Fixed Chain Lightning effect being applied to the wrong targets
Fixed gamepad zoom level being reset every End Turn
Fixed ranged attacks triggered by Challenge ability not causing shooting troops to reload
Fixed yet another edge case issue with artifact trading causing AI softlock
Tweaked bloom values to counter the brightness of Vanir's snow biome during night
Fixed leaf particles being drawn to certain other special effects
Fixed gamepad lobby tooltips not updating properly when changing settings (and likely a bunch of similar issues)
Added Ranged troop status to Grym
Fixed Vanir Bracers not giving their bonus
Fixed Cauldron map entity movement buff being stackable
Repositioned a blocker in Steadfast map to allow access to a pile of stone
Slightly changed the terrain in Dividing Fjords to allow access to a sack of gold
Prevent loading of saves from “future” versions of the game (applicable when reverting to older versions of the game, such as our “console crossplay” beta)