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  3. Warsim 1.2.8 (Staff Executions Update)

Warsim 1.2.8 (Staff Executions Update)

Lots of evil player fan service in this update, but hey staff executions will resume until morale improves! Nice little content update here and another big ole batch of bugs sorted!

[h3]EXECUTIONS (8 features)[/h3]

Ever wanted to execute your staff and champions? Given how psychopathic the average Warsim player seems to be I'll bet you have... Well now you can you sick bastards!

* Added ability to execute your champions
* Added ability to execute games master
* Added ability to execute court bard
* Added ability to execute steward
* Added ability to execute general
* Added ability to execute jester
* Added ability to execute diplomat
* Added ability to execute spymaster

[h3]TRAP DOOR ADVENTURERS (2 features)[/h3]

Adventurers foolish enough to visit your throne room?!? TRAP DOOR!

* Added ability to trap door a group of adventurers (credit Cyrosink)
* Added ability to trap door a lone adventurer (credit Cryosink)

Lets not ask where the meat came from a liches corpse...

[h3]STATS SCREEN REWORK (5 fixes)[/h3]

Following a bug report the other day I discvoered that since our combat update a few years back, much of the code that tracks battles had been disconnected meaning many stats just stayed at 0... Unacceptable, now fixed and rewoked!

* Fixed issue with total kills not working in stats screen (credit u/changecandid1024)
* Fixed issue with total deaths not working in stats screen (credit u/changecandid1024)
* Fixed issue with battle count not working in stats screen (credit u/changecandid1024)
* Removed broken total time played stat in stats screen (credit u/changecandid1024)
* Reworked stats screen layout and added war section

[h3]BUGFIXES (12 bug fixes)[/h3]

As always more fixes to fix!

* Fixed lands beyond graveyard tells you that you already raised the dead but choosing the option allows you to repeat it infinitely (credit Gilldarr Raumass)
* Fixed bug with human village in lands beyond having innaccesible farmland (credit Mini Paceed)
* Fixed bubbling lava text bug (credit Mini Paceed)
* Fixed splash into lava text bug (credit Mini Paceed)
* Fixed corpse traders cannot be dropped through a trap door (Credit Mini Paceed)
* Fixed missing text when asking steward to imprison people
* Fixed steward forced imprisonment rule not saved and resets each time you load game (credit AV)
* Fixed bug with Elyk the madmans naked work story
* Fixed Dunelord text bug 'humans a weak' instead of 'are weak'
* Fixed misplaced exit option in champion staff screen
* Fixed text bug in year transition screen (credit Parabell(_)m)
* Fixed issue where asking mercantile leaders to attack other kingdoms always end up attacking rebels (credit Kaliah)

EVERYTHING ELSE (x features)

* Updated blind user guide as it was outdated since quickstart was added (credit Indianapolis_Jones)

As always, the discord is where it's at so don't be a stranger, I check it often :)

And we still have Warsim Collector's Editions for anyone interested - Warsimstore.com

Thank you all very much!
