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  3. Dev Log (12/18/2020)

Dev Log (12/18/2020)

Hello everyone,
I am back once again to show what has happened in the last 2 weeks. So within these two weeks I mainly focused on bug/stabilization fixes. This is because before I push the update, I wanna ensure that everything runs smoothly. Currently the build should be out sometime late Sunday night! This update will have singleplayer/multiplayer improvements and will be the stepping stone for modding. Once the documentation is ready I will post how to mod the game. That being said, there will most likely be bugs in Sunday's update, but I will make hotfixes as quick as I can. As it stands right now, the singleplayer saving is still not locked down, so that means there maybe a chance that saves in this update will not work in future updates. I will try to ensure that doesn't happen, but there are still some things I have to add to the saves. If I can get them all in before sunday, then disregard this little note. I have also been trying to get controller support working in the menus with some mixed results. It's very spotty, still have to stabilize that before sunday.
Now sadly I don't really have any screenshots for this dev log because of it being mostly just code changes. I can provide a screenshot of the new intro map as that did get some work, but the lighting is still kinda broken to say the least. I plan on finishing/polishing the actual gameplay portion of it as well as fix the lighting tomorrow. The textures shown in the screenshot are also subject to change. The intro is longer and will actually show you how to play the game.

This update will be called Beta 1.10 (it was originally gonna be a pre-release, however I feel that it needs more time before the game can even get into pre-release). I have no plans of rushing getting the game into full release, I am taking my time with it to ensure the game is actually good once it does come out. I hope you all understand and I hope you are all ready for the wall of text for the changelog in the next update. Next week begins the holiday season, as such I will try to make some event stuff probably on the 23rd, if I get enough time to squeeze that into the next update after Sunday's update.
Take care, stay safe, and have a wonderful weekend!