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Exfil News

Build 0386 Patch Notes

Build 0386-CL4763

[h2]Main branch[/h2]

Notes: we're still looking for feedback related to the UE 5.5 engine upgrade, if you see any major visual issues let us know what settings / hardware / drivers you are using!

  • Added AI to Rogue game mode - they'll hunt for the intel pings!
  • AI difficulty setting (1-5, default 3) affects the number of enemy squads in modes
  • Added more AI spawners in Seek and Destroy & Exfil modes

[h2]Edits & Tweaks:[/h2]
  • Slightly decreased 40mm damage radius, increased minimum damage
  • Slight reduction in AI sight range and peripheral vision
  • More updates to maps for proper bullet penetration on fences, and AI sight checks for fences
  • Made AI voices more audible (still early work in progress)
  • Client mission presets are now saved in %appdata%/Exfil/Saved like other user files (no changes for dedicated servers)

  • Match settings (e.g. weather) were not applying correctly from the current mission in rotation
  • MK13 reload was silent
  • SU-25 jet flyby sound was very high pitched
  • Startup splash screens were missing

[h2]Known issues:[/h2]
  • The spectator list in lobby may sometimes become invisible, will be fixed in a future build.

Dedicated 0386

AI added to missions - BUILD 0385

BUILD 0385-CL4726 shipping

Public-Testing Branch

UPGRADE to Unreal 5.5.3
Updated DLSS v4
Added AI voices for contacts (not adjusted volumes yet)
Added Squad Patrol spawners on all maps

Added power lines and power towers to some map
Added AI patrol spawners to all map for exfil and Seek modes
Edited MGs to add more camera shake. Edits will continue
Changed AI to use visibility check on fences rather than bullet
Don't end map on Coop if one person dies on player team

Pistol Round no longer penetrate concrete
Cleaned up Cliffs around map 06 for AI and players
Spectator can adjust Night Vision
Round ends when players leave or die

0385 Dedicated

As always if any issues are encountered delete previous save and match settings folders

Notes: In the process of converting fences to penetration based collision. Some fences may not be penetrable atm.

Build 0384 Patch Notes

BUILD 0384-CL4616 shipping
Main Branch

- AI squads spawn in Seek and Destroy mode, in Renegade and Anvil maps.
- They are allied with the defending team and patrol around the map
- The AI is a work in progress, this is just a first test and we are looking for your feedback! See notes in our Discord for more details. Support for more modes and maps will be added.
- AI options are work in progress, server admins can toggle AI using AISettings.JSON. More options to tweak AI behavior will be added in the future.
- New Weapon: XM250 LMG for Bulls and Spartans
- New Weapon: MK46 LMG for Dragons and Tigers
- New Weapon: MK38 SDMR for Dragons
The new weapons are a work in progress and their animations and effects will be refined!
- HK416 has been renamed to M27 Carbine (Dragons)
- Increased muzzle flash visibility by ~200%
- Cleaned up match/server settings layout, moved some options to be under Advanced Settings. Added a separate tab for Server Settings.

- Fixed not being able to pick up ammo from 40mm ammo bags
- Fixed red dot sight size issue

0384 Dedicated

Hot Fix Build 0383

HOT FIX BUILD 0383-CL4557 shipping
Main Branch

- Edit Loadout From Main Menu
- Access the range from Main Menu training page
- Server browser should show currently selected game mode

- Edit green coloring on bulls shirt cosmetics

- Fix player cannot use escape menu when spectating
- Fix team label always displays as 'Bulls'
- Fix med packs missing from dropped backpacks

0383 Dedicated

Build 382 Patch Notes

BUILD 0382-CL4527 shipping
# Main Branch

- Players Drop Backpack upon death and items can be swapped with it
- Assists in post match combat log and death recap screens
- Add speed bar to spectator view
- Add VIP list to admin settings JSON, and update the exampleJSON files "VIP": [{"Name": "SteamID"},{"Name": "SteamID"}]
- Players who are tagged as VIP in the list, have access to a unique 'server supporter' badge on their name tag, and patch for cosmetics
- Add admin shuffle teams button
- Add admin shuffle all players button
- Add spectator text chat box

- Don't count friendly kills in the kill count of a players combat log
- Vote events now stay on screen until complete, allowing users to watch the count
- Vote events now show the result for 2s after completion before showing any queued vote events
- NPC enemies prefer to not run directly at players and die
- New reload sounds for Glock 22 Pistol
- NPC enemies prefer cover that is further from threat
- NPC enemies run from grenades
- C4 model texture updated

- Fix clan tag appears as [] when cleared
- Fix VOIP drops mid game (in particular on listen servers, or when opening the GPS in 2 hand mode)
- Fix equipment hints appear in front of briefing screen intro text segment
- Fix foliage being removed by hacks
- Fix Seek and Destroy objectives being hand placed on top of buildings and inaccessible when playing
- Fix listen server crash on startup
- Fix missing animation when healing whilst equipped with a MK13 Grenade Launcher
- Renegade Oil and Anvil map fixes

0382 Dedicated