Hotfix🛠️🚧Update v.3.3.20🚧🛠️
Hey, Junkers!
We've been working hard to squash bugs and refine gameplay based on your valuable feedback. This update includes several important fixes and improvements designed to enhance your overall experience. Let us know what you think! 😊
Full list of changes below! 👇
🛠️Added dynamic annotation text change when selecting an occupied button. The text changes depending on whether the player selected a button locked due to being permanently assigned to a mechanic or one occupied by another mechanic that must be released before use.

🛠️Fixed misalignment of numbers in the resource list when using the Crusher mechanic.
🛠️Corrected the location of one of the findable items for a Task received in the area next to Your Junkyard.
🛠️Fixed ground detection when removing items from storage in the Large Junkyard area. Items would previously bounce when taken out of the backpack.

🛠️Improved optimization of Grinder Particles when working at Your Junkyard.
🛠️Fixed invisible collision issues occurring with some vehicles transported on a tow truck.

🛠️Adjusted the number of steps required to complete the Blue Car engine restoration. Now, after using the Sandblaster, the engine is fully restored.

🛠️Improved duration when selecting an occupied button in the Keybind tab. The information now stays visible long enough to be read comfortably.

🛠️Fixed the scaling of the Skill Reset Button when the text was too long in certain languages, such as French.
🛠️Fixed the Tourer vehicle’s Rear Bumper restoration. Previously, the texture did not change during the process, despite the completion percentage increasing.

🛠️Fixed the ability to assign numeric keypad keys (Num 0, Num 1, Num 2, etc.) in Keybind settings.
🛠️Fixed the display of the crouching prompt when interacting with low objects that can be destroyed with a hammer. Now, the prompt appears only when standing near the object and disappears when crouching, moving away, or looking at an object that does not require crouching.

🛠️Fixed the ability to assign numeric keypad keys (Num 0, Num 1, Num 2, etc.) in Keybind settings.

🛠️Optimized the item collection mechanic at Your Junkyard.
[h3]Important Announcement! 🚨[/h3]
The next BIG game update is scheduled for April – due to the massive amount of work ahead, the hotfix process is currently on hold. In April, we will also include hotfixes for the bugs you have reported.
We are working hard to bring you new updates and exciting features! Stay tuned! 🔧🔥
Happy gaming, and stay tuned for more exciting updates coming your way! 🚀💪
[h3]Also please support us ːsteamthumbsupː 🙂[/h3]
gif compression
We've been working hard to squash bugs and refine gameplay based on your valuable feedback. This update includes several important fixes and improvements designed to enhance your overall experience. Let us know what you think! 😊
Full list of changes below! 👇
🛠️Added dynamic annotation text change when selecting an occupied button. The text changes depending on whether the player selected a button locked due to being permanently assigned to a mechanic or one occupied by another mechanic that must be released before use.

🛠️Fixed misalignment of numbers in the resource list when using the Crusher mechanic.
🛠️Corrected the location of one of the findable items for a Task received in the area next to Your Junkyard.
🛠️Fixed ground detection when removing items from storage in the Large Junkyard area. Items would previously bounce when taken out of the backpack.

🛠️Improved optimization of Grinder Particles when working at Your Junkyard.
🛠️Fixed invisible collision issues occurring with some vehicles transported on a tow truck.

🛠️Adjusted the number of steps required to complete the Blue Car engine restoration. Now, after using the Sandblaster, the engine is fully restored.

🛠️Improved duration when selecting an occupied button in the Keybind tab. The information now stays visible long enough to be read comfortably.

🛠️Fixed the scaling of the Skill Reset Button when the text was too long in certain languages, such as French.
🛠️Fixed the Tourer vehicle’s Rear Bumper restoration. Previously, the texture did not change during the process, despite the completion percentage increasing.

🛠️Fixed the ability to assign numeric keypad keys (Num 0, Num 1, Num 2, etc.) in Keybind settings.
🛠️Fixed the display of the crouching prompt when interacting with low objects that can be destroyed with a hammer. Now, the prompt appears only when standing near the object and disappears when crouching, moving away, or looking at an object that does not require crouching.

🛠️Fixed the ability to assign numeric keypad keys (Num 0, Num 1, Num 2, etc.) in Keybind settings.

🛠️Optimized the item collection mechanic at Your Junkyard.
[h3]Important Announcement! 🚨[/h3]
The next BIG game update is scheduled for April – due to the massive amount of work ahead, the hotfix process is currently on hold. In April, we will also include hotfixes for the bugs you have reported.
We are working hard to bring you new updates and exciting features! Stay tuned! 🔧🔥
Happy gaming, and stay tuned for more exciting updates coming your way! 🚀💪
[h3]Also please support us ːsteamthumbsupː 🙂[/h3]