Reentry has been patched to 0.99.35

This minor patch focuses on rolling out fixes to bug reports, fixes to typos, improve Save States and continues to iterate on the VR implementation.
Save State improvements
The patch covers improvements to the Save States across all programs, in addition to improving the logic for saving/loading into Gemini/Agena docked states, and improved lunar landed positioning in save states.
Virtual Reality
It also continues to iterate on the VR implementation where I have added the first bits to completely hide and disable the hand controller models during VR Cursor Mode, and it rolls out a pitch offset setting.
Game Overs
This patch also fixes various logic related to Game Overs, such as fixes to suffocation, entry G-Loads (this is off by default, change in Realism Settings), staging requirements during entry dynamics and equipment requirements such as periscope retraction.
Patch notes:
- Save state fixes: Gemini/Agena docked
- Save state fixes: Lunar surface landing positioning logic, applies to states made with version > 0.99
- A lot of minor fixes to SaveStates
- Game Over system fixes
- Minor fixes to O2 depletion
- Mercury: Retracted perioscope is now required during entry
- Academy lesson updates
- Rolled out fixes to reported typos and updated the Github repo with latest missions and historical missions
- Fixes to switch/panel component collision logic
- Updates to the normal mouse cursor depth check logic when interacting with panels & switches
- Updates to the VR mouse cursor depth check logic
- Added a setting to control the VR mouse cursor pitch offset (different based on your HMD)
- Wrote the logic to hide the hand controllers if VR mouse cursor mode is selected.
- Improvements to the Level and Xp system