Reentry has been patched to 0.99.34

In this minor patch I address some issues related to the Gemini electrical power system, fix some visual holes in the Command Module interior, improve Mercury re-entry and continue to iterate on the VR Mouse Cursor.
Gemini Electrical System and the OAMS/Squib bus
I have spent quite some time with the Gemini Electrical Power System for this patch, improving the internal logic of the various components of it. The most visible outcome of this are fixes to reported issues around the OAMS/Squib bus and the voltmeter.
Squib batteries 1 and 2 power the OAMS bus. While monitoring S1 and S2 on the voltmeter, you would previously see a very low voltage, indicating a malfunction. This has now been fixed. This also fixes the pre-launch Abort and squib checks where you are checking if this system works correctly, a test that you were not able to pass earlier.

Command Module Interior Holes
There has been some small visual holes in the Command Module interior where you could see the sunlight and exterior. I have modified the 3d model of the cockpit to fix some of these holes and added a layer to close most of the ones I have found.

Mercury entry attitude
I had previously removed the logic where a game over is triggered if the heat shield was unable to protect the hull of the capsule from the heat during atmospheric re-entry. If you now dive sharp-end-forward into the atmosphere, you will burn up, so keep the heat shield in front of the hull (retrograde direction).
VR Mouse Cursor
After the improvements from the previous patch I have dived into fixing the reported issue of the mouse cursor offset, that has prevented some players to move the mouse cursor far enough up. I have not been able to reproduce this issue on my setup but I found an issue that could potentially cause this. Let me know if this fixes the issue, improve it or if it has made it worse.
I also used the fixes from the previous patch to better render the mouse cursor at the depth/distance of the component you are looking at. This should make it easier to aim at the switches you wish to interact with.
Thanks to BazzaLB for testing and feedback.
The next todo item for the VR Mouse Cursor is to figure out how to hide the models of the hands, as they are not in use while in VR Mouse Cursor mode.
0.99.34 release notes:
- Updates to the Gemini Electrical Power System -> Squib logic
- Fixes to the Gemini Voltmeter who indicated a low voltage on the OAMS S1/S2 bus
- Fixed the CM Interior holes
- Re-enabled and fixed the Mercury entry capsule orientation check and flow logic, triggering game over if head shield is unable to protect the hull.
- Corrections to the VR Mouse Cursor position, creating an offset to allow the cursor to travel further up. I am not having this issue so I am unable to reproduce it, but let me know if this fixes the issue you were having related to this
- Added logic that sets the VR Mouse Cursor depth/distance from camera to the colliders you are looking at. This still needs more tuning but let me know if this initial fix helps with the depth.