1. Starship EVO
  2. News
  3. [New build - DEFAULT] 24w38a: Terrain Performance, Power Cell

[New build - DEFAULT] 24w38a: Terrain Performance, Power Cell

The terrain engine performance has been improved, minimizing hiccup during new terrain patch loading.
Now moving over the terrain at high speed is much, much smoother.

The power cell have been reworked and improved.

Improvements and community Suggestions:
  • Power cell: smaller size is added
  • Power cell: setting has been removed, it now charge / discharge automatically.
  • #5982 Collector: Increased range
  • Codex item description: text overflows are fixed
  • Codex item description: icons for grid scalable and stretchable are displayed.
  • Scanner: will no longer show underground patch as to reward and promote exploration with hovercraft.
  • Scanner: Scanner visibility improvements
  • Ore Spawning: now ore patch can have different size. Gold Silver and Copper are smaller.
  • Ore Spawning: Some ore will be more rare, like gold and cobalt.

  • #5988 Power cell base does not turn off
  • #5779 Power cell base does not update stats on delete
  • #5779 Inconsistent power display in preview

Thanks for playing!