v.143305: Patch notes
[h3]DATA FIXES[/h3]
- added a VALLEY OF DEATH's 10v10 server
[h3]DATA FIXES[/h3]
- fixed Hungarian FW 189 A-2's price from 45 to 55, on par with German & Bulgarian ones
- fixed FK 39(r) 76,2mm's price from 60 to 55, as annouonced in last patch for all F-22 howitzer but missing for that unit
- removed the Artillery Observer icon from Bulgarian FW 189 TSIKLOP & DO 17 P URAGAN
- fixed RATSULARE's price from 25 to 20, as announced previously but omitted
- fixed S-African RIFLES, Romanian INFANTERISTI & Polish STRZELCY's availability at 12/24/36, as announced previously but omitted
- increased SK.18's physical damage from 9 to 10, as other 100mm guns.
- fixed (=halved) HELLCAT's APCR round's suppression value
- fixed (=increased) M4 & NS-37 37mm HE rounds' suppression AoE (which was almost non-existant)
- fixed all SU-85's base availability from 4/8/10 to 4/8/12
- fixed all JAGDPANZER IV A-0's base availability from 4/8/10 to 4/8/12
- fixed KV-85's veterancy pattern on par with other 5/10/15 units
- increased HUMMEL's gun's RoF on par with the similar s.FH 18
- added KAZ. RAZVEDKA the Shock trait
- changed KAZ. PTRS-41's base availability from 6/10/14 to 9/18/-, on par with other divisions
- (Bakthin) changed STRELKI's phase C's availability from 27 to 36, on par with other divisions
- (3VDV) changed GVARDIYA's base avaialbility from 9// to 12//, on par with other divisions
- (1LWP) changed STRZELCY's base avaialbility from 9/18/27 to 12/24/36, on par with other "Soviet" divisions
- (28Jag) fixed MARDER II's veterancy pattern on par with other MARDER II
- (Guards) returned the CRUSADER's cards (which were mistakenly passed to future NM#7's 43rd Wessex Division)
- (D9I) fixed FAMO's pool from 1 to 12
- decreased all BM-8-24 82mm's price from 65 to 55
- decreased all SU-76I's price from 35 to 30
- decreased all SU-57's price from 40 to 30
- decreased all VALENTINE III's price from 25 to 20
- decreased all BA-10's price from 25 to 20
- decreased all F-22 howitzer's price from 60 to 55
- decreased all T-34/76 OBR.42's price from 60 to 55
- decreased all SU-85's price from 70 to 65
- decreased all PANZER IV H's price from 75 to 70
- decreased all B1 BIS's price from 30 to 25
- decreased all KV-1S's price from 60 to 55
- decreased tank version of T-60's price from 20 to 25
- decreased all Soviet-made 85mm's price from 100 to 90 + Disheartened ones from 95 to 85
- decreased all LE.FH 18M's price from 70 to 65
- decreased all Flak 38 20mm's price from 40 to 35
- decreased all SP Breda 20mm's price from 40 to 35
- decreased all MÖRSER 210mm's price from 150 to 140
- decreased all nations' command SEMOVENTE M41's price from 15 to 5
- decreased all nations' transport SDKFZ. 222's price from 30 to 20
- decreased all armed M3 SCOUT CAR's price from 15 to 10
- decreased all 37mm armed R-35's price from 10 to 5
- decreased all H-39's price from 15 to 10
- decreased all VICKERS 75mm's price from 95 to 85
- decreased all leader T-34/85 Obr. 43's price from 95 to 90
- changed all PTRS teams' base availability from 6/10/14 to 9/18/- + changed number of cards accordingly for the biggest numbers
- changed all PTRD teams' base availability from 9/18/27 to 12/24/-
- changed all SOLOTHURN teams' base availability from 4/8/12 to 6/12/-
- changed all PzB 39 teams' base availability from 8/12/20 to 12/24/-
- changed all 120mm mortars' availability to 4/8/12, number of cards changed accordingly where required
- changed all (mono) 37mm AA guns' availability from 3/6/9 to 4/8/(12) + number of chards changed accordingly where required
- changed all 65mm infantry support gun's availability from 4/8/12 to 5/10/15
- changed all 75-76mm AA guns' availability from 2/4/(6) to 3/6/-
- changed all 80-85mm AA guns' availability from 2/4/(6) to 3/6/-
- changed all (Soviet, allied or captured) ZEN. ART. Obr. 39 85mm's price from 90 to 85
- changed all JU-87D-5 with 20mm gunpods' availability from 3/4/6 to 3/6/9
- changed all nations' CV-33 (aka L3/35)'s price from 10 to 5
- changed all nations' HETZER's availability from 4/(8)/(12) to 5/(10)/(15)
- in Soviet (and affiliated) divisions without MATADOR tractors, the STUDEBAKER was added as transport option for 85mm AA guns.
- increased all STUKA's resilience from 6 to 9
- improved l.MG 08/15's RoF
- increased the lesser SMG's RoF slightly
- increased MP-40's accuracy slightly
- increased Hs 129 B-3's BK 7.5 75mm gun's damage from 7 to 8
- improved Mk 103 30mm (from Hs 129)'s efficiency
- SU-57 re-typed Recon Vehicle instead of Recon Tank
- decreased (all CW nations) WASP's price from 15 to 5
- decreased non-APCR M10 (but Soviet and S-African ones)'s price from 65 to 70
- improved Browning M1917A1's RoF
- changed anti-tank ZIS-3 76,2mm's ammo from 40 AP, 8 APCR & 13 HE to 35 AP, 8 APCR & 18 HE
- increased KAZAKI, KAZAKI (SVT), KAZAKI (Mosin) & KAZAKI (PPSh)'s HP from 9 to 12
- increased KAZAKI (PPSh)'s price from 15 to 20
- swapped KAZAKI KOMROTI's 6x SVT for 6x PPSh
- added MORSKAYA RAZVEDKA's some Molotov
- added OSNAZ's some smoke grenades
- decreased TANKO KOMROTI's price from 30 to 25
- decreased GORNOSTRELKI's price from 25 to 20
- decreased OSNAZ SNAYPERI's price from 25 to 20
- decreased ISU-122S' price from 155 to 145
- decreased KhT-130's price from 15 to 5
- decreased VALENTINE IX's price from 45 to 35
- decreased CHURCHILL IV's price from 45 to 35
- decreased CHURCHILL VI's price from 45 to 35
- decreased CHURCHILL AVRE's price from 50 to 40
- decreased MATILDA II's price from 25 to 20
- decreased T-60 RAZVEDKA's price from 30 to 25
- decreased KV-85's price from 105 to 100
- decreased ISU-122's price from 145 to 135
- changed AVTO. SHTRAFNIKI (OF.)'s base availability from 6/9/- to 6/12/-
- changed GVARDYIA's base availability from 9/18/27 to 12/24/36
- changed STRELKI's base availability from 9/18/27 to 12/24/36
- changed ISU-122's base availablity from 2/4/(6)- to 3/(6)/-
- changed ISU-122S' base availability from 1/3/4 to 2/4/-
- changed T-34/76 KOMROTI's base availablity from 2/(4)/(6) to 3/(6)/-
- changed KV-1S KOMROTI's base availablity from 2/(3or4)/- to 3//
- changed (Soviet) P-39Q AIRACOBRA's base availablity from 2/4/8 to 3/6/9
- changed NKVD's availability from 4/6/8 to 6/12/18 but number of cards decreased from 2 to 1
- changed (Soviet & allied) ZEN. ART. Obr. 39 85mm's price from 90 to 85
- changed VZVOD PTR's base availability from 3/6/(9) to 5/10/. In Bakthin, 2 cards of -//9 changed into 1 card of //15.
- changed SU-76 TP's base availability from 4/8/12 to 5/10/15
- changed SU-76I KOMROTI's base availability from 2// to 3//
- changed U2-LNB TAMAN with 2x 100kg bombs's base availability from 6/9/- to 9//
- changed U2-LNB TAMAN with 4x 50kg bombs's base availability from 6/9/- to 9//
- changed U2-LNB TAMAN with 6x 50kg bombs's base availability from 4/8/- to 8//
- changed LaGG-3-4 with 50kg bombs's base availability from 2/4/8 to 4/8/-
- changed LaGG-3-4 with 100kg bombs's base availability from 2/4/8 to 3/6/9
- changed LaGG-3-4 with VAP-250 bombs's base availability from 1/2/4 to 2/4/-
- changed PE-2-83 with 10x 132mm HE rockets' base availability from 1/2/4 to 2/4/-
- changed PE-2-83 with 10x 132mm (ROFS 132) rockets' base availability from 1/2/4 to 2/4/6
- changed A-20C BOSTON with 20x 50kg bombs' base availability from 1/4/7 to 3/6/9
- changed IL-2M with VAP-250 napalm bombs' base availability from 1/2/4 to 2/4/-
- changed IL-2M with PTAB bomblets' base availability from 1/2/4 to 2/4/-
- changed IL-4 with 305mm rockets' base availability from 1/2/4 to 2/4/-
- changed (Soviet only) M10's base availability from 4/8/12 to 5/10/15
- decreased DESANT. PM-38 120mm's price from 95 to 90
- (2GvTK) added one card of T-34/85 RAZVEDKA
- (3GvTK) removed one 2-pt AA slot
- (3GvTK) added one 2-pt RECO slot
- (3GvTK) changed one 3-pt RECO slot into a 2-pt one
- (3GvTK) changed one 4-pt INF slot into a 3-pt one
- (7Mek) removed one 2-pt SUPP slot
- (7Mek) added one 2-pt AT slot
- (7Mek) changed one 3-pt INF slot into a 2-pt one
- (9Kav) unlocked EMSHA's Phase C
- (10GvTK) changed one 4-pt INF slot into a 3-pt one
- (10GvTK) changed one 3-pt SUPP slot into a 2-pt one
- (29TK) changed one 5-pt & one 4-pt INF slots into a 4-pt & 3-pt ones respectively
- (184SD) added one card of 3// M3L KOMROTI
- (Bezug) added one card of A-19 122mm howitzer
- (Bezug) changed one 4-pt INF slot into a 3-pt one
- (Bezug) removed one 2-pt ART slot
- (Bezug) added one 2-pt AT slot
- (Vyborg) added one card of T-60 RAZVEDKA
- (7Est) added one card of T-60 RAZVEDKA
- decreased SZARE SZEREGI's price from 25 to 20
- decreased ZWIAD KONNY's price from 25 to 20
- changed KARABIN PPANC. PTRD's base availability from 6/10/14 to 9/18/-
- decreased all M1A1 HOWZ. 75mm's price from 60-55 to 50
- increased M4A1 RHINO's price from 85 to 90
- increased M4(75)'s price from 80 to 85
- decreased ASSAULT BREACHER's price from 30 to 25
- decreased M2A1 HOWZ. 75mm's price from 75 to 70
- decreased M4 HST's price from 10 to 5
- decreased NISEI LDR's price from 35 to 30
- changed RANGERS ASLT.'s availability from 4/6/- to 3/6/-
- (BRO) changed ASSAULT LDR.'s base availability from 2 to 3
- (BRO) BAZOOKA now available from A
- (Butler) changed CMD M4A1's base availability from 2// to 2/4/-
- (Butler) added one card of 3// CMD M5A1
- (Butler) added WC-25 trucks as transport option whereas WC-52 were available
- changed OX & BUCKS' Stek Mk. III for Sten Mk.V
- decreased AB PARAS' price from 30 to 25
- replaced (British) CONV. GUNNER a rifle with a Bren LMG + increased price from 15 to 20
- decreased SPITFIRE MK.IXe (4x 150mm rockets)'s price from 130 to 115
- decreased HUMBER MK.IV's price from 25 to 20
- changed British RIFLES's base availability from 9/18/27 to 12/24/36
- changed INDIAN RIFLES's base availability from 9/18/27 to 12/24/36
- changed MOSQUITO FB. VI with 6x 113kg rockets' base availability from 1/4/6 to 2/4/6
- changed AB CAN. PARAS & LEADER's Stek Mk. III for Sten Mk.V
- changed DIGGERS's base availability from 9/18/27 to 12/24/36
- decreased S. African 6-PDR PORTEE 57mm's price from 40 to 25
- increased KATADROMIS MX's strength from 8 to 12 HP (+4 Lee Enfields)
- decreased PA TOP 75mm's price from 85 to 75
- changed LOVCI TENKOVA's base availability from 6/12/18 to 9/18/-
- decreased FFI CANON AC 25mm SA-L's price from 15 to 10
- changed VOLTIGEURS's base availability from 9/18/27 to 12/24/32
- changed CANON DE 75mm M1928's price from 60 to 50
- changed BIMP's availability from 6/9/12 to 6/12/-
- decreased GAUB. BOFORS 36 75mm's price from 50 to 40
- decreased PVO. SHKODA 37 80mm's price from 90 to 80
- decreased PTO. SHKODA 37 37mm's price from 25 to 10
- changed GAUB. SCHNAIDER 220mm TR's availability from 1/2/4 to 2/4/-
- increased MOTOPEHOTA's base availability from 9/18/27 to 12/24/36
- (Broni.) changed PANZER 38(t)'s base availability from 10// to 14// (vet0)
- (Broni.) HMGs (both) now have access to SHTAER 640 as transport option
- changed PARACADUTISTI's availability from 9/18/27 to 12/24/32
- (D9I) changed FLAK 38 20mm's cards from 2x 6// to 1x 6/9/12
- (D9I) add 1 card of 20mm AA gun
- (D9I) add 1 card of 75mm AA gun
- increased Fs-STURMPIONIER & STURMPIONIER's price from 20 to 25
- decreased Fs-GrWr. 81mm KURZ's price from 65 to 55
- added GEP. PZ.GRENADIER (MP-44) some Molotov
- added SS-AUSBILDER the Discipline trait
- decreased Geb. 36 75mm's price from 45 to 50
- decreased GebH. 316(f) 100mm's price from 80 to 70
- decreased s.FH. 317(j) 100mm's price from 75 to 70
- decreased le.FH. 14/19(t) 100mm's price from 65 to 60
- decreased le.FH. 16 105mm's price from 70 to 60
- decreased LORRAINE(f) 105mm's price from 80 to 70
- decreased PaK 41 GERLICH 75mm's price from 80 to 65
- decreased FLAK M.39(r) 85mm's price from 85 to 80
- decreased FLAK M.36(f) 75mm's price from 80 to 75
- decreased FLAK M.17/35(f) 75mm's price from 80 to 75
- decreased RABA VR 76,5mm's price from 80 to 75
- decreased FLAK 38 20mm (sf)'s price from 40 to 35
- decreased GEPARD's price from 45 to 40
- decreased SDKFZ 11 FLAK 20mm's price from 50 to 45
- decreased SDKFZ. 11 DRILLING's price from 50 to 45
- decreased STEYR 1500 DRILLING's price from 50 to 30
- decreased AUFKL.PZ. 742(r)'s price from 25 to 20
- decreased SS-LEGIONARI's price from 25 to 20
- decreased GRENADIER (15W)'s price from 20 to 15
- decreased SS-GEB. PIONIER FÜH.'s price from 30 to 25
- decreased SS-GEB. FÜH.'s price from 30 to 25
- decreased SS-GEB. FUSILIER's price from 30 to 25
- decreased BRANDENBURG FÜH.'s price from 30 to 25
- decreased Fs.-BRANDENBURG AUFK.'s price from 30 to 25
- decreased ERSATZTRUPPEN's price from 15 to 10
- decreased SPW AB 43 47mm's price from 40 to 30
- decreased AUFK. PANZER 38(t)'s price from 35 to 30
- decreased STUG III F/8's price from 60 to 55
- decreased SDKFZ. 251/7's price from 10 to 5
- decreased CHETNIK's price from 25 to 20
- decreased MEK's price from 30 to 25
- decreased PANZER 40R(f)'s price from 20 to 15
- decreased FLAMMPZ. 251/16's price from 20 to 15
- decreased Fs.-JÄGER (ZF)'s price from 40 to 35
- decreased s.PZB. 41 28mm's price from 15 to 10 + changed its base availablity from 6/(9)/- to 9//
- decreased WURFRAHMEN 35H(f) 280mm's price from 120 to 100
- decreased JÄGER PIONIER's price from 30 to 25
- decreased FLAK M36(f) 75mm's price from 90 to 80
- decreased STUG III F/8's price from 65 to 60
- decreased SPW ADGZ's price from 30 to 25
- decreased 28/39M 80mm's price from 90 to 80
- decreased FK 288(r) 76,2mm's price from 45 to 40
- decreased PAK 43 KRUPP 88mm's price from 110 to 105
- decreased SDKFZ 250/8's price from 25 to 20
- decreased SDKFZ 250/10's price from 20 to 15
- decreased SDKFZ 251/7's price from 10 to 5
- decreased SDKFZ 251/9's price from 20 to 15
- decreased U304(f) PAK's price from 10 to 5
- decreased JAGDPANZER GAZELLE's price from 15 to 10
- decreased SDKFZ. 251/10's price from 10 to 5
- decreased WESPE's price from 75 to 70
- decreased GEBH. 40's price from 70 to 65
- increased KADETEN's base availability from 9/18/- to 12/24/-
- decreased SDKFZ 251/17's price from 30 to 20
- decreased SDKFZ 251/21's price from 30 to 20
- increased SS-AUSBILDER's base availability from 2// to 3//
- decreased SS-WACHE's price from 15 to 10
- increased SS-WACHE (Bren)'s base availability from 12/24/- to 18/36/-
- increased KM KUSTENPOLIZEI's base availability from 4/6/- to 4/8/-
- decreased KM BOOT BESATZUNG's price from 35 to 30
- decreased SPW 234/1's price from 40 to 35
- decreased AUFKL.PANZER III M's price from 50 to 45
- decreased WALKÜRE's price from 25 to 20
- decreased SS-REITENDE FÜH.'s price from 30 to 25
- decreased FLAK M.31(r) 88mm's price from 105 to 95
- decreased PAK 37(t) 47mm's price from 35 to 30
- decreased STUG M43 90/53's price from 65 to 60
- decreased GD STURMGRUPPE (MG)'s price from 25 to 20
- decreased REITER FÜHRER's price from 30 to 25
- decreased SPW 204(f) CDM's price from 20 to 15
- decreased SPW 204(f)'s price from 15 to 10
- decreased STUG III E's price from 25 to 20
- decreased STUKA ZU FUSS's price from 140 to 125
- decreased PANZERJÄGER 35R(f)'s price from 25 to 20
- decreased LANDES. FÜHRER's price from 30 to 25
- decreased LW PIONIER FÜH's price from 25 to 20
- decreased PANZERJÄGER BREN(e)'s price from 15 to 10
- decreased Fs-STURMJÄGER's price from 40 to 35
- decreased SPW 221 PzB41's price from 10 to 5
- decreased PANZER T-34/85(r)'s price from 95 to 90
- decreased T-28E's price from 35 to 30
- decreased FK 288/1(r) 76,2mm's price from 65 to 60
- changed STUG III F/8's base availability from 4/8/(12) to 5/10/15, on par with StuG III G
- changed STUG III F/8's ammo from 49 AP & 5 HE to 36 AP & 18 HE
- changed MARDER III F-22's base availability from 4// to 5//
- changed SICHERUNGS WEST's base availability from 12/24/32 to 9/18/27 + price decreased from 20 to 15
- changed GRENADIER's base availability from 9/18/27 to 12/24/36
- changed GRENADIER (MG-26)'s base availability from 9/18/27 to 12/24/36
- changed CHETNIK's availability from 3/6/9 to 5/10/15
- changed GRENADIER (MG-099)'s availability from 9/18/27 to 12/24/32
- changed SPERRVERBAND's availability from 6/9/- to 9//
- changed RONA PIONIER's availability from 5/10/- to 6/12/-
- changed LVF CHASSEURS' availability from 4// to 6//
- changed GebH. 40 105mm's availability from 3/6/9 to 4/8/-
- changed U304(f) FLAK's availability from 4/8/12 to 5/10/15
- changed STUG III E's base availability from 3// to 4//
- changed BEGLEIT FÜHRER's base availability from 2// to 3//
- changed BEGLEIT GRENADIER's base availability from 6/9/(12) to 6/12/-
- changed PANZER III G's base availability from 2/4/- to 4//
- changed PANZER T-34/76(r) ROA's base availability from 2/4/6 to 3/6/-
- changed WESPE's base availability from 2/4/6 to 3/6/9 + decreased from 3 to 2 cards when 3 available
- changed REITENDE JÄGER's base availability from 9/18/27 to 12/24/32
- changed STOSSTRUPPEN's base availability from 6/12/18 to 8/16/(24)
- changed AUFKL.PANZER I C's base availability from 6/12/18 to 9/18/- + price decreased from 15 to 10
- changed FELDGENDARMERIE's availability from 4/6/8 to 6/12/18 but number of cards decreased from 2 to 1
- changed STUG M43 105/25's base availability from 2/4/8 to 4/8/-
- changed PAK 41 GERLICH 75mm's base availability from 3/5/8 to 4/8/-
- improved FW 190D-9's agility
- changed ME-410 A-1 with 2x 250kg bombs' base availability from 1/2/4 to 2/4/6 + number of cards decreased from 2 to 1
- changed Hs 129 B-2/R2's price from 105 to 120 (being now much more efficient)
- changed Hs 129 B-2/R4 with 6x 50kg bombs' base availability from 1/2/4 to 3/4/6
- changed Hs 129 B-3's base availability from 1/2/4 to 2/4/(8) + number of cards decreased from 2 to 1
- changed Bf 109 G6/R4's base availability from 2/4/6 to 3/6/9
- increased Fs-GrW 120mm's price from 85 to 90
- decreased HG ERSATZ's price from 15 to 10
- (5Pz) changed one 2-pt RECO slot into a 1-pt one
- (5Pz) added one 2-pt RECO slot
- (5Pz) changed one 4-pt INF slot into a 3-pt one
- (5Pz) removed one 2-pt AA slot
- (5SS) removed SDKFZ. 251/1 as transport option for BEOBACHTER
- (5SS) removed one (unused) 4-pt AA slot
- (5SS) addded one 2-pt SUPP slot
- (9Pz) added 251/10 as transport option for PANZERSCHRECK
- (21Pz) replaced one card of MARDER I with one of the recently added MARDER I H-39, as historically fitting
- (26Pz) added SDKFZ. 251/7 & 251/10 as transport option for PANZERSCHRECK
- (28Jag) added two cards of PAK 40 (from attached Art. PaK Abt. 1058)
- (91LLD) added one extra card of PAK 40 75mm
- (116PzD) changed JAGDPANZER IV's number of card from 1x A/B/- one to 2x full ones
- (352ID) added one card of PANTHER A FÜH.
- (352ID) changed le.FH 16 105mm's base availability from 3/6/9 to 4/8/12 + number of cards decreased from 3 to 2
- (FGP) changed le.FH 16 105mm's base availability from 3/6/9 to 4/8/12 + number of cards decreased from 3 to 2
- (Kessel) added 38M BOTOND A as transport option for 40M 40mm
- (Koruck) changed one 4-pt AT slot into a 3-pt one
- (Koruck) changed one 3-pt AT slot into a 2-pt one
- (Koruck) changed one 3-pt INF slot into a 2-pt one
- (Ross.) added a pool of SPA-38R trucks
- (Tatra) changed PANZER 38(t)'s base availability from 9/12/- to 12// (vet1)
- decreased LT. PIONIERI CALĂRI's price from 35 to 25
- decreased R-2's price from 20 to 10
- decreased POTEZ 63's price from 50 to 40
- decreased RECRUTI's price from 15 to 10
- decreased BREDA AC 47mm's price from 40 to 35
- decreased TACAM R-2's price from 40 to 35
- decreased TACAM T-60's price from 35 to 30
- changed TACAM R-2's base availability from 4/8/12 to 5/10/15
- changed TACAM T-60's base availability from 4/8/12 to 5/10/15
- changed IAR-81M with 1x 225kg & 2x 50kg bombs' availability from 1/2/4 to 2/4/6
- changed VANATORI DE CARE R-35's base availability from 6/12/- to 12//
- changed ROȘIORI P.M.'s base availability from 9// to 12//
- changed KERÉKPÁROSOK's base availability from 9/(18)/- to 12/(24)/-
- decreased HUSZAROK (MG-42)'s price from 30 to 25
- decreased 39M CSABA's price from 15 to 10
- decreased 40m 40mm's price from 35 to 30
- changed TÁRTALEK ÁRKÁSZOK's base availability from 8/12/- to 8/16/-
- changed Me 210 CA-1 (40mm)'s base availability from 1/2/4 to 2/4/6, and number of cards decreased from 2 to 1
- (12Tart) ÁRKÁSZOK removed from the division, replaced with TÁRTALEK ÁRKÁSZOK
- (12Tar) added one card of CSENDÖR
- (Lovas) added 37M KRUPP as transport option for LÖVESZ & HUSZÁROK (MG-42)
- decreased SISSI (KEV)'s price from 30 to 25
- decreased SISSI's price from 30 to 25
- decreased NOSTOVAKI's price from 20 to 15
- replaced RATSUVÄKI a rifle with a Suomi
- decreased RATSUVÄKI (KPÄÄL)'s price from 30 to 25
- changed JÄÄKÄRI (KPÄÄL)'s base availability from 2/4/6 to 3/6/9
- (PsD) decreased JÄÄKAÄRI (KPÄÄL)'s number of cards from 3 to 2
- (PsD) added one card of SOTAPOLIISI
- (Raap) added one card of SOTAPOLIISI
- decreased OBICE 100/17 DA 100mm's price from 75 to 65
- decreased G.N.R. ESPLORATORI's price from 20 to 15
- decreased CANNONE 90/53 CA 90mm's price from 125 to 110
- increased GNR's base availability from 9/18/27 to 12/24/36
- increased M13/40 COMANDO's base availability from 2/4/- to 3/6/-
- increased M15/42's base availability from 6/12/- to 8/16/-
- decreased ALPINI COMANDO's price from 30 to 25
- decreased C.202 XII FOLGORE price from 65 to 45
- changed BERSAGLIERI's availability from 3/6/9 to 4/8/12
- changed PARACADUTISTI's availability from 9/18/27 to 12/24/32
- changed OBICE 75/13 availability from 3/6/9 to 5/10/15
- changed ALPINI's availability from 9/18/27 to 12/24/36
- changed CANONE DA 90/53 90mm's availability from 2/4/6 to 3/6/-
- increased KRO. LEGIONARE's base availability from 9/18/27 to 12/24/32
- increased KRO. PIONIER's base availability from 5/10/- to 6/12/-
- decreased TAR TANKAS MEDŽ.'s price from 10 to 5
- added TAR TANKAS MEDŽ. some Smoke grenades