Update 0.99.42: One Giant Leap, Mission & Language Updates, Bug Fixes

This update focuses on the journey to 1.0 where I have corrected reported issues, added a new achievement for testing (One Giant Leap), improved rendezvous calculations & logic, added rendezvous plotting graphs, and added a lot of capabilities to language support.
A lot of core features has been changed in this patch making me a bit nervous about it. I have done a lot of testing but if this update gives you issues, you can revert to a previous build using the Steam Betas tab. The previous update is on branch: Reentry Version 0.99.41
Rendezvous Burn improvements
Rendezvous is initially one of the hardest things in the game. It takes time and patience to fully understand how it works. However, once you have done it a few times, it gets quite easy.
In order to make rendezvous simpler I have added some new logic that both improves the internal calculations on my end, but also exposes a clever parameter to help you manually correct your trajectory after the burn. GoForPDI on the Discord Server suggested to expose the "Closest Distance at Apogee to target" parameter.
How does it work?
After you have executed the initial Rendezvous burn from a Circular Orbit (important), you can open the Mission Pad -> Map tab to see the details of the target vehicles orbital parameters. In this list you can find the estimated closest distance to the target once you reach Apogee (dAP, ΔAP = ___ nmi). Once your burn is complete, you can translate UP/DOWN/FWD/AFT to tune this value down to something close to ~0.2 nmi. By translating you change the arrival location at Ap forward, aft, up and down.
This parameter is added to Gemini/Gemini, Gemini/Agena, LM/CSM (lunar ascent) and CSM/Skylab rendezvous.
So far testing has been very good and I have been able to rendezvous very close to the targets each time (no longer hitting those ~10k to 30k ft distances from target).

I would recommend you to test this out and practice Rendezvous using the Project Gemini -> Scenarios -> III - RENDEZVOUS BURN TRANINIG mission.

Rendezvous Plot
To add some tools related to Rendezvous I have created a relative motion graph where the target vehicle is at 0,0 on the graph and your relative position is plotted against it (LVLH). This can help you see your path towards the target, and there on the LVLH horizon the target vehicle is.

In the image below you can see that I am slightly below and in front of Agena. You can use the Rendezvous Radar and configure the Attitude Indicator needles to point you towards Agena and center it in your window.

This plot can be found under Mission Tools (Gemini) -> Data Forms & Charts, and Crew Members (Apollo). This plotter exist for Gemini/Gemini, Gemini/Agena, LM/CSM (lunar ascent) and CSM/Skylab, just as the dAP parameter above.
Language Updates
I have continued to decoupled hundreds of "hardcoded" UI elements to support translation. A lot already existed but tools such as the Crew Members, Mission Tools, Mission Debrief and other elements did not have translation support. All of these has been added to the translation files.
During testing, the previous translation support was restricted to Mercury missions only. This has now been applies to all programs. The mission system has also been updated to support migrating translations if the source (English) file is changed.
The translation tools has been improved based on feedback from the translators. You can find the tools from the Main Menu -> Contribute screen:

Each of these tools has been designed to simplify translation, however, the files are all in JSON so it can be done in any text editor or Visual Studio Code for example:

We are now stepping into a more focused phase of translations. If you wish to help with translations, be sure to step by our Discord channel and let me know, and I'll walk you through where we are, and the process.
The Language repos exist here:
Language Support
Multiple contributors has submitted translations to both the User Interface and some of the missions. Recently there has been a lot of activity here and I have pulled in the latest contributions from the Repo to let us start testing and checking how the system works.
Based on a lot of requests I have also developed a simple auto-translation bot that can automate translations of Missions. The intent with this tool is to not get perfect translations (they can be quite bad), but something that could work as a base, and still let you experience the game without understanding English. This could then be improved by contributors or proper language services if I can find the extra spend.
One Giant Leap
The One Giant Leap is a new achievement that has been frequently request. This patch releases a testing version of it. The achievement will unlock if you start an Apollo mission from the Pad, Walk on the Moon and return to a safe splashdown back on Earth without using Save States.

Campaign mission completion fixes
I have tried to correct the issue that causes Campaign missions to complete themselves. I have not been able to reproduce the issue but I have a feeling of what it could be. The patch contains the fix, please let me know if it helps.
SIVB Attitude Hold
I have improved the SIVB logic to better hold attitude after CSM/SIVB sep by default (missions can already command its fixed attitude hold target, like in the Apollo 13 campaign), and during TDE where the missions don't specifically program a fixed attitude hold for it. This will now make the SIVB more stable and hold attitude during free play, academy lessons, etc. The attitude hold will be set to the current attitude it has during separation.
As mentioned, both the separation attitude and extraction attitude can currently be configures in the details of a Mission, so this only applies to missions where this data is not set.

Atmosphere & Star Rendering fixes
Two very different things but I have spent some minor time trying to fix some bugs in atmosphere rendering, and made some improved logic for star rendering. The main issues with the atmosphere was some hard lines breaking the immersion of the fade from Air to Space, especially visible in Mercury. I have yet to figure out the bright "shooting star" flashes.
The star renderer has also been improved to better let me control each star object. I have yet to complete this but the aim is to change their exposure settings based on if you are on the day or night side of Earth/Moon.

Skylab rendezvous and docking fixes
I have yet to be able to reproduce some strange behavior for some players who approach the Skylab. I have added some more logging to this, so please let me know if you still experience this.
Patch Notes:
- One Giant Leap achievement
- Gemini/Agena and Command Module/Skylab rendezvous: delta distance at Apogee (Mission Pad > Map)
- Rendezvous Plot Graph: Gemini/Agena, CSM/LM (Lunar Ascent), CSM/Skylab
- Campaign mission completion fixes
- Updated Rendezvous checklist and Gemini campaign to reference the new rendezvous methods
- Atmosphere Rendering fixes
- Star Rendering updates
- SIVB logic to improve attitude hold after CSM/SIVB sep and during TDE where the missions don't specifically program a fixed attitude hold for it
- Skylab rendezvous and docking fixes
- Added a lot of new translatable keys to the files, making it possible to translate more of the UI
- Merged in more UI language contribution files for:
- Chinese (partial)
- French (partial)
- Russian (partial)
- Brazil/pt (partial)
- Spanish Automatic translation testing
- Chinese (partial)