1. Songs of Conquest
  2. News
  3. Hotfix 1.4.10

Hotfix 1.4.10

  • Fixed missing random faction icon in player lobby
  • Fixed artifact-swapping edge case where AI would getting stuck in endless trading of artifacts
  • Fixed exception stemming from special effects trying to play on objects that have been destroyed
  • Fixed exception on Steam Deck where it was trying to use a graphics quality setting that no longer exist
  • Fixed Wielder sheet not updating artifact set bonuses
  • Fixed that Vanir DLC menu could cause an exception when being closed by using the ESC key
  • Speculative fix for issue with banners on towns that the player has not seen yet
  • Speculative fix for random crash to desktop
  • Updated Blind Hatred spell description
  • Updated Go East map with fix for impassable road and misc visual issues