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Beasts of Bermuda News

The Enfloofening Hotfix

+Fixed: The Coahuilaceratops Hyperboreos skin now unlocks game-wide rather than server-wide if earned on a community server. Note that you may need to log onto the server you earned the Coahuilaceratops Hyperboreos skin for the skin to then be available game-wide. Also note this same error was present with the Mosasaurus Ice Blight skin as well.
+Fixed: Velo can no longer spam RMB while out of resources, causing it to spam sounds and attempt to play its animation
+Fixed: Velo's pounce sound no longer causes a stutter when the sound is stopped
+Fixed: Velo Skin Kākāpō to have Macrons in the name
+Added Velos to main menu

+Due to popular request the Jewelry-only version of the warpaint dlcs now has the option to switch on the glow layer

+Fixed: Mud and sand improperly handling subsurface scattering
+Fixed: Lens flare causing water graphical problems

The EnFloofening

[h2]New Velociraptor[/h2]
+The Velociraptor has been given an entirely new model and set of animations

+The Velociraptor can now enter a gliding state if the jump key is pressed while the velo is already in the air. While gliding, the crouch and jump keys offer control of the pitch angle. Note that holding jump only mildly improves pitch angle.
+While gliding, holding the sprint key will further improve pitch angle while gliding
+Releasing all movement keys while gliding will cause the glide to end, placing the player into freefall
+While gliding, pitch angle gradually becomes more and more angled downward. The longer you glide, the harder it is to stay aloft.
+Entering freefall and then re-entering a gliding state will refresh the pitch angle decay, allowing you to begin a fresh glide. Each time this is done, the stamina cost of doing so doubles. The baseline cost is 10 stamina, so it will cost 10, then 20, then 40, then 80, and so on to re-enter a glide. This is reset when the player touches the ground, enters a body of water, or enters the climbing state

[h3]New Velociraptor Specialization: Changyuraptor[/h3]
+The Changyuraptor, a specialization of the Velociraptor, is a quad-winged gliding specialist with feathered pantaloons
+The Changyuraptor and Velociraptor share skins, animations, and sounds. The Changyuraptor, however, has its own unique model
+Changyuraptor and Velociraptor can group by default. If servers wish to keep them separate, it can be done by editing the appropriate settings in the server's config file
+Changyuraptor is substantially better at gliding than Velociraptor. It is, however, a slower climber.
+Changyuraptor has slightly less health, damage, and weight than Velociraptor
+The Changyuraptor can use its pounce while gliding by holding down and releasing the right mouse button. It can do this to gain altitude while gliding

+Added new talent to Changyu's talent tree in talent socket M3.1, Sugar Glider
-Sugar Glider decreases how much more Stamina each successive re-entry to glide costs during one flight
-Sugar Glider also decreases the baseline Stamina cost of entering glide
+Added new talent to Changyu's talent tree at socket M3.3, Updraft
-Updraft also increases the maximum pitch angle you can fly at while holding the jump key

+Added Airborne Ambush as a new talent to both Velociraptor and Changyuraptor talent trees in socket P3.1
-This talent greatly increases damage dealt while pouncing or gliding.
+Baseline, Velociraptor can now use an ability called Intuition. It allows dodging the direction of your current movement keys when quickly pressing and releasing the Secondary Attack key
+Added new talent, Intuition, to Velociraptor's talent tree in socket S3.1
-This talent greatly reduces the cost of using Intuition
-The baseline cost of dodging is 30 Ability and 30 Stamina, which reduces significantly with talent points invested
-Note that if you flick the camera up or down quickly while using this ability, you can control the pitch angle you launch at when using dodge.

+The Velociraptor and Changyuraptor have multiple tail and crest plumage options you can choose from. There are, in total, 4 tail options and 3 crest options. Choosing no crest or tail plumage is also an option.
-Note that you won't have any crest or tail plumage by default. Crest and tail plumage can be added by going to the Character part of the skin customization UI

+The Velociraptor now has a dance emote. It requires owning the BoB OST on Steam to use
+Added Velociraptor taunt emote. It requires 100% in the Hunt Points Trial.
+Added both Velociraptor idle variant animations to the emote action wheel
+Added velo fat, skinny, incest, elder, and baby morphs

[h3]New Skins[/h3]
+New Velo Skin: Redtail by Valhalla and Twilightwolf
+New Velo skin: Snow Leopard Remake by Valhalla (originally by Misha)
+New Velo Skin: Skua by Twilightwolf & Pixeldeer
+New Velo Skin: Chimera by Valhalla
+New Velo Skin: Nuclear by Pixeldeer & Natahi4
+New Velo Skin: Charged by Omnomnivore
+New Velo Skin: Carved by Valhalla & Natahi4
+New Velo Skin: SunBather by Callie
+New Velo Skin: Kākāpō by Soals
+Added Velos Elder Eyes
+Added Velo Supporter Warpaint + Supporter Eyes Cosmetics

[h3]Misc Velo Changes[/h3]
+Velociraptor can now enter the climbing state while gliding by pressing the Ability key
+Velociraptor now enters the climbing state by using the Ability key

[h2]Winter Event 2024[/h2]
+For a limited time, players will be able to earn the new Coahuilaceratops Hyperboreos skin. Previous Winter-themed cosmetics and skins can also be earned once more at this time.
-The Hyperboreos skin was made by Valhalla and Gortys
-The skins have a glowing, bioluminescent layer.
-The skins unlock separate equippable cosmetic overlays. The Hyperboreos skin unlocks a snowy overlay and equippable icicles. The unlocked overlays and items can go on any skin of their corresponding species.

[h3]Earning the Skins:[/h3]
+To unlock the Hyperboreos skin and its Overlay, players need to find and collect Coahuilaceratops-themed idols scattered around the map.
+To unlock any previous Winter-themed cosmetic and associated overlays or other equippable items, players need to find and collect appropriately themed idols scattered around the map.
  • The idols will match the dinosaur type the cosmetic corresponds to. This Winter, you can earn cosmetics for Mosasaurus, Parasaurolophus, and Coahuilaceratops.
  • Gathering the idols will allow the player to progress through achievements associated with earning the skins.
  • The idols will be spawning on all servers and on both Life Cycle and Free Roam game modes.
  • Completing the achievement on any server will unlock access to the skin and cosmetics game-wide.

[h3]Idol Collecting Tips![/h3]
  • The idols will be found scattered across land and sea, spawning randomly anywhere carcasses spawn.
  • The Coahuilaceratops Hyperboreos skin and any previous Winter-themed, earnable skin can now be earned by collecting idols scattered around the map and returning them to a matching deity shrine.
  • All skins require gathering 50 idols that correspond with their dinosaur type. All idols must be gathered on the same server to complete the achievement and unlock the skin, but they can be individually gathered by different creatures or during different lives.
  • Idols show up on the compass when nearby with a color themed for the deity shrine they belong to
  • Turning in an idol will show achievement progress in the top-right corner of the screen
  • You should also be able to view the progress you've made towards unlocking both the event skins by viewing the corresponding achievements in the achievements gallery's Limited Time Events page

[h2]Mechanics Changes[/h2]
+Nest Raiders can now get food out of empty looking or incompletely filled carcasses dropped by juvenile dinosaurs that would otherwise be non-interactable or have very little food value. Full carcasses do not provide additional food to baby snatchers.
-Carcasses cannot contain more total food than the creature that dropped it ate in total. This was added a while back to combat self-feeding behaviors and to make fresh spawns not an enticing kill for players to hunt, but it also adversely affected the Nest Raider talent. The above change allows only Nest Raiders to bypass this mechanic, getting access to the full carcass value of food regardless of whether or not the dropper of that carcass ate food or not before dying. Full 5/3 Nest Raider allows 100% access to all the remaining, unfilled food value that would otherwise be absent in a carcass. Lower point values of Nest Raider only allow partial access. Nest Raiders eating from a carcass will deplete the hidden Nest Raider food first.
-Nest Raiders will see carcasses with more meat on them if they contain this hidden food that only they can interact with and eat.
-Legging a carcass does not pull Nest Raider food off the carcass. It always stays with the original carcass.
+Disabled Ability key climbing toggle from controls settings. The Ability key is now always used to enter the climbing state.

[h2]QoL Changes[/h2]
+QoL: Improvements to how the moon direct light is handled. It should now be brighter and easier to see at dusk and dawn on all maps.
+QoL: Public branch Velociraptors now get a specialization reset. Skins from public branch should select the best-matching new velo skin.
+QoL: Servers now spawn a world event immediately upon booting up. The first world event has no countdown timer and is immediately active. Additional world events will continue to spawn as normal.
+Added Shape_Plane_Snow and SM_Cube_Snow to the foliage placement tool

+Added looping Save Select and Dino Select music tracks to their respective UIs
+Added new Near Combat music. This music plays when you are near members of your group that are engaged in a fight but are not in the fight yet yourself.

[h2]Balance Changes[/h2]
+Balance: The talent Resilience now adds comfort for beached aquatics
+Balance: The talent Arboreal now increases the rate at which you regenerate Ability, Stamina, Comfort, and Health. With full talent investment, these match their resting regeneration rates.
+Balance: The talent Wing Tear now also applies its damage increasing effect to Velo and Changyu if they are gliding. Note that Velo and Changyu are injury immune, meaning no additional injury damage will be dealt.

+Changyuraptor's base bite damage is 25. Velo's is 33
+Changyuraptor's base health is 110. Velo's is 125
+Changyuraptor's size is 110. Velo's is 120
+Changyuraptor's gliding stats are substantially better than Velo's
+Changyuraptor's sprint speed is 760. Velo's is 815

+Balance: Elasmosaurus now has Out of Element in its P3.3 talent socket

+Balance: Kronosaurus now has Out of Element in its P3.3 talent socket

+Improved Megaraptor Slash Attack hitbox

+Balance: Mosasaurus now has Out of Element in its P3.3 talent socket

+Balance: Palaeophis now has the same dietary requirements as Mosasaurus, and cannot eat fish food without risking getting sick
+Balance: Palaeophis is no longer considered a piscivore. This means Chinlea give substantially less food and give negative comfort bias when eaten.
+Balance: Regurgitating now costs 25 Ability Power baseline. The talent Ready to Run reduces this cost.
+Balance: The Palaeophis can no longer use its primary attack while darting, resulting in it doing more damage than intended
+Balance: Adjusted how venom damage is calculated such that the Palaeophis cannot deal more venom damage than it would with a 2:1 weight advantage vs its opponent. This prevents it dealing very high levels of venom damage to very small weight class creatures such as Velociraptor and Oryctodromeus.

+Balance: Saichania now resists 50% of all venom damage

+Balance: Velociraptor now has Tough Stomach in place of Adrenaline
+Balance: Reduced Velociraptor pounce leap stamina cost to 25, down from 40
+Balance: Velociraptor no longer consumes stamina while coiling its pounce leap
+Balance: Velociraptor can now continue to hold its pounce leap indefinitely until RMB is released. Pressing other movement keys will cancel the pounce leap.
+Using pounce leap with insufficient stamina results in a shorter leap
+Balance: Sturdy now activates when above 75% health, rather than 90% health
+Balance: Increased Velociraptor climbing speed by 33%
+Balance: Increased Changyu and Velo heal rates by 60%
+Balance: Velo can no longer use its pounce while blinded by Sand Attack
+Balance: Increased Velo's base damage to 33, up from 30

[h2]Bug Fixes[/h2]
+Fixed GPU-related clientside crash
+Fixed: A rarer but similar instance of growth loss and reversion of save state to a previous version of a saved character being possible.
+Fixed: Sacrificing at a shrine now properly marks the dead creature as having sacrificed to the shrine and awards proper Trials points. It also fixes a sacrificed creature not receiving a boost to their Trials in that deity category for the purposes of reincarnation.
+Fixed: Tyrannosaurus rex's Devastating Ambush ability no longer prints Devastating Bite in the log when consuming stamina
+Fixed: Creatures spawned by the creature select screen now properly despawn if you take an egg while the screen is in use
+Fixed: Pressing the Talent button while in an egg no longer jams the camera
+Fixed: Growth now properly un-pauses if you die with your growth paused
+Fixed: Attacking eggs no longer grants enemy-ship with yourself
+Fixed: Ichthy's animations now work properly in the main menu creature editor
+Fixed: Game should no longer crash randomly or when sniffing other creatures when effects are set to higher or above
+Fixed: Preview animations now work on the main menu's customization preview editor
+Fixed: Typo in scent tooltip for sea anemones
+Fixed: Velo can now climb properly while carrying another player
+Fixed: Attacking eggs no longer makes the Near Combat music play for grouped players
+Fixed: Motion blur should now be disabled regardless of graphics settings
Thank you to the BoB Testing Team for the provided images.
[h3]Additional Patchnote Languages[/h3]

Fall Event! Now with Carcharo Carnage!

[h2]New Content[/h2]
[h3]Carcharodontosaurus Specialization[/h3]
+Added a new specialization to the Acrocanthosaurus class. The specialization is the Carcharodontosaurus
+The Carcharodontosaurus uses the same skins as the Acrocanthosaurus and behaves similarly to how we implemented the Brontosaurus as a specialization of the Apatosaurus class
-All other specialization-specific stuff that we did for bronto should work for carch
+See the Balance Changes section of the patch notes for Carch's stats. Note that Acro's stats have changed as well to better-differentiate it from Carch and adjust its balance point a bit.

+Added new mechanic to Carcharodontosaurus: Voracious Roar and Voracious Bite
-The Carcharodontosaurus has Voracious Roar as an ability rather than Intimidating Roar. Voracious Roar is activated by pressing the Ability key and costs 35 Ability. When activated, yourself and all nearby group members (carch and acro only) receive a temporary buff called Voracious Roar. This buff lasts 20 seconds, then 10, then 5, and then cannot be used any longer for one minute.
-While Voracious Roar is active, attacks dealt by any player with the buff against any ungrouped player will result in receiving the Voracious Bite buff. Voracious Bite is a stacking, heal-over-time buff that lasts for a duration of time. This buff resets its timer and increases its stack count each time the player deals another successful offensive attack.
-Carcharodontosaurus, by default, receives 3 stacks of Voracious Bite each time it succeeds in making an attack while Voracious Roar is active. Acrocanthosaurus receives only 2 stacks.
-Voracious Bite's healing is reduced by bleed and hits a 50% reduction when the player has 100 bleed.
-Voracious Bite does not activate if the Carcharodontosaurus' attack struck a player who had Spiky Shield or Evasive Maneuver active
-Carch's Voracious Roar status icon now shows up above the Carch's head while it is both active and on cooldown on non-owning clients
-Note that support toggling whether or not specializations that share the same dino type can group has been added. By default, Carch an Acro will not be allowed to group with one-another on Officials due to balance concerns. This can be changed in a server's Game.ini config file if a server wishes for them to be able to group. More details are located in the Admin section of the notes.

+Carcharodontosaurus has a talent tree identical to Acrocanthosaurus, with only one difference.
+Replaced Improved Intimidating Roar with Voracious Roar on Carch
-Increases how much healing you personally receive from your Voracious Bite healing
-Increases how long the Voracious Bite Heal over Time effect lasts on your character.
-Reduces the cost and increases the duration the Voracious Roar Buff that gets put on both you and all nearby party members
-Increases how many stacks of Voracious Bite you can have going at once. Talent points increase it by two, and inherits increase it by one.
+All saved Acrocanthosaurus have received a specialization reset

+Added new Lurdu Skin: Siliquosa by Pixeldeer & Natahi4
+Added new Acro Skin: Rouge by Callie
+Added new Apato Skin: Genetic Stripe, by Valhalla

[h2]Fall Event Skins![/h2]

+For a limited time, players will be able to earn the Megaraptor Servant of Charon skin and the Tyrannosaurus Fall Decay Skin.
-The Charon skin was made by Valhalla and Croww
-The skins have a glowing, bioluminescent layer.
-The skins unlock separate equippable cosmetic overlays: Charon's Splendor for Megaraptor & Leafy Refuge for Tyrannosaurus. The unlocked overlays can go on any skin of their corresponding species.

Earning the Skins:
+To unlock the Servant of Charon and its Overlay, players need to find and collect Megaraptor-themed idols scattered around the map.
+To unlock the Fall Decay skin and its Overlay, players need to find and collect Tyrannosaurus rex-themed idols scattered around the map.
-Gathering the idols will allow the player to progress through achievements associated with earning the skins.
-The idols will be spawning on all servers and on both Life Cycle and Free Roam game modes.
-Completing the achievement on any server will unlock access to the skin and cosmetics game-wide.

Idol Collecting Tips!
  • The idols will always be found on land and spawn randomly anywhere carcasses spawn.
  • Both the Megaraptor Servant of Charon skin and last year's Tyrannosaurus rex Fall Decay skin are now earned by collecting idols scattered around the map and returning them to a matching deity shrine.
  • Both skins require gathering 50 idols each. All idols must be gathered on the same server to complete the achievement and unlock the skin, but they can be individually gathered by different creatures or during different lives.
  • Idols show up on the compass when nearby with a color themed for the deity shrine they belong to
  • Turning in an idol will show achievement progress in the top-right corner of the screen
  • You should also be able to view the progress you've made towards unlocking both the event skins by viewing the corresponding achievements in the achievements gallery's Limited Time Events page

[h2]QoL Changes[/h2]
+Added a setting to only show friends' steam icons in player list and in group. If disabled, shows everyone's steam icons (unless profile is private, no profile picture etc.). This requires a restart to take effect.
+The dawn, noon, night, deity shrine, and combat music all play on all maps now. Not just Isla Titania
+QoL: Added tooltips to the Unstuck and Unjam buttons on the Escape menu so players can see the difference between the two
+QoL: If you've fallen under the map, you can use the Unstuck button on the Escape menu to immediately be teleported to an appropriate spawn point. Additionally, when player is stuck under the ground the unjam and unstuck buttons are immediately available when opening the escape menu
+QoL: Exiting the map's playable boundary now results in the player being moved to a random spawn point appropriate for their creature rather than in a death. Certain bugs were triggering this death condition and we'd rather handle possible out of bounds bugs with something less punitive for the player.
+Minor improvements to dino shader
+Brontosaurus and Carcharodontosaurus now show up as such in combat log events, on the character stat screen, and as the default name on saved entities

+Improved various assets on Isla Titania to improve performance
+Optimization: removed shadows from small meshes on all dinos

+Added console command ClearCommandHistory that clears the history of previously used commands

[h3]Group Config[/h3]
+Admin: Servers can now configure whether or not any specific dino type allows cross-specialization groupings to occur. The default value is set to true. If configured to disallow cross-specialization groupings for a specific dino type, players with different specializations will no longer be able to group with one-another.
-In order to configure this value, the CreatureLimits config value in the Game.ini file can be changed to this:

-By default, Acrocanthosaurus and Carcharodontosaurus cannot group with one-another due to this config value being set to false. If servers wish for them to be able to group, the bAllowSpecializationGrouping value either needs to be set to true or it needs to be removed from this line of the config file, as it defaults to true when not specified.

+Admin (public): Added support for different group caps for different specialization types in the server's Game.ini config. The syntax is like this:

Note: Acrocanthosaurus is specialization 0, Carcharodontosaurus is specialization 1, Brontosaurus is specialization 1, Apatosaurus is specialization 0, Terrestrial Palaeophis is specialization 1, Semi-Aquatic Palaeophis is specialization 0, and Aquatic Palaeophis is specialization 2

[h3]Server Manager[/h3]
+Fixed a variety of UI-related Server Manager issues
+The Server Manager is now compatible with controller usage
+The Server Manager should now reliably work to fetch information from the server and present it to a server admin who wishes to use it.

[h2]Mechanics Changes[/h2]
+Mechanics: Bottom Walking now triggers from 50% further away from the seafloor
+Mechanics: Hard-capped groups now have a growth threshold at which a player starts counting towards the cap. Previously, all players counted towards the cap regardless of growth. This allows hard-capped groups to have younger dinosaurs in their group without them counting towards the cap. By default, this value is 0.8 growth. If a player grows past 0.8 growth and that player caused the group to exceed its hard cap, they will be automatically removed from the group.
-Note, this value is in the server's config settings, and can be changed on a per-species basis. The CreatureLimits array defines this value with this syntax:

-Players should receive a notification in chat when they are removed from a group for this reason

+Mechanics: Sometimes going through portals, touching foliage that has collision, or being dropped from a grab would cause the player to die. Under these circumstances, the player is now safely logged out immediately and the player's saved character is not marked as dead. Trying to fix these has been challenging, so we're making the impact of these sorts of bugs not nearly as severe for the player as well. That is the reason for this change.
+Experimental new change to Biomutations and other bioluminescent skins:
-The alpha value of the bio's color picker now drives how much of the underlying skin's colors bleed into the bio. A alpha value of 0 causes it to use the underlying color completely, whereas a value of 1 uses the color of the biomutation's color picker. A value of 1 corresponds to current public branch bios, and this setting is totally optional.
+Reduced good parent offspring sniff range and snake senses sniff range from 600m to 60m

[h3]Great Nesting Site[/h3]
+The Great Nesting Site world event now disables the food and water drain increase associated with having the Survival Deity Blessing buff
+Great Nesting Site and the Survival Deity Blessing now both close the gap between your current Good Parent level and 5/3 Good Parent by 50%. This effect does not stack, and having either buff will grant this effect.
+Both Great Nesting Site and the Survival Deity Blessing add one additional Good Parent beyond this effect for the purposes of talent inherit generation.
+Under all nesting circumstances, the odds of passing on inherits has been improved by 0.5 Good Parent.
+The chances of getting inherits during reincarnation has been improved slightly to simulate the effects of having 0.5 Good Parent added to this mechanic as well.
-Note that the above changes were made due to us findi ng a bug related to the Great Nesting Site world event. It was granting the effects of having 7.5 Good Parent for players that had 5/3 in the talent, resulting in players receiving better inherits in this world event than intended. Players can still get the same odds of passing inherits while under both the effects of Great Nesting Site and the Survival Deity Blessing. The improved odds, however, have just been spread around a bit more to make other avenues of nesting fairer in comparison.
-Status condition tooltips have been updated to reflect these changes.

[h2]Balance Changes[/h2]
+Acro's stats have been changed a bit to better-differentiate it from Carch
+Acro's base sprint speed is now 785, up from 750
+Acro's base walk speed is now 535, up from 500
+Acro's base swim sprint speed is now 425, up from 400
+Acro's base size is now 1200, down from 1300
+Acro's base health is now 1050, down from 1200
+Acro's base attack damage is now 225, down from 255
+Acro's base stamina is now 70, up from 60
+Acro's base food drain rate is now 0.72, down from 0.76
+Acro's size is now 6% smaller than before
+Acro's base healing is now 24, down from 27.5
+Reduced Acro's stationary turn rate to 110, down from 125
+Reduced Acro's sprinting turn rate to 92, down from 105
+The Acro no longer deals increased damage to bleeding targets

+Increased growth rate by 35%

+Increased growth rate by 35%

+Increased Beelzebufo's healing rate by 100%

+Carch has a sprint speed of 755. public branch Acro is 750
+Carch has a walk speed of 505. public branch Acro is 500
+Carch has a swim sprint speed of 375. public branch Acro is 400
+Carch has a swim walk speed of 280. public branch Acro is 300
+Carch has a size of 1400. public branch Acro is 1300
+Carch has a stationary turn rate of 95. public branch Acro is 125
+Carch has a sprint turn rate of 70. public branch Acro is 105
+Carch has a swim stationary turn rate of 60. public branch Acro is 85
+Carch has a swim sprint turn rate of 40. public branch Acro is 55
+Carch has a base attack damage of 290. public branch Acro is 255
+Carch has 55 base stamina. public branch Acro has 60
+Carch has 1600 base health. public branch Acro has 1200
+Carch has a food drain rate of 0.65. public branch Acro is 0.76
+Carch sitting and standing transition animations play 20% slower than public branch Acro
+Carch is 10% larger than public branch Acro
+Carch's healing rate is 20% less than public branch Acro
+Carch's bite cooldown is 1.25 seconds, up from Acro's 1.2
+Carch's bite AP cost is 13, up from Acro's 12
+Increased Carch's max food to 125, up from Acro's 100
+Carch deals 40% less bleed damage baseline
+Reduced how bendy Carch's spine is when it's looking left and right by about 30%
+The Carch does not deal increased damage to bleeding targets
+Carch's growth rate is now equal to that of rex

+Balance: Coah now has a small jump similar to Saichania's. It costs 20 Stamina.
+Balance: Added a new mechanic to Coahuilaceratops. Each time it is hit from the front, it receives a stack of Active Defense. Active Defense, baseline, reduces damage by 7.5%. This can be improved by the talent Hardened Shield. Active Defense can stack up to 5 times, and behaves much like Frenzy. It lasts 20 seconds, and the timer for its expiration resets each time the Coahuilaceratops takes damage from the front. The stacking is multiplicative, meaning 5 stacks grants 0.925^5 damage reduction, not 1 - 0.075*5. This mechanic only activates if the Coah is either stationary or crouched.
+Balance: Added Hardened Shield as new talent to the S3.1 socket in Coah's talent tree. It improves the effectiveness of stacks of Active Defense.
+Balance: There is no longer a cap on how much comfort can be lost from a Coahuilaceratops' intimidation

+Increased the playable Malawania's dart speed multiplier to 3, up from 2
+Increased Malawania Archerfish knockback by 100%

+Ory's food and water drain rate now reduces by 50% while in a burrow

+Reduced the Venom and Ability cost of Venom Spit to 17.5, down from 25
+Increased Venom Spit baseline range by 43%
+Increased Venom Spit baseline blind duration by 43%
+Reduced the effectiveness of the Venom Spitter talent by 50%. At 5/3, the effect is identical to before with the above-mentioned buffs.
+Balance: Increased Aquatic Palaeophis' food drain rate to 0.75, up from 0.54
+Balance: Increased AP cost of Palaeophis' bite attack to 10, up from 5

[h2]Bug Fixes[/h2]
+Fixed: Severe memory leak related to the recently fixed Steam group and player list icons
+Fixed: Nested skins very frequently having very low layer counts and lacking complexity
+Fixed: Semi-Aquatics now receive water satiation from eating coconuts
+Fixed: Semi-Aquatic and Terrestrial Palaeophis abandoned eggs now spawn on land and with not-empty water
+Fixed: Aquatic Palaeophis eggs now properly grant live birth to the player when taken
+Fixed: Aquatics no longer deal reduced damage when lower on oxygen. This was especially apparent when playing Life Cycle and at larger growths
+Fixed: Palaeo meat food icon should no longer turn into fish food icon after graphic or HUD settings are changed
+Fixed: Grabbing a creature and then turning elusive no longer turns the grabbed creature elusive
+Fixed: Player list HUD elements load up properly when it's opened through save selection before spawning as any creature yet
+Fixed: The Auto-Resurrection server setting and Death's Blessing world event should no longer sometimes fail to resurrect players after they die
+Fixed: Player list in the creature select menu no longer results a blank screen
+Fixed: Pressing escape in player list in the creature select menu closes player list and opens up creature select menu
+Fixed: Hatchling palaeo no longer gets jammed after hatching while at the same time aquatic mother is holding a gore
+Fixed: Korean and Japanese glyphs now show up properly in chat
+Fixed: The prompt that informs you what foliage object you ate to get sick no longer says you got sick from eating a "None" under certain circumstances
+Fixed: Using portals should no longer fling the player across the map at very high speeds under certain circumstances
+Fixed: Successfully reincarnating or resurrecting dead dino now unselects the dino such that the player is no longer able to resurrect the creature again and again causing it's growth to get smaller
+Fixed: After reincarnation the spawn or creature new button no longer select a random slot in the saved creature list and instead player needs to click a creature or empty slot first before the button reactivates
+Fixed: Creatures with elusiveness should no longer turn completely invisible when it's hit by para's or malawania's ability
+Fixed: Acro can no longer spam intimidating roar ability on a creature that already has intimidating roar debuff, resulting in wasted AP
+Fixed: Egg Carcasses should no longer cause excess server log spam
+Fixed: Abandoned egg nests will now properly get destroyed from attack instead of staying on the map and causing particle effects every time player attacked the abandoned egg
+Fixed: Division by zero log spam should no longer happen when player has no points in stamina improvement or health improvement or forager
+Fixed: Palaeo can now forfeit duels through emote wheel without looking at the creature it's dueling with
+Fixed: Velociraptor no longer loses the ability to climb at high growths, and adjusted velociraptor's climbing speed so it won't slip off from climbable surfaces as easily at high growths
+Fixed: Hatchling's or egg's POV no longer switches to palaeo's POV after it has been dropped by palaeo and then someone else picks the player up again
+Fixed: Safely logging out to main menu or to quit game should save the creature as reliably as safely going back to save selection screen
+Fixed: Creatures with elusiveness should no longer turn completely invisible when it's hit highlight ability like acro roar
+Fixed: Various issues on Isla Titania
+Fixed: Force respawning while in the death animation no longer causes the dino to perma die on auto revive servers or on deaths blessing event
+Fixed: Palaeo picking up other players should no longer result the picked up character's camera to get stuck on palaeo
+Fixed: Wiehenavator is no called Megalosaurus in character / O-menu
+Fixed: Lurdu uses its falling animation and no longer loops its jump animation when it jumps from a high place
+Fixed: First play tutorial window now properly closes with escape key
+Fixed: Ichthy's distress, pain grunt, and death sounds no longer play faster when at lower growths and instead properly play their juvenile variants at the proper speed
+Fixed: Aquatic palaeo should no longer spawn on land after resurrecting or reincarnation
+Fixed: Juvenile calls no longer play for adult creatures when the player making the call is out of render distance
+Fixed: The Father's specialization now shows up properly in the egg select screen instead of always being a copy of the mother's specialization
+Fixed: Nvidia GTX 900-series and older GPUs use system RAM in addition to their VRAM to load dino textures properly on Titania
+Fixed: Abandoned eggs now sort into separate categories based on egg specialization
+Fixed: Eggs now show their specialization name properly in the character stat ui
+Fixed: The Great Nesting Site world event now properly closes the gap between the player's current level of Good Parent and 5/3 Good Parent for the purposes of generating egg inherits.
-Note that Great Nesting Site was previously able to combine with Good Parent and exceed the effectiveness of having 5/3 Good Parent in regards to inherit generation. It was never our intention to allow this mechanic to exceed what players could normally obtain through other gameplay means such as reincarnation or regular nesting. We've decided to fix this bug, making it such that 5/3 Good Parent presents the best possible odds you can get to pass inherits onto your hatchlings.
+Fixed: Archelon can now earn its elder eyes

[h3]GPU Crashes[/h3]
Possible fix for various GPU related crashes:
+Maybe Fixed: D3D12 async crash should no longer happen
+Maybe Fixed: D3D11 and D3D12 command queue crash should no longer happen
+Maybe Fixed: RHI command parallel crash should no longer happen
+Maybe Fixed: D3D12RHI Sync Threshold Reached crash should no longer happen

[h3]Volcano Bay[/h3]
+Fixed: Volcano Bay should no longer spam tile limit reached in the log
+Fixed: AI should work properly in Volcano Bay

Thank you to the Beasts of Bermuda QA Team for providing the above featured screenshots.
[h3]Additional Patchnote Languages[/h3]

Return of the Giants: Hotfix

Note this build does not change the build ID. Updated clients should be compatible with public branch servers, and clients on the public branch should be compatible with the testing servers.

+Fixed (public, server): Nested skins very frequently having very low layer counts and lacking complexity
+Fixed (public, client): The Wiehenvenator nails now look correct on the elder morph
+Fixed (public, client): Ichthy's teeth now sit properly on the juvie morph
+Fixed (public, client): Ichthy's DirtMask causing black patches
+Fixed (public, client): Ichthy dance can now be cancelled with right mouse button

+QoL (public, client): Lowered Coah's skin dirtyness levels
+QoL (public, client): Edits to placement of the Ichthys on main menu
+QoL (public, client): Made Mac compatible Splash Screen for Loading
+QoL (public, client): Improved Detail Maps of Apato's Shader
+QoL (public, client): Simplified the taskbar logo for BoB so it should appear less grainy
[h3]Additional Patchnote Languages:[/h3]

Return of the Giants

Return of the Giants!

[h2]Apatosaurus and Brontosaurus Specializations[/h2]
In this update, players will now be able to choose between two specializations for our playable Apatosaurus creature class.

Note that when the Apatosaurus is referred to in a general sense, it means the Apatosaurus creature class. When the context refers to the Apatosaurus specialization, it will be specified in this way.

The Apatosaurus specialization will be very similar to how the Apatosaurus played prior to the Rise of the Earthbreakers update back in April, 2022. Its stats, attacks, talent tree, and, of course, its size have been restored to its previous glory through the new Specialization mechanic! I personally went back and found the apato update patch and took all the old stats and put them onto the Apatosaurus specialization, and we've been digging through old bob stuff making sure we got other aspects of its stats right too. It should be as similar to the original, large, slow, heavy-hitting apato with ginormous health as we could manage to get it to be.

Additionally, we know a lot of players very much liked the Rise of the Earthbreakers update where we made the Apatosaurus faster, smaller, swifter, and have a wider variety of attacks such as its neck sweep and kick in place of stomp. This is why we have added the Brontosaurus specialization. Brontosaurus is a specialization of Apatosaurus that can be selected under the Apatosaurus playable on the dino select screen. It is exactly the same as public branch current Apatosaurus. It has all the same stats, the same size, and the same attacks as public branch Apatosaurus. It does, however, have a new look.

Here are a few things to note about what we're doing here:

The Apatosaurus specialization has stomp as its Left mouse button and tail whip as its Right mouse button.
The Brontosaurus specialization has neck sweep as its Ability, tail whip as its RMB, and kick as its LMB.

The Apatosaurus specialization uses the current Apatosaurus model.
The Brontosaurus specialization has kick as its Left mouse button, tail whip as its Right mouse button, and neck sweep as its Ability.

All Apatosaurus skins are compatible between both the Brontosaurus and Apatosaurus model, and the skins will swap seamlessly between the two. The Apato's quills on its head will map to the color customization channels used to change the Bronto's spikes. The Bronto, additionally, has a new customization layer that lets players change the color of its osteoderms.

Bronto and Apato can mate just as Palaeophis can. The mother's specialization is used for the hatchlings, and all specialization-specific stuff related to Palaeophis applies to Apatosaurus as well.

Bronto and Apato can group, as they're technically the same creature type internally.

Apato and Bronto share the same animations, skins, and several of the same sounds.

[h3]Specialization Resets[/h3]
When players log onto a saved Apatosaurus, they will be given a one-time specialization change. You have the option of choosing to stay with the Apatosaurus specialization, swap to Brontosaurus specialization, or decide later if you want to do more research. If undecided, you default to the Apatosaurus specialization until you consume the one-time specialization change. It can be accessed by opening the Character menu.

There is also a console command named resetspecialization accessible through the admin permissions ModifyTalents that allows server admins to give players another specialization change. Server admins are free to use this console command however they see fit to meet the wishes and needs of their players.

[h3]Talent Inherits and Specialization Resets[/h3]
The talent trees between Apatosaurus and Brontosaurus are different. I've created some new code that remaps talent point inherits from one tree to another. It handles inherit transfers in this order. First, any talent points in the new tree you have talent inherits in already will transfer over. Next, any talent points you have inherits in will try to place into the talent that replaced it on that talent's location in the talent tree, but only if that talent does not exist elsewhere in the new tree. Finally, any remaining inherits map to talents in the new tree that don't exist in the old tree. This was the cleanest and fairest way I could figure out to allow talent trees to swap while preserving a player's inherits. If you swap specializations, an inherit remap will occur.

[h2]Other New Things[/h2]
+The Ichthyovenator has been given its new model! It now has an elder morph. It also has a totally new set of animations.
+The Ichthyovenator now has a taunt it can play while swimming if it has visited all major deity shrines on the map
+The Ichthyovenator now has a dance it can do while on land if you own the BoB OST. The dance was referenced from a video created by Arturo García, which can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FHkdCASH7I
+Added Ichthy juvenile Roar, Friendly, Aggressive, Distress, Submissive, Death, and Pain sounds. They play at full value when at 0.45 growth or below. At 1.2 growth and above, they have fully faded out.

+Added offshoot cave entrance connecting Racing River to Northern Falls River.
+Added flier and land player spawns on Titan's Rise (West)

[h2]Admin Changes[/h2]
+Added new consolecommand, ResetSpecialization, with ModifyTalents admin permission requirement. It allows resetting the specialization on a provided player name or ID
+When a specialization is reset, the player's character will be flagged as having a specialization reset available. This will show up on the Character menu. When used, it will bring up a menu that allows the player to swap specializations. Once used, it will no longer be available.
+When specializations are changed, talents with inherits will remap in the following way:
-Talents that exist in the tree of the new specialization will keep their inherits
-Talents that replace a talent at the same socket will receive inherits so long as the talent that was replaced does not exist elsewhere in the new specialization tree
-Remaining talent inherits will be transferred to any remaining talents that weren't covered in the above-two checks. If the new tree has less talents than the old tree, talents with inherits will be prioritized when being remapped.

[h2]QoL Changes[/h2]
+Added two more save slots to all player save profiles, bringing the total save slot count up to 10 per server
+Any Apatosaurus will receive a one-time specialization reset upon being logged into. This state is saved, so if the specialization swap is not used during the first login session, it will persist until the player uses it. It can be found by opening the Character menu while playing as the saved Apatosaurus. If you'd like to decide to swap specializations later, you can select the "Decide Later" button on the prompt that is displayed when you open the Character screen. Note that selecting "No" when asked whether you'd like to change your specialization will consume the specialization reset and keep you at the current specialization you are, which, by default, is Apatosaurus, not Brontosaurus.
+All players will receive a talent point reset in this patch.
+Updated Flier Warpaints so that the underside of the wings has pattern + bio (by Valhalla)
+WIP implementation of Hungarian, Korean, Vietnamese, and Japanese localizations
+Restored the Long Roar, Aggressive, Death, Idle, and Pain sound effects (for high, medium and low pitches) from the old Apatosaurus variant for the Apatosaurus specialization
+Doubled the net-relevance range on the fat plant actor so they are easier to find on Apa
+Added some more UI sounds to UI's that lacked them such as the keybinds menu
+Added an Official Server Rules button on the Escape Menu and Save Selection that opens up the Official Server Rules list
+Updated taskbar icon, and splash screen that shows when the game launches

[h2]Mechanics Changes[/h2]
+Adjusted the coefficients on the talents Metabolism and Hydration such that they're less polarizing. At 5/3, they both now reduce food or water drain rate by 25%
+Experimental changes to server bandwidth that may improve net performance on crowded servers

[h2]Balance Changes[/h2]
[h3]Apatosaurus Specialization[/h3]
+Balance: The Apatosaurus Specialization has a walk speed of 175, down from Bronto's of 200
+Balance: The Apatosaurus Specialization has a sprint speed of 280, down from Bronto's of 470
+Balance: The Apatosaurus Specialization has a swim walk speed of 120, down from Bronto's of 200
+Balance: The Apatosaurus Specialization has a swim sprint speed of 200, down from Bronto's of 300
+Balance: The Apatosaurus Specialization has a base health of 6000, up from Bronto's of 4200
+Balance: The Apatosaurus Specialization has a tail whip damage of 333, up from Bronto's of 175
+Balance: The Apatosaurus Specialization has a stomp damage of 800
+Balance: The Apatosaurus Specialization's tail reaches further along its sides than Bronto's
+Balance: The Apatosaurus Specialization has a turn rate of 25, down from Bronto's of 45
+Balance: The Apatosaurus Specialization has a swimming turn rate of 20, down from Bronto's of 35
+Balance: The Apatosaurus Specialization has a weight of 5000, up from Bronto's of 3300
+Balance: The Apatosaurus Specialization has a water drain rate of 0.5, down from Bronto's of 0.7
+Balance: The Apatosaurus Specialization has a food drain rate of 0.7, down from Bronto's of 0.8
+Balance: The Apatosaurus Specialization has a base heal rate of 27, up from Bronto's of 18
+Balance: The Apatosaurus Specialization has a model scale that is 30% larger than Bronto's
+Balance: The Apatosaurus Specialization now has its original talent tree. Strong Legs has been added in the new M3.1 speed talent socket
+Balance: The Apatosaurus specialization does not deal reduced tail whip damage to Saichania
+Balance: The Apatosaurus specialization can now knockback Saichania with its trample
+Balance: The Apatosaurus specialization is immune to creatures that are flying
+Balance: The Apatosaurus specialization now ignores Coah's frill shield when attacking it
+Balance: +Balance: The Apatosaurus specialization is now immune to being grabbed when above 0.9 growth
+Balance: The Apatosaurus specialization is immune to trample knockback from the Bronto specialization
+Balance: Further increased Apatosaurus specialization trample knockback by 100%
+Balance: Increased Apatosaurus Specialization Ability pool size to 135, up from 120
+Balance: Saichania is immune to the Brontosaurus specialization tail whip knockback.
+Balance: The Apatosaurus specialization now has a 25% slower Ability power drain rate while aiming its tail
+Balance: The Apatosaurus specialization has a tail whip that has a 2 second cooldown, up from 1.2 seconds on Bronto
+Balance: The Apatosaurus specialization tail aims differently, and whips further up alongside the Apato than previously
+Balance: Added Metabolism and Hydration to the Apatosaurus specialization talent sockets S3.1 and S3.3

[h2]Bug Fixes[/h2]
+Fixed: Aquatic Palaeo hatchlings now properly show out of air status instead of dehydrated status after hatching
+Fixed: Aquatic Palaeophis fresh spawns now spawn with full health
+Fixed: Having Vsync enabled while also capping FPS should no longer cause the infamous CurrentFence + 1 crash
-It's recommended to run the game with Vsync DISABLED and match max fps with the display frequency (normally 60)
+Fixed: Swapping between windowed and fullscreen mode no longer causes lower-end gpus to crash
+Fixed: SM_BushA_02 and SM_BushA_02_Dry no longer have collision when placed with the foliage placement tool
+Fixed: The Palaeophis now exits the coiled state when grabbed, which prevents some buggy behavior from occurring
+Fixed: Elasmo's lily cosmetics now disappear when you enter Elusive
+Fixed: SM_Pillar_2x3 no longer improperly tiles its texture after an instance of it is undone or erased
+Fixed: Freshly spawned Archelon and Aquatic Palaeophis now spawn in the water
+Fixed: “There is no escape” no longer stays on screen while changing characters if it is on screen
+Fixed: 'Out of bounds' message should no longer get stuck on the screen after the player dies to it
+Fixed: Pressing escape in creature select and pressing escape again no longer causes the cursor to disappear
+Fixed: Pressing escape to close the 'go back to main menu' or 'close game' prompt properly brings the focus back onto the character menu or main menu without needing to click the UI
+Fixed: Issue where the skins would sometimes get layers locked together during nesting or reincarnation. One layer would appear to drive the texture channel of another and result in skins missing customization layers that should normally be present.
+Fixed: Snake Senses no longer show stats on creatures that are using elusive
+Fixed: Achievements / Mutation gallery should no longer get stuck with the back button and Escape key doing nothing
+Fixed: Achievements / Mutation gallery now has proper UI hover and click sounds
+Maybe fix: Steam profile icons in the playerlist should be mostly loaded for the first time once the playerlist is opened instead of everyone being question marks.
+Fixed: Resetting all keybinds multiple times in a row should no longer cause some of the keybinds to turn into duplicates. For example with forward and back keybinds there should be just one W and one S keybind instead of W W or S S
+Fixed: Resetting all keybinds multiple times in a row should no longer cause some of the keybinds to turn into None. For example with forward and back keybind it kept losing W and S but the left analog stick would work fine.
+Fixed: Clearing a keybind and immediately setting a new one should now accept the new keybind properly
+Fixed: Changing between playstation and xbox button layouts apply immediately on controls UI without needing to close the UI first
+Fixed: Ichthy now plays its death sound when it dies rather than the eating sound

[h3]Additional Patchnote Languages:[/h3]