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Folklore Hunter -

Hey everybody!

Today we have a slightly larger hotfix, which is focussed on Quality of life changes (such as the ability to sell items and an improved "multiplayer" menu) and many much-needed bugfixes. This update came much later than we planned as we also hoped to include a massive overhaul to how the game handles latency and packet-loss, however that system has taken much longer than anticipated and will most likely be released in January when we come back after Christmas.

Happy Holidays, Hunters!

  • Added the ability to sell items in the shop
  • Strigoi and Wendigo now consistently scream before fleeing
  • Added a tutorial for Hunter Senses
  • Weapons will now reload automatically if firing with an empty magazine
  • Changed the "Host Menu" settings page to be named "Multiplayer" which all players can now access, rather than only the host
  • Added a friend invite section to the Multiplayer menu
  • Lowered the Shotgun sound effects volume by 50%
  • Removed halloween decorations

  • Fixed a bug that makes shotguns unusable
  • Fixed an issue that causes weapons to be held incorrectly
  • Fixed floating paths in Night of the Wendigo
  • The contract win screen no longer appears multiple times in a single contract
  • Fixed bug causing deer kills to be counted twice in the objective
  • Bloodfang Forest's decorative braziers will no longer incorrectly highlight in hunter sense
  • Interactable salt will now properly highlight in hunter sense
  • Weapon HUD elements now consistently display the correct ammunition count
  • Fixed a potential soft-lock on the main menu if account data fails to load
  • Fixed bug that keeps the flashlight enabled after dying
  • Fortress effects now appear correctly if a contract has been selected before a player joins
  • Interaction hit-box made larger for ladders
  • Sprint animation now always ends for clients when they're not moving but still holding the sprint key
  • Fixed issue that can remove held items while using a bandage
  • Removed floating rocks and trees from the Bloodfang Forest story hunt and contracts
  • Fixed an issue causing items to be non-interactable on Night of The Wendigo contracts
  • Fixed an issue which prevents players from finding the Wendigo's hunting ground on contracts