
As explained in our previous DevBlog, the Eugen designers have found extra time to update a host of Steel Division 2 units across the base game and its various expansions and Nemesis DLCs. Specifically, these units needed some extra care, perhaps even being missed in our original research, while others had their 3D models fixed.
Most of these units needing updates were brought to our attention thanks to the diligent Steel Division 2 community. Keep in mind that not all divisions or nations will receive new units. In total, there will be 15 to 20 new units, including a dozen brand-new 3D models. The free Reinforcement Pack #17 - War Reserves is actively being worked on and shouldn’t take too long to release.
So, on to the Finnish armed forces. The Nordic country is the single nation with the biggest share of new War Reserve units and models.

More new units from other nations will be showcased in the upcoming weeks.
[h2]Nemesis #7: Hell’s Highway[/h2]
In case you missed it: Nemesis #7: Hell’s Highway is the latest community-voted Steel Division 2 DLC, transporting the World War II action to the infamous Hell’s Highway corridor, heavily contested during airborne landings as part of Market Garden in September 1944. Nemesis #7: Hell’s Highway is available now!
[h2]See you on the battlefield[/h2]
That’s all. We’ll be back next week with more Reinforcement Pack #17 - War Reserves unit previews.
Make sure to join the Steel Division 2 community on our Steam forums. The latest Steel Division 2 news can also be encountered on our Instagram.
Looking for an online game? Visit the Discord server or Reddit page and get involved with the lively Steel Division 2 community!
See you on the battlefield!
Welcome back to another Reinforcement Pack #17 - War Reserves preview. We continue with several new and updated units for Steel Division 2, shining a light on Finland’s armed forces this time.
Let’s go!
[h2]War Reserves In Brief[/h2]
As explained in our previous DevBlog, the Eugen designers have found extra time to update a host of Steel Division 2 units across the base game and its various expansions and Nemesis DLCs. Specifically, these units needed some extra care, perhaps even being missed in our original research, while others had their 3D models fixed.
Most of these units needing updates were brought to our attention thanks to the diligent Steel Division 2 community. Keep in mind that not all divisions or nations will receive new units. In total, there will be 15 to 20 new units, including a dozen brand-new 3D models. The free Reinforcement Pack #17 - War Reserves is actively being worked on and shouldn’t take too long to release.
So, on to the Finnish armed forces. The Nordic country is the single nation with the biggest share of new War Reserve units and models.
- First up is the new FOKKER C.X. Known as "Fritz-Kalie" (for the letter F.K.) in Finland, this Dutch-produced early war bi-plane was used in recon and close support roles well into 1944. By this time, about half of the 34 originally purchased by Finland at the start of World War II were still in service. In-game, this new unit will be used as a light recon bomber with two 50kg bombs plus a radio.
- The FOKKER C.X will be added to Ryhmä Raappana ingame. This division, like the others listed, is featured in the Steel Division 2 - Fate of Finland expansion.

- Another new aircraft is the DB-3M bomber. Finland also used the DB-3F, already featured in Steel Division 2. The DB-3F formed part of the Soviet Il-4 bomber family, while the earlier DB-3 and DB-3M were its precursors. We have reflected this reality, as Finland also acquired the DB-3M, either capturing them from the Soviets or buying them from German war booty in 1940. In total, Finland operated 11 of these planes mixed in two bomber squadrons.
- The DB-3M too will find its way into the Ryhmä Raappana.

- The FORD AA is currently the only truck and artillery tractor of the Finnish Army, as depicted in Steel Division 2. But, historically, this model wasn’t the most common. As a matter of fact, it was quite rare by 1944. While we won’t remove the Ford, in order for people not to redo all their Finnish decks, we will round out the Finnish motor pool with some additional vehicles.
- When talking about artillery tractors, these are vehicles intended to tow heavy artillery guns. In Finland, this meant a cute little tractor - the McCormick TD 14 being used to move the heaviest of guns. We will add this unit to all Finnish divisions to tow guns from 150mm and above.

- The main workhorse for moving troops and supplies in 1944 was the FORD V8 098T. In-game, we’ll feature it as a heavy supply truck. Likewise, this unit will find its way into all Finnish divisions.

- The last unit isn’t entirely new, as it was already featured in the Fate of Finland’s Army General Karelia campaign. However, this unit wasn’t part of any multiplayer-capable division. The captured Soviet Pe-2R recon plane, was sold by Germany to Finland in 1941. By 1944, gone was its bombing role, with the remaining specimens used solely for photographic recon duties over the Karelia battlefields.
- The Pe-2R will find its way into the German 122. Infanterie-Division in-game.

More new units from other nations will be showcased in the upcoming weeks.
[h2]Nemesis #7: Hell’s Highway[/h2]
In case you missed it: Nemesis #7: Hell’s Highway is the latest community-voted Steel Division 2 DLC, transporting the World War II action to the infamous Hell’s Highway corridor, heavily contested during airborne landings as part of Market Garden in September 1944. Nemesis #7: Hell’s Highway is available now!
[h2]See you on the battlefield[/h2]
That’s all. We’ll be back next week with more Reinforcement Pack #17 - War Reserves unit previews.
Make sure to join the Steel Division 2 community on our Steam forums. The latest Steel Division 2 news can also be encountered on our Instagram.
Looking for an online game? Visit the Discord server or Reddit page and get involved with the lively Steel Division 2 community!
See you on the battlefield!