Update 0.99.56: Bug Fixes, QOL, VR improvements, translation updates

The 0.99.56 update contains fixes to reported issues, language updates and improvements to VR. It adds Russian language support for all Gemini missions. You can see the full patch notes below.
Note: If this update gives you issues, you can revert to a previous build using the Steam Betas tab.
Resolution Settings
I have improved the resolution settings dropdown to reverse the shown values, reduced its content size and added a better scrollbar to let you correctly set the resolution.

The resolution items available in this list are fetched from the device, but if it for some reason does not contain a resolution you know you can support, you can use the in-game console to set this to any other value, like 3440x1440:
s -resolution 3440 1440 1
Apollo TLI Tool
I have made some fixes and corrections to the logic of the TLI tool, and changed the value of the estimated time to reach the closes point of the Moon (Lunar Pe). It should now show the GET/MET of Pe passing. You can now use this to easier plan your journey and LOI burn.

Virtual Reality (VR)

I have added a VR Panel State Loading Screen shown once you are loaded into a mission. This is visible while aligning and setting up the state of the mission, just like the preparing cockpit state screen you are used to in flat mode.
The VR Cursor ray casting logic and UI ray cast blocking logic has been improved to prevent 2d UI to interfere with panel interactions. This caused for some players an issue where they would get stuck due to not being able to interact with the panels.

I have also rolled out a feature for testing where the mouse cursor is confined to the screen during VR play.
Another feature I have rolled out for testing is to make a separate Camera Points file for VR, as you might want to modify or differentiate the default camera snap points in standard or VR play. The files are for example named CameraPoints.json and CameraPoints_vr.json.
Big thanks to ataribaby and John F for testing and providing great VR feedback.

A big thanks to Kind_Stone (Discord) for translating all the Gemini missions to Russian. The games UI, Mercury Missions and Gemini Missions should now be fully translated into Russian and has been made available in this patch for testing.
I have also made some improvements to the language tools to trim the translated strings.

0.99.56 patch notes:
- Fixes to the Resolutions Settings dropdown
- Breaking fix for Mercury-Redstone 3 historic mission (Russian version)
- Apollo: Fixed the estimated time to reach Lunar Pe in the TLI planner
- Gemini: Fixed camera tool listing
- VR: Additional fixes to the VR Mouse Cursor casting and UI blocking logic
- VR: Panel State Loading Screen
- VR: Confine mouse cursor to Game Window
- VR: Added Camera Snap Point files for standard (CameraPoints.json) and VR (CameraPoints_vr.json)
- VR: Prevent access to unsupported external views
- Translation: Gemini Academy, Scenarios, Free Play and Historic missions translated to Russian
- Translation: Fixed string trimming issue in the Campaign Descriptor Translation Tool
- Minor fixes to various missions and panel state corrections
- Typo fixes