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  3. January 30th, 2023 Change List

January 30th, 2023 Change List

January 30th, 2023, Change List

Level 65
  • Climb your way to the top to earn Millie Gold.

Last Chance To Grab January Monthly Match Rewards
* Play an active game mode (Squads, Sandbox, Co-Op Bot Battle, etc.) to make progress towards the monthly rewards!
* Monthly Matches Tiers:
  • Phaser M60 (M60 skin) - 2 Matches
  • Shhh… (Spray) - 5 Matches
  • Phaser AWP (AWP skin) - 10 Matches
  • Always Been There (Calling Card) - 15 Matches
  • Ace Space (Character skin) - 25 Matches

* Select the MONTHLY tab in the Main Menu to see your progress.
* Come back every month to unlock a new set of rewards.

February Monthly Match Rewards ( Starts Jan. 31st @ 5pm PT)
* Monthly Matches Tiers:
  • Dealer's Choice PX4 (PX4 skin) - 2 Matches
  • Deal With It (Spray) - 5 Matches
  • Dealer's Choice DT11 (DT11 skin) - 10 Matches
  • House Always Wins (Calling Card) - 15 Matches
  • (Roy)ale Flush (Character skin) - 25 Matches

Adventurous Playlist
  • Voting screen in Adventurous Playlist will now show “NEW” and “HOT” Sandbox Games.
  • “NEW” recently published Sandbox Games have a chance to be surfaced automatically.
  • Popular and trending Sandbox Games will earn a “HOT” tag!

  • New Player Profiles: Click on a player name to show all Sandbox Games by that creator. Can also view profiles of friends by clicking on their name in the Friends List.
  • New “Vote to End” button on the right side of the minimap while in a Sandbox Playlist
  • Fixed issue where placing the battlezone outside the play area would cause visual issues on the minimap.
  • Fixed an issue where the refresh button didn’t work on individual maps in the Sandbox room list.
  • Fixed missing texture on red container object.
  • Fixed a crash related to scaling many objects in the builder.
  • Main Menu: Fixed issue with Refresh and Toggles for Individual Sandbox Game Room Lists.
  • Audio: Added Voting Screen and Thumbnail Camera sound effects.

  • Overhauled physics on Quest to use the same physics engine as Desktop.
  • Fixed “launch glitch” and other physics-related bugs on Quest.
  • Gesture-based reload times and jump pad launch distances are now consistent on PCVR and Quest.
  • Improved ragdoll spawn timing and bone positioning.
  • Fixed an issue where challenges progress was not updating after completing a match.
  • Main Menu: Fixed an issue where duplicate entries could display in the Sandbox room list.
  • Main Menu: Fixed store and catalog images for Callista.
  • Fixed several minor text localization issues.
  • Minimap: Fixed issue that sometimes caused the Minimap cursor to disappear.

Terms of Service
  • BigBox VR’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy have updated and are available here:
  • https://www.bigboxvr.com/terms-and-conditions
  • https://www.bigboxvr.com/privacy-policy

For support visit [http://support.bigboxvr.com](http://support.bigboxvr.com) to get access to self-help resources or file a ticket.

Known Issues
  • Users cannot speak during the black loading screen when joining a match through the Main Menu.
  • The reticle will sometimes stay yellow after reloading. Switching guns should fix this.
  • A brief loss of audio is sometimes encountered when joining a voice chat channel on Quest 1 & 2 without headphones. This is due to enabling echo and noise cancellation features.
  • Steam VR users playing on an Oculus headset: When Purchasing Bureau Gold, you will need to take off your headset to approve the purchase.
  • If you see a notice that you need to "update to play" but don't see it in the store, uninstall and reinstall POP: ONE to force the upgrade to happen. You won't lose any progress or data.