Update 0.99.40/41: A trip to Skylab

As the Holiday season is about to start for many of you, myself included, I decided to give you some new content to enjoy. This content is part of update 0.99.40 and 0.99.41.
If this update gives you issues, you can revert to a previous build using the Steam Betas tab. The previous update is on branch: Reentry Version 0.99.36
In the 2023 state update I talked about the Saturn IB and Skylab, and I know many have been asking about it and have been eager to give it a try.
In this update I have added a new alpha feature (Main Menu -> Settings, scroll down to alpha features) that will enable a preview / very early access of the Apollo Saturn IB booster, and Skylab.
This will enable a development mission for the Test Pilots. It can be found from the Apollo Free Play mission selection, and is used for testing the Saturn IB (SIB), the Milk stool and rendezvous with Skylab.
Again, this is a very hard mission, but if you have the spirit of a Test Pilot, be sure to give it a try! An achievement will be awarded for those who dock with it.

Note: Another patch for this is released, 0.99.41:
- Unlocks preliminary Save/Load State data for Skylab
- Achievement when docking with Skylab

Saturn IB comes with some changes to the panels such as the LV ENGINES lights:

I wish to thank all of you for your support, feedback, suggestions, MOCR organizing, testing and for being a part of this community - I really appreciate it!
This is a very hard mission so please be ready to fail the rendezvous, or spend time and fuel on closing in with Skylab after the rendezvous.
I recommend you do be familiar and skilled with docking through Project Gemini and its Agena missions, as well as having completed the Command Module Academy/Campaign before attempting this mission. It also helps to be familiar with the transposition and docking procedures when extracting the Lunar Module from the SIVB.
In development:
- Dedicated Saturn IB boost checklist (currently you need to use the normal Boost checklist)
- Ascent guidance to insert you closer to target inclination and a circular orbit (currently you need to circulate the orbit after insertion)
- Save/Load state support
- Undocking
- Better rendezvous burn (currently you might have to work hard to approach and get into formation flying with Skylab)
- Beacon lights and improved docking lights to make it easier to locate Skylab (currently you need to search for it after the final burns. Used the EMS ranging feature to help you)
- MOCR: SIB booster monitoring channel
How to rendezvous and dock with Skylab:
1) After insertion, complete the insertion checklists to configure the Command/Service Module for orbital mission.
2) Execute a P30/P40 maneuver to circulate the orbit at Apogee.
3) When you are in a circular orbit, use the Crew Members - Request PADs - P30 Maneuver: Rendezvous with Skylab to request a rendezvous burn.
4) After the rendezvous burn, request a Circulate at Apogee burn to match your orbit with Skylab.
5) Extend the docking probe, and once extended, set it to retract
6) Close in on the target. It can be hard to see it and the burns you executed decides how close you are to it
7) Use the skills from Project Gemini to close in with Skylab and align yourself with it
8) Use formation flying to inspect Skylab
9) Align yourself with either Skylab docking port 1 or Docking port 2.
10) Align the docking port with the Command Module COAS
11) Finalize the docking
12) Retract the docking probe by setting retract to PRIM 1.
I made a little tutorial on how to do it (will need to re-make it due to sound/mic issues). You can see it here: