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  3. Dev Update (12/11/2020)

Dev Update (12/11/2020)

Hello everyone,
I just wanted to post a little update regarding the dev logs. So as I was making todays dev log, I noticed that once a week might be pushing it too much as I can't get as much done within a week as I can in about 2 weeks/month. So I just wanted to post a little update that the new plan for dev logs will be every 2 weeks (that is if any holidays or anything else does not fall under that time). The being said, this will not affect next week's dev log. I am merely combining this week's dev log with next weeks due to not much progress being made this week. I hope you all understand and any future changes to the dev logs will be notified in advance. I still may try doing something on the weeks where there are no dev logs just to keep the community active. The next update, is currently on the roadmap for sometime next week or the week after. That's not to say that it is confirmed within that timeframe, just that if all goes well, that will be the preferred release for the update. All changes shown thus far in previous dev logs will be in said update. I hope to see you all next friday on December 18th, please stay safe and have a wonderful weekend!