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  3. New RP #17 - War Reserves - Units Reveal #1

New RP #17 - War Reserves - Units Reveal #1

Hello commanders!

It’s time for a new Steel Division 2 update, this one coming for free in the very near future. In today’s DevBlog - and coming posts - we’ll be teasing the upcoming Reinforcement Pack #17 - War Reserves.

Reinforcement Pack #17 will bring a host of new and updated 3D models for existing Steel Division 2 units, across the base game and various expansions and Nemesis DLCs.

Let’s go check them out.

[h2]Introducing Reinforcement Pack #17[/h2]
As we mentioned in our previous DevBlog at the start of the new year, the Eugen team has been busy with Steel Division 2’s Cold War cousin, WARNO and the recently launched WARNO - NORTHAG expansion. With the heavy lifting out of the way, we could refocus our game designers' efforts to World War II, including the upcoming new expansion Battle of Dukla Pass.

However, our 3D artists found some extra time to produce a batch of brand-new units and models. Specifically, these are units we missed in our original research and that the community brought to our attention. They will be added to existing divisions, both “vanilla” base game and DLC ones. Keep in mind that not all divisions or nations will receive new units. In total, there will be 15 to 20 new units, including a dozen brand-new 3D models.

These new models are currently being balanced and added to each respective nation and division. This means that the free Reinforcement Pack #17 - War Reserves shouldn’t take too long to release.

[h2]The Axis Powers[/h2]
We’ll start with some of the Axis nation’s new units; Germany, Hungary, and the Italians of the RSI take the lead.

Germany (and RSI)
  • The Heeres Flakartillerie Abteilung 304, attached to the 26. Panzerdivision, famously featured the FAMO 88mm self-propelled heavy AA guns, as depicted in-game. However, the formation was also assigned one out of only three ever-produced prototypes of the Panzer Selbstfahrlafette IV Ausf. C, aka the PANZER. SFL. IVc. This vehicle also features a self-propelled 88mm, but with more armor all around, being built on Panzer IV chassis, and with the more modern and efficient Flak 41 gun.
  • When the Germans disarmed their former Italian allies in 1943, they also seized and reused quite a bit of military equipment. These include the CANNONE DA 75/46 C.A. M34, a 75mm dual-purpose AA and AT gun. As an anti-aircraft weapon, its performance was similar to that of the Romanian and Finnish VICKERS 75mm, although its anti-tank performance was somewhat inferior.
    • The CANNONE DA 75/46 C.A. M34 will be used in-game by the 4a Alpina Monterosa division from the RSI, available in the Tribute to the Liberation of Italy expansion.
    • It was pressed into German service as the FLAK 264/3 75mm and quickly put to use against the Anzio bridgehead by the 715. Infanterie-Division from the Men of Steel expansion.
  • Not all GRILLE self-propelled artillery guns were of the same model. Specifically, our Steel Division 2 model is a GRILLE Ausf. K (renamed) which is the second version of the vehicle. But an earlier GRILLE Ausf. H was still in service in some divisions by 1944. Our current stats actually fit the new H model, which will retain them, while the K variant will have less armor, but faster and with a bit more ammunition. The changes are mostly cosmetic. This specific 3D model requires some additional corrections, which means we’ll showcase it at a later date.
    • GRILLE Ausf. H will replace all or part of the current GRILLE Ausf. K over the board, with the Panzer and Panzergrenadier divisions affected being too many to count. A more detailed list will come when the Reinforcement Pack releases.

  • Improvements to the TOLDI series of light tanks were pursued in 1944, despite the vehicle being pretty obsolete by that time. Such improvements led to the development of the TOLDI III, with increased front armor, side skirts, and a better motor, making it roughly equivalent to the American M3 Stuart. Unfortunately, the Hungarian factory producing these light tanks was destroyed by Allied bombers after only a dozen were built. Although no one really knows what happened to this small batch, this tank did exist in real life. This is why we included it to some of the Hungarian division with some “artistic license”.
    • The most fitting division to receive them would be the 1. Páncélos Hadosztály from the Men of Steel expansion.

More new units will be showcased in the upcoming weeks.

[h2]Nemesis #7: Hell’s Highway[/h2]
In case you missed it: Nemesis #7: Hell’s Highway is the latest community-voted Steel Division 2 DLC, transporting the World War II action to the infamous Hell’s Highway corridor, heavily contested during airborne landings as part of Market Garden in September 1944. Nemesis #7: Hell’s Highway is available now!


[h2]See you on the battlefield[/h2]
That’s all for this week’s Reinforcement Pack 17. We’ll be back next week with more unit previews.

Make sure to join the Steel Division 2 community on our Steam forums. The latest Steel Division 2 news can also be encountered on our Instagram.

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See you on the battlefield, commander!