2. News


March 4, 2025 Change List

General Gameplay
  • Temporary Game Mode Schedule (March only) starting March 4 @ 11am PST:
  • 18 Player Phoenix Squads as the first slot and default
  • 24 Player Evolving Squads available Monday to Friday at 11AM PT in the second slot
  • 24 Player LTM's replace Evolving Squads, available Friday to Monday at 11AM PT
  • Classic mode vaulted (available in custom rooms)
  • Improved Cheat Detection: Implemented new algorithms to enhance cheat detection and improve overall user experience.
Sandbox/UGC Gameplay
  • Flag Spawners: Enable or disable flag spawners using field ID.
  • Enemy Management: Revive enemies and see enemy ghosts are now two separate options for better control
  • Loot Crates: Reset loot crates action is now available for easier management.
  • Advanced Editor Triggers: Two new triggers added - Zone Shrink and Zone Hold.
  • Bot Spawn: Bots can now be spawned in all map types, increasing flexibility.
  • Game Rules Panel: Override zone/respawn height settings for customized gameplay using the zone bounds buildable.
  • Connection Lost Modal: Resolved issue where connection lost modal would appear when attempting to play with friends.
  • Loot Marker Performance: Shortened draw distance for loot markers to improve performance while editing.
Terms of Service
  • BigBox VR’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy have updated and are available here:
  • https://www.bigboxvr.com/terms-and-conditions
  • https://www.bigboxvr.com/privacy-policy
  • For support visit http://support.bigboxvr.com to get access to self-help resources or file a ticket.
Known Issues
  • A brief loss of audio is sometimes encountered when joining a voice chat channel on Quest without headphones. This is due to enabling echo and noise cancellation features.
  • If you see a notice that you need to "update to play" but don't see it in the store, uninstall and reinstall POP: ONE to force the upgrade to happen. You won't lose any progress or data.

See you in game!

February 3rd, 2025 Change List

General Gameplay
  • Evolving Map has been switched back to the Standard Variant with Ironworks integrated into the UGC/Sandbox location.
Sandbox/UGC Gameplay
  • Updated Featured Playlist with new maps.
  • Strongholds are now available without bots.
  • New feature that allows for users to change their Skybox and Lighting settings for their maps from a drop down menu.
  • Phoenix Ruleset added as an option for maps.
  • New Phoenix Crate buildable available for new loot points.
  • Fixed some areas where users could get under the map in Frontier and Metro.
  • Fixed some issues with stacking buffs involving: Melee Weapons and Health/Shield
  • Fixed an issue where purchasing stacking buffs from the store worked incorrectly
Terms of Service
  • BigBox VR’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy have updated and are available here:
  • https://www.bigboxvr.com/terms-and-conditions
  • https://www.bigboxvr.com/privacy-policy
  • For support visit http://support.bigboxvr.com to get access to self-help resources or file a ticket.
Known Issues
  • A brief loss of audio is sometimes encountered when joining a voice chat channel on Quest without headphones. This is due to enabling echo and noise cancellation features.
  • If you see a notice that you need to "update to play" but don't see it in the store, uninstall and reinstall POP: ONE to force the upgrade to happen. You won't lose any progress or data.

See you in game!

December 10th, 2024 Change List

General Gameplay
  • Evolving Map has been switched to the Winter Variant with Winter Wonderland by morecowbell520 integrated into the UGC/Sandbox location
  • Haptics Intensity Slider
Custom Room Gameplay
  • Allow score HUD in BR games
  • Launch towers in Non BR games
  • New spawn point option to make points usable by all teams
  • Fixed reloading bug when moving too fast.
  • Fixed bug where flags wouldn't drop or respawn when a player gets or loses a role with fixed gear, or gets respawned with Respawn Player action.
  • Fixed an issue with buff limits exceeding intended max.
Terms of Service
  • BigBox VR’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy have updated and are available here:
  • https://www.bigboxvr.com/terms-and-conditions
  • https://www.bigboxvr.com/privacy-policy
  • For support visit http://support.bigboxvr.com to get access to self-help resources or file a ticket.
Known Issues
  • A brief loss of audio is sometimes encountered when joining a voice chat channel on Quest without headphones. This is due to enabling echo and noise cancellation features.
  • If you see a notice that you need to "update to play" but don't see it in the store, uninstall and reinstall POP: ONE to force the upgrade to happen. You won't lose any progress or data.

See you in game!

November 4th, 2024, Change List

November 4th, 2024, Change List

General Update
  • Meta Haptics Studio Integration
    All haptics are now played through the new Meta Haptics Studio Integration for a better experience and performance. See https://developers.meta.com/horizon/resources/haptics-studio/ for more information
General Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where users could not “Play Again” with their squadmates
  • Fixed an issue where collecting Silver Seeker would not show the “Daily Collections Remaining: X/20” pop-up.
  • Fixed an issue where the friends list would not load if you have around 500+ friends. We now load the friends list without icons to stop it from not loading at all. Thank you for patience while we work on a long term fix.
Sandbox Updates
  • Respawn timer option for collectibles. This is a slider on the collectible item to make it auto respawn. Note that loot does not respawn when standing too close to it.
  • New actions MoveTargetOut and MoveTargetBack. These use the target's TriggerID to either move a target to its max position, or min position, where it will stop. This can be used to make a door/elevator open/close/move via an action. If you have mirror movement enabled, the target will stop at the center position with one call, and move to the min/max with a second. On match start, you probably want to call MoveTargetBack to set its desired position to 0 and stop it at the placed position.
  • New option for Flag Spawner to show delivery waypoint. This will make the star waypoint show when you can deliver, and the star icon on the map. This is extra useful if you do not require the flag to be present to score.
  • New action RemoveItem. This removes every item in the item list from a player's inventory. Action value is quantity to remove.
  • New action triggers Flag Grabbed and Flag Dropped. These work with the flag spawner object to let you add actions for your flag carrier.
  • Added field ID to jump pads and boost rings so they can be toggled on/off with toggle/enable/disable field actions.
  • Allowed player drop loot option to work when you have bleed out time enabled.
  • For support visit http://support.bigboxvr.com to get access to self-help resources or file a ticket.
Known Issues
  • A brief loss of audio is sometimes encountered when joining a voice chat channel on Quest without headphones. This is due to enabling echo and noise cancellation features.
  • If you see a notice that you need to "update to play" but don't see it in the store, uninstall and reinstall POP: ONE to force the upgrade to happen. You won't lose any progress or data.
  • Friends list icons may not be displayed if you have a very large number of friends. A fix is being worked on for the next update.

See you in game!

Small Backend Update

Hey POP1 Community,

Today we are launching a small backend update for improvements to real-time messaging and friending.

You may notice an update required to launch POP1.

See you in-game!