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  2. News
  3. [New build - DEFAULT] 24w37a: Advanced Conveyor Tubes

[New build - DEFAULT] 24w37a: Advanced Conveyor Tubes

The goal of this update is to give players more tools to manage their inventory.
This is much needed for mid and late game in survival.

The valve, one-way, router and filter tubes.

4 news conveyor tubes have been added:
  • One way: only allows items to pass in one direction. Toggle it one-off.
  • Router: Toggle it to allows items to only go left or right.
  • Valve: toggle it to allows or prevent item from passing
  • Filter: allows the creation of filters to allows only some item to pass. It is possible to define several filters, and to use them as inclusive or exclusive.

Some changes have been made to the inventory framework to make this work, please report any regression you might encounter!

Add filters options to the collector

#5966 Crash when copy-paste