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Exfil News

Mouse Sensitivity Hot Fix

- Vote Accept and Deny keys now bindable from input settings page

- Icon Legend updated to show correct ally icon
- In Game Menu now remembers last opened page (QOL when testing graphics options, or input slider edits)
- Make GPS widget unlit, and therefore less affected by lighting scenarios

- Mouse Sensitivity settings now accommodates latest FOV sensitivity scaling by ranging to 3x the previous max

Post Free Weekend Hot Fix

These fixes are a result of the turn out over the free weekend January 30th to February 3rd.

Thanks to those who joined EXFIL, over 60,000 footfall and 1200 CCU peak.

The discord was full of future content suggestions, bug reports and shared stories from the rounds that took place.

This update focusses on fixes, the next updates will focus on suggestions that the community have offered.

  • Latest localization from 3rd party outsourcer (no longer machine learning)
  • Enable culture switch in UI Settings Page
  • New on screen message when 'free cam' becomes available after team death whilst spectating
  • Fix water in training map acting like ocean (rise and lower dramatically)
  • Fix FOV scaling on mouse
  • Fix unknown (white) icon above wreck location after Intel is taken (spectator view)
  • Fix 'Open Combat Review' unable to interact (now uses a bound key in spectator input settings)
  • Fix Weapons not respecting unique FOV correctly per attachment
  • Fix incorrect outlines on dead player bodies
  • Fix unknown team when spectating a player who is in a Drone
  • Fix extermination win condition when last man standing in team is in a drone
  • Fix 1 hand GPS adds FOV zoom causing motion sickness and partially offscreen with certain weapons (mainly pistols)
  • Fix NVG brightness starts too low
  • Fix NVG brightness max isn't high enough
  • Fix NVG turns off if already on and quickly scrolling bar whilst held then releasing N
  • Fix GPS icons on players back to original colored dots
  • Fix Droppable items can spawn on top of building after death (mainly on floors above in mologa apartments, and in enterable trailers)
  • Fix users spawning with 2 rifles
  • Fix player could spectate other teams when last standing player if their team was in a drone if server settings are 'pov until team death'
  • Fix Operation Log missing triangle at end of player routes
  • Fix Operation Log player routes appearing above markers
  • Fix Operation log markers visible despite not yet occurring on the timeline
  • Fix localization options
  • Fix Fix being able to pick 2 GL (1 in both utility slots) and thus breaking GL ammo (both use 1 pool) if you want more ammo, take a GL ammo bag!
  • Fix Operation log breaking if users have special characters in steam name such as ™

Major Update Review EA Release to January 2025

Exfil released on December 11th 2024.

The team of 4 immediately got to work on suggestions posted to our discord.

Major Additions:
    Seek & Destroy Game Mode
    Interactive GPS update
    Fireteam and Clan Tag callsign selection
    New Pistols and Grenade Launcher
    AFK Kick
    Vote Kick
    Other Improvements

Game Additions Timeline

These changes are a direct result of playing with community, following the suggestions page, and reacting fast to requests.

December 14th:
  • Auto Kick: Our players had frustration with AFK team mates, players now get prompted if inactive and are kicked shortly after without response
  • Vote Kick: Admins can configure a vote kick system, allowing players to request a kick with reason, and requires a percentage of players to approve the kick
  • Clan Tags: Players can now set a clan tag such as [EXFL] Irontaxi, which helps players and admins identify each other when organizing teams
  • Auto Start Game: If no admins are present, the game will start a timer at the top of the lobby, counting down to match start, as long as there is more than 1 player present
  • Main Menu Overhaul: The main menu received a visual overhaul, improving readability, usability and including some news items for quick reference and links to other sites
  • Lobby layout update: Players were unaware of the timer which is now top and center of the page for awareness
  • Lobby Player count: Player count is now identified in the lobby in the header buttons Players[Num]. Previously you had to manually count the number of players in the list
  • Graphics Water Ripples: When raining the water now reacts more realistically
  • Server Options: Ping Attach to player is now an option, some players found it overpowered that a ping would attach to moving players, that can be disabled now, and the ping feature can be entirely disabled
December 17th:
  • Check Mags: Hold R to check magazine capacity, plays an animation and shows UI of magazines at the bottom of the screen
  • Default Spectate Mode to free cam: Players were frustrated at being stuck in player POV after death, the default spectate mode now allows players to enter free cam after death, this can be controlled in the match settings
  • Balancing: Armor now ricochets bullets and has less damage reduction at point blank ranges
  • Balancing: Pistol switch speed increased, it was considered too slow by players
December 20th:
  • Spectator: Spectators can now hear the mission voice lines, helping them keep track of the state of the round whilst free-camming and watching the battle commence
January 6th:
  • New Mode Seek & Destroy: Attackers must destroy one or several targets with C4, whilst defenders must eliminate the enemy team, various match settings for experimentation
  • Attachments: Ironsights added for XM7 weapon
  • Mission VO audio slider: Players can now control the volume of the mission voice lines
  • New Pistol: HK USP, with .45 ACP damage rounds
  • New Pistol: HK 45c, with .45 ACP damage rounds
  • New Pistol: Glock 22, with .40 S&W damage rounds
  • New Pistol: Beretta, with 9mm damage rounds
  • New Utility: MK13 Grenade Launcher and Deployable Ammo Bag for MK13
  • Tracers: Improved tracer visual effects
  • Mission VO: Shortened the 'mission is timed' voice over to be shorter and less intrusive during start of round
  • Balancing Claymore: Now includes a 5m radial blast instead of only forward facing damage
January 9th:
  • S&D Mode: C4 now requires deployment duration, previously it was instant placement which was considered too easy to run and plant
  • S&D Mode: When attackers enter range of an objective, they receive a UI prompt on how to equip and place the C4
  • New Mission Layers: Seek and Destroy added to Port Lobos and Camp Osprey
January 13th:
  • Interaction: Interactions now show reasons for denied interaction (such as ammo full, helicopter for different team) and includes a scroll list when multiple interactions are possible
  • Steam Cloud Saves
  • Bindings: Drone throttle (raise and lower) can now be bound to mouse
January 14th:
  • Range Sandbox: Several fixes from EA Range integration, now allows players to swap items, grenades and optics correctly
January 21st:
  • Simulation: Ice can now occur on certain maps, allowing traversal across lakes and still rivers changing map dynamics
  • Full Screen GPS: GPS can now be entered in full screen (compared to 1 hand only) allowing zoom and pan control of the map
  • Drone: GPS now shows a marker on friendly drones, which were previously invisible to GPS
  • GPS Grid: GPS now shows gridlines and numbers which help identify what the location numbers relate to and help with callouts to team
  • New Mission Layers: Renegade map now include Rogue Mission and Seek and Destroy Mission
January 26th:
  • Fireteams: Players can now select from 8 fireteams and 32 positions per fireteam in the lobby, and team roster is organized by fireteam/position, allowing organized teams better communication hierarchy, planning and strategy
  • GPS Style: 2 Hand GPS mode has several pages and Markers have been updated to Unclassified NATO Military Symbology (with some creative freedoms)
  • GPS Marker Placement: Players can now place markers in 2 hand GPS mode
  • GPS Objective List: Players can now access objective list in 2 hand GPS mode
  • GPS Callsigns: Callsigns are visible on player on GPS and their placed markers, allowing you to identify team mates on the map (previously just a colored dot)
  • GPS Team roster: Shows your team list with their callsigns, allowing you to cross reference GPS marker callsigns, and to mute player markers if a player is abusing the system
  • GPS Team chat: Allows players to chat to their team in during the match
  • GPS Icon Legend: Allows players to examine the new NATO symbology and associated meaning
  • Ballistics Debugging: Players can toggle ballistics debugging in the Range Map
  • New Map Layers: Seek and Destroy now present on all 6 maps across all Points of Interest
Whats Next?

NPC Factions have been started and exist in the Sandbox Range map for early testing. We continue to iterate each week with the plan to support PvP and PvE NPCs.

[h2]Initial Plans:[/h2]
NPC Events during PVP missions
Controlled by match settings
  • Local Forces Patrols: Patrolling and guarding at the start of a round
  • Local Forces Response: NPCs will engage with players in the mid to late game, ingress from map borders or via helicopter drop - in particular to push players to action, similar to the existing mortar mechanics
PvE missions vs NPCs
  • All Missions: All existing missions can be played versus an NPC local forces faction, or a shadowy clandestine faction, known only as ....the Vipers! More to come!
  • Territory Control: Clearing an NPC presence, and holding an AO versus NPC assault
  • Scenario Editor: Allows players to setup their own round configuration for mission start, objective, and NPC elements

Major Updates & Free Weekend Deployment Incoming!

Attention Operators,

Big news from EXFIL HQ! From January 30th to February 3rd, we’re kicking off a free weekend event, and you’re invited to join the action. Whether you’re a seasoned squad leader or just getting your boots on the ground, this is your chance to experience everything EXFIL has to offer.

Here’s what you need to know:

Free Weekend Details
  • When: January 30th – February 3rd
  • Where: Right here on Steam
  • What: Play the full EXFIL experience free of charge!

If you’ve been on the fence or itching to get your squad mates involved, now’s the perfect time to dive in.

Exclusive 20% Discount
During the free weekend, you can enlist full-time with an exclusive 20% discount on the game. Secure your copy and keep the fight going after the event ends.

Major Content Update

To make this weekend even more special, we’re deploying a significant update packed with new content:

  • Seek and Destroy Mode: A new game mode where you’ll need to locate and eliminate high-value targets. Tactical coordination is key—don’t go in alone!
  • Expanded Arsenal: Gear up with four new pistols and a grenade launcher. Whether you’re up close or covering your squad from afar, these additions give you more ways to play.
  • New GPS: large-scale redux of the GPS with a zoomed 2-handed view and a handy quick reference watch for basic bearings and information in the heat of battle!
  • Fireteams! Choose your squad assignments and break them down into fire teams. Team members are designated and tracked on the new GPS.
  • Dynamic Winter Conditions: Experience a 20% chance of frozen water in winter, introducing an unpredictable element that can dramatically alter map flow and tactical opportunities.

Hawks Haven 2v2 Tournament

On Saturday, February 1st, join us for the Hawks Haven Powered 2v2 Double Elimination Tournament. Test your skills in this intense showdown or watch the competition unfold.

Register here: https://challonge.com/feb12025

Rally Your Squad
This is a weekend you won’t want to miss. Whether you’re trying out the new Seek and Destroy mode, competing in the tournament, or just dropping in to explore the battlefield, there’s something for everyone.

Mark your calendars, sharpen your skills, and we’ll see you on January 30th!

– The EXFIL Team

Week 1 patch notes and Developer Update

Entry to Early Access

A huge thanks to our community, publisher Microprose and Development team for countless hours of maintenance, organization and play time during our Early Access entry.

Our commitment to iterative improvements and responding quickly to community continues from pre-release into early access as we play the game with active servers daily, take notes, discuss the game on discord, and update the public-testing branch.

The public-testing branch is updated several times a week, and we play together with the community to ensure we catch bugs and feedback early. These updates are then packaged together in an update to the main game.

Week 1 Patch Notes
The main focus that became critical was to smooth out the experience in regards to AFK players in the lobby and in game - who would stop the game from progressing. To tackle this AFK timers, and Vote-Kick features have been added.

We continue to support community hosted servers with a range of match and server settings, therefore the new AFK features have new admin settings to explore.

  • AFK timeout configurable by server hosts
  • AFK vote kick system configurable by hosts
  • A magazine check system with animation only for m27 and hk416 atm
  • the lobby will automatically start a timer if no admins are present
  • A main menu redesign
  • Match settings to allow pings to attach to players or not (for more hardcore server option)
  • Players can now set a [Clan Tag] which helps hosts identify groups of players when organizing / balancing teams
  • Various bug fixes (see Discord Changelog)

We hope these features help combat problematic players, and enhance and empower you all to foster a positive public server experience.

Join the Discord Community
The EXFIL Discord is growing with players who share our vision towards creating a realistic infantry combat simulation with advice and input from both players and veterans.

Whether you are a player looking for a realistic fps (that will never feature hotdog suits and unicorn fart emotes) or you are a military enthusiast or veteran who wishes to join our advisor group - please jump in and find us in discord and in game!

We have a vision to break free of gear fear and overwhelming inventory simulations of recent tactical FPS games. Our goal is to make getting into the boots of a soldier more immediate when you choose to play EXFIL, and to focus on communication, teamwork and military realism.

What's Next?
AI will be started in January, but first, we have something cooking...tick tock...

See you in game, Misultin Out.