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Warsim: The Realm of Aslona News

Warsim 10th Anniversary (& 112 feature Update 1.2.9)

Hey guys, last year when I wrote up the 9th annviersary article I thought to myself... next years one now that'll be a mad one!

The idea that this mad project has been going on for a decade is insane to me, and I seriously appreciate you all more than most will understand. The love, passion, and kindness from 1000s of people worldwide has kept this going.

And here it is, the oldest surviving evidence of Warsim development, Mar 4th 2015.

Now before all the mushy stuff and the 10th anniversary celebration, I want to share our 10th Anniversary update. This bad boy turns your Warsim into the 10th anniversary edition which comes with a new Arena Mode on the main menu. New challenge modes, and lots of new features to the game including more region maps, and deeper lands beyond mechanics. So anyway here's the changelog! (Keep scrolling for 10th anniversary article goodness)


[h3]10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY EDITION (2 features)[/h3]

* New tag on the main menu showing the 10 year anniversary edition!
* Added new section of Warsim history in extras

[h3]DWARFED BY MASSIVE-EMPIRES (1 features)[/h3]

One of my favourite little cheats back in the day, was 445. Turning the starting rival kingdoms into big empires that could actually be a threat, watching them duke it out with eachother. Since turning that into an official challenge mode I've wanted to push it further, this new mode contains 10x bigger empires than in the original Dwarfed by empires mode!

* Added new challenge mode (Dwarfed by Massive Empires) (kingdoms 10x bigger than dwarfed by empires, and 50x bigger than default)

[h3]NEW CHALLENGES (2 features)[/h3]

Whipped up some more challenge modes after the massive empires one because I was having too much fun!

* Added new challenge mode (One troop challenge) you have 1 peasant, soldier, and knight. Every other faction also has 1 of each
* Added new challenge mode (elite challenge) you have 10k knights, but everyone else gets 100k of their elitest unit

[h3]ARENA MODE (17 features)[/h3]

A whole new gamemode from the main menu, now you can mess about with the Arena without needing to start a game! Thanks to a discord suggestion by our man Gustavo :)

* Added new main menu option 'Arena Mode'
* Added ability to host a champion fight to define champion
* Added ability to watch endless champion fights
* Added ability to watch random fights
* Added ability to watch animal fights
* Added ability to watch a custom fight between two custom npcs you've designed
* Added ability to watch a commoner's tournament
* Added ability to watch an 8 man tournament
* Added ability to watch a 16 man tournament
* Added ability to watch a 32 man tournament
* Added ability to create a custom grand champion
* Added ability to allow/disallow crowd interference
* Added ability to open/close the arena spike pit
* Added ability to display fights bit by bit or all at once
* Added ability to simulate a grand champion fight
* Added ability to simulate a custom number of fights
* Added ability to view current grand champion stats

[h3]AUTOMATIC RECRUITMENT (24 features)[/h3]

My god you don't know how much I've stressed about putting this in. After the last recruitment overhaul which made it a bit more complicated for some troop types this saves having to back every single turn. Tested and seems to work fantastic, this is going to make longterm runs even easier!

* Added new auto recruitment menu to troop recruitment screen
* Added ability to have your staff automate the automation set up (you lazy bastard)
* Added ability to choose the order of unit importance with auto recruitment
* Added ability to leave without defining order and have your staff set it for you
* Added ability to choose how many / or max recruits auto-recruited from the local militia
* Added ability to choose how many / or max recruits auto-recruited from the blackmarket scum
* Added ability to choose how many / or max recruits auto-recruited from the local soldier pool
* Added ability to choose how many / or max recruits auto-recruited from the north merc post soldier pool
* Added ability to choose how many / or max recruits auto-recruited from the combat academy
* Added ability to choose how many / or max recruits auto-recruited from nomad merc pool
* Added ability to choose how many / or max recruits auto-recruited from the local knight pool
* Added ability to choose how many / or max recruits auto-recruited from the roses order
* Added ability to choose how many / or max recruits auto-recruited from the prison pool
* Added ability to choose how many / or max recruits auto-recruited from the north merc bandit pool
* Added ability to choose how many / or max recruits auto-recruited from the blackmarket merc pool
* Added ability to choose how many / or max recruits auto-recruited from the blackmarket underground pool
* Added ability to choose how many / or max recruits auto-recruited from the thickblood bandit pool
* Added ability to choose how many / or max recruits auto-recruited from the goblin slaver
* Added ability to choose how many / or max recruits auto-recruited from the goblinwood merc pool
* Added ability to choose to autorecruit free peasants (the villages / towns)
* Added ability to choose to autorecruit free soldiers (huntsmans rest)
* Added ability to choose to autorecruit free goblins (uktak)
* Added ability to pause auto-recruitment but save your settings
* Added new section of auto-recruitment notifications in end of turn report under recruitment category

[h3]SCOUTING THE LANDS BEYOND (6 features)[/h3]

This is a bit of a throwback to how exploring worked in my old game the wastes but now you can choose from a number of randomly generated options if you scout ahead!

* Added ability to pay 100 gold to scout ahead and get choice of 2 locations
* Added 50/50 chance of a third location choice
* Added Scout Training Upgrade (2.5k gold) that makes it always 3 and adds a chance of 4
* Added Improved Scout Training Upgrade (5k gold) that makes it always 4 and adds a chance of 5
* Added Expert Scout Training Upgrade (10k gold) that makes it always 5 and adds a chance of 6
* Added current gold indicator to lands beyond screen

[h3]THE WORLDSAGA (2 features)[/h3]

Everytime you explore new lands and find more kingdoms to fight the old ones are gone forever, well now you can at least remember them!

* Added new option 6 when talking to your diplomat to view the Worldsaga
* Added new list of all kingdoms currently existing and lost to the past

[h3]CAT'S DANCE (2 features)[/h3]

Cat's dance is similar to sudden death, sixes are cats and there are only 8 rounds and 10 dice, good luck!

* Added a new game in the Darkdale Cat Tavern called cat's dance
* Added cat sfx when game is over

[h3]STAFF MEETING ACCESS (1 feature)[/h3]

* You can now launch a staff meeting from the bottom of the staff screen

[h3]NEW MAPS (11 features)[/h3]

Previously we only had a map for the North! Now we've got maps for every other region too!

* Added dynamic map for the Farrad desert
* Added dynamic map for the Lost Jungle
* Added dynamic map for the Dunelands
* Added dynamic map for the Parched Lands
* Added dynamic map for Oasis
* Added dynamic map for the Drylands
* Added dynamic map for the South coast
* Added dynamic map for Denland
* Added dynamic map for Songwood
* Added dynamic map for Wildwood
* Added dynamic map for Darkmarsh

[h3]THRONE ROOM EXPANSION (2 features)[/h3]

The ever-growing throne room content pile continues!

* Added new throne room encounter 'Since a dog'
* Added new throne room encounter 'Nose holder'

[h3]LANDS BEYOND TAVERNS (2 features + 3 bugfixes)[/h3]

After doing a playthrough and delving into these a lot I have to expand them a bit more and fix some stuff!

* Added chance for Western Sudden death to be played in proc gen taverns (9 dice)
* Added chance for Eastern Sudden death to be played in proc gen taverns (19 dice)
* Fixed 'full drunk goblins' text bug in proc gen bars in Lands Beyond
* Fixed free booze in proc gen lands beyond taverns gets mislabelled as coming from your own bar
* Fixed broken rules of sudden death screen in proc gen taverns

[h3]BUGFIXES (28 bug fixes)[/h3]

As always more fixes to fix!

* Fixed switched up dialogue options of Gibbrath (credit Kaliah)
* Fixed love cult text bug (credit Mini Paceed)
* Fixed issue with infinite merc discount (credit jeikobuappu)
* Fixed ability to descend the realm into demonic control even if you killed the demon lord (credit Zombie_bro13)
* Fixed incorrect reporting of how or when kingdoms died when you get god to kill everyone (credit Kaliah)
* Fixed text bug in one of the blackmarket introductions (Credit Harry Beresford)
* Fixed text bug in accepting independent soldier text (credit Harry Beresford)
* Fixed 5 text bugs in kids to war throne room encounter (credit Harry Beresford)
* Fixed text bug with soldier recruitment reaction (credit Harry Beresford)
* Fixed text bug in humble reaction to player kindness throne room (credit Harry Beresford)
* Fixed militia subsidy law still takes your money even if you banned the militia (Credit jeikobuappu)
* Fixed text bug with wild north map
* Fixed bug with Oasis location unlock text
* Fixed issue where you pay 1500 gold for Market end estates in darkdale instead of 20k (Credit angryIsosceles)
* Fixed text bug with terraformers guild notification (credit Lil' Nutslinger)
* Fixed exiting from Chimchogre riddles counts and an attack (credit Kaliah)
* Fixed overzealous autosave gamebreak by disabling the feature (credit BudgetSecret)
* Fixed lead revolt text bug (credit Ricebug)
* Fixed 'falsely taxes' text bug (credit Snattlerake)
* Fixed 'none of the less' text bug (credit Snattlerake)
* Fixed text bug with palisade damage text (credit Snattlerake)
* Fixed missing reaction to you fleeing from slave liberators as a slaver in the lands beyond
* Fixed option to attack ruined festival camp in lands beyond
* Fixed minor bandit custom scenario doesn't use correct land distribution (credit Zablox)
* Fixed screaming goblin text bug
* Fixed Gibbrath Inaccessable if you teach gnomes to gamble
* Fixed chance of success text bug (credit Kaliah)
* Fixed zeef's name dialogue bug (credit Kaliah)

[h3]EVERYTHING ELSE (9 features)[/h3]

* Added new human name 'Rekar'
* Added 19 more random crowns than can be worn by kingdom leaders
* Reworked reaction to floating gold 'Gold doesn't float fool!' (credit Harry Beresford)
* Reworked generals introduction (credit Harry Beresford)
* Reworked dog eater throne room encounter (credit Harry Beresford)
* Updated bank interest explained book with details on max interest (credit Profane Ghost)
* Updated bank interest screen to explain when max interest achieved (credit Profane Ghost)
* Removed broken option from ruined festival camp in lands beyond
* Added unique flag text for collapsing a mountain you've put a flag up (credit Kaliah)


These 10 years have been wild, I have made many life friends, gamedev has become my job and hopefully a career for life! I've launched a collector's edition of the game which has been shipped to so many countries, and best of all I've made a video game that I actually enjoy playing (too much in fact)

One of the biggest problems I had with Warsim dev was I'd play it and go... Hmmm this would be fun, and then adding it to the game and not closing the loose ends on other stuff that needed to be done. Managed to patch that over in 2022 when I finally wrapped up all the loose ends that had been open for 5 years. Still to this day though, I get an idea and it goes in, people who play Warsim lots can probably tell that it's just ADHD self indulgent feature creep... but hey if it makes something weird and fun... Why the hell not!

The collector's edition was another wild element of Warsim history, finally locked down on the 9th year of development even though I had plans for a physical release as far back as 7 years ago when I printed some fake covers and made a mock version of a physical release (A pipe dream I thought)

Sending these all over the world to some of the biggest youtubers and to Warsim's greatest fans will forever be something I treasure.

[h3]The future of Warsim[/h3]

What's next for Warsim? People have been asking me for at least 5 years expecting me to say I'm wrapping up development soon and moving on to something new and well... sometimes I've thought about it. But truth be told Warsim means too much to me to ever abandon, I think for as long as my insane codebase will allow me to update it I'll be adding things here and there, and I still have a list of nearly 3000 ideas to work through.

However for the last year I have slowly been ramping up on a new project that is worlds apart from Warsim that I hope will push new boundaries, but for now we quietly build!

For any that doubt I'm Warsim for life though here's our beloved Bongles the Great tattooed on my arm :)

[h3]A parting message[/h3]

I could write an essay on this, and I have... but to TLDR this... I fucking love you guys
Thank you for making my dreams come true ːmeatytearsː


Warsimlikes - The Subgenre grows into 2025!

Hello everyone!

We're entering 2025 with 2 new Warsimlikes to go onto our evergrowing list, and damn does it feel good to see that this isn't slowing down any time soon!

Our Warsimlikes discord room on our Warsim discord is still buzzing with activity too as plenty of prospective ascii devs make themselves known and share knowledge!

Here is the updated list of the 11 Warsimlikes we have so far!


[h3]CULT GAME[/h3]

CheffJeff on our Warsimlike discord is probably the Warsimlikes Goat, he's been working on some incredible stuff and also singehandedly saved Warsim from a huge bug that broke development last December by helping me through an issue that I couldn't wrap my head around personally, absolute hero. Check it out here.

He's also lately been popping off with some incredible youtube videos showing his development process, check them out here and see why 25k other people enjoyed it

[h3]Heroes of Book & Paper[/h3]

The first Warsimlike to go on steam, fun fact about this. It's the only other game on steam that references Aslona (nice little easter egg) and the developer is a longtime Warsim community legend LeMachinga, who came up with a redesign for the mushroom men faces that became the standard, leading to a possible mushroom name for shroomling characters 'LeMushinga'. Check out the awesome game here on steam.

Here are some of his shroomlings

[h3]Mistworld (New)[/h3]

This is an exciting one from the developer of Crusader's Quest below, good to see him continue to mess around with Ascii projects and continue refining his skills!

Go check it out on itch.io - https://gagagievous.itch.io/mistworld

[h3]Church of the One True AI (New)[/h3]

A new project I very happily got tagged in on twitter, keep up the good work Geeknik!

[h3]Roots of Harmony[/h3]

This one was an excellent thing to come out of seemingly nowhere, the second Warsimlike you can find on steam!

'Text-based 4X with a focus on turf war and resource management. Roots of Harmony is an old-school keyboard-controlled casual game where you have to lead your colony to different stages of development, while facing various threats and managing your doctrines and disciples.'

It is still being updated and is only getting better and better in time!

Check it out on steam!

[h3]Dark Path Wanderer[/h3]

This one feels like a mix of Warsim and my old game the Wastes (rip) the screenshots look really cool and I'm excited to see how it develops. Check it out here.

[h3]Crusader's Quest[/h3]

A python based text rpg based on Warsim and Oregon Trail. Another promising project that I watch with interest. Check it out here!

[h3]IceBound Zero[/h3]

Sesmania's beautiful looking game IceBound Zero was something that spurred on a previous Warsimlikes thread. See more here.

[h3]Bazaboo's Warsimlike Project[/h3]

An early project being crafted on our discord by Bazaboo, who is currently working on some fun stuff with kingdom generation and history generation, awesome to see them having so much fun with it!

[h3]END OF EDEN[/h3]

This game is one that used the Warsim generators that were released as a free tool for DMs and other game devs a little while back, here we see one of Warsims Underling faces and it's awesome to see our generators go to use like this! Check it out here.

[h3]The Wastes[/h3]

Adding it here as an honourable mention, this game was made after the initial warsim demo but before I took on Warsim properly and began turning it into a game. This proc gen wasteland explorer game was worked on intensely for 6 months before I had the source code wiped... Didn't keep any backups back then like a bloody idiot but hey lessons learned...

You can download it here - https://huw2k8.itch.io/the-wastes

Have your own Warsimlike or feeling inspired?

Are you working on something inspired by Warsim? or are you considering it? Well don't be a stranger please! There might be 8 billion of us on this big rock but the internet makes the connections between us ridiculously easy, I'm sat in my bedroom in Wales and I frequently find it possible to talk to wonderful people seemingly in every corner of the globe.

If you have your own project of this kind, let me know and I'll be sure to share it with the people or join us on the Warsimlikes discord room and share it yourself!

And for those asking what the definition of a Warsimlike is, I'd say it's a stretchable definition that simply means at it's minimum a game that's development has been inspired in part by Warsim, or a game that uses content from the Warsim generators for it's own content

Cheers and take care


Warsim 2024 - A fantastic year in review!

2024 has been a turmultuous year, and Warsim has seen a lot happen in that time. We've had our daily deal, 100k warsimmers, a collector's edition release, and heaps of content! As well as a growing community of Warsimlikes. The fact that this project started in 2015 is doing this well here in 2024 astonishes me and ensures that I will not stop adding to this monstrosity anytime soon!


There's been a ton of big news this year, but to summarise it

  • 9 year anniversary - We celebrated 9 years of Warsim development, which is insane to me... Choo choo here comes the 10 year!
  • Collector's Edition Launch - Launched our collector's edition of Warsim via Warsimstore.com and they have been selling worldwide ever since (really blows my mind still that so many people have supported the game at this level)
  • 100K Warsimmers - Over 100 thousand people own Warsim now! What an insane milestone... Funfact, not long after this while clearing out I found an old note I made to myself with a pipedream note on it, my dream of hitting 100k Warsim players on steam... It seemed unreachable of a goal but look at us now!
  • Steam Daily Deal - The wonderful people of Steam let us have the frontpage for a day, and that day got Warsim out to a heap of new people!
  • The Warsim-likes revolution -An ever growing number of Warsim-like games are being developed and we have finally started promoting and sharing them about, which has helped all of them grow! (There's some really promising stuff going on there!)
  • Godherja Collaboration - In a rather bizarre moment, a spur of the moment dm to the dev of my favourite CK3 mod led to the discovery that they were a massive Warsim fan, which resulted in a cross-over collab between our two game projects!

The collector's edition

Some signed boxes

A batch of them ready to go out

Giving a talk on Warsim at a local dev meet

The daily deal


So all of the above stuff is great, but none of it involved changes to Warsim. We had plenty of those with 16 content updates over the course of the year adding heaps of new content such as:

Honestly, sometimes it feels like things barely progress when you're super close to it, so writing up stuff like this makes me feel happy because I can see that bad days or good days, Warsim has been chugging along nicely and is still growing more and more every year into a completely different game than it once was. And for that I thank everyone who has been so deeply part of that journey!


Well, I don't want to spoil things too much, but I am cooking something that I hope will be massive for Warsim's 10th Anniversary. Anyone who's been following along with me for long enough knows I've always got 5 irons in the fire and 10 eggs in 10 baskets, so watch this space and see what I cook up next!

Between gigging with my band, developing and growing Warsim, and working on my mystery new game project with a team, there is much going on! So keep enjoying it, keep reporting bugs, and most of all keep sharing it with your friends :)

I'm also now putting everything on Warsimstore.com at 10% off for xmas!

That's all from me for now though, thank you so much for reading and for caring about this wild ascii game
Lots of love,
Ya boi

Huw :)

Warsim 1.2.8 (Staff Executions Update)

Lots of evil player fan service in this update, but hey staff executions will resume until morale improves! Nice little content update here and another big ole batch of bugs sorted!

[h3]EXECUTIONS (8 features)[/h3]

Ever wanted to execute your staff and champions? Given how psychopathic the average Warsim player seems to be I'll bet you have... Well now you can you sick bastards!

* Added ability to execute your champions
* Added ability to execute games master
* Added ability to execute court bard
* Added ability to execute steward
* Added ability to execute general
* Added ability to execute jester
* Added ability to execute diplomat
* Added ability to execute spymaster

[h3]TRAP DOOR ADVENTURERS (2 features)[/h3]

Adventurers foolish enough to visit your throne room?!? TRAP DOOR!

* Added ability to trap door a group of adventurers (credit Cyrosink)
* Added ability to trap door a lone adventurer (credit Cryosink)

Lets not ask where the meat came from a liches corpse...

[h3]STATS SCREEN REWORK (5 fixes)[/h3]

Following a bug report the other day I discvoered that since our combat update a few years back, much of the code that tracks battles had been disconnected meaning many stats just stayed at 0... Unacceptable, now fixed and rewoked!

* Fixed issue with total kills not working in stats screen (credit u/changecandid1024)
* Fixed issue with total deaths not working in stats screen (credit u/changecandid1024)
* Fixed issue with battle count not working in stats screen (credit u/changecandid1024)
* Removed broken total time played stat in stats screen (credit u/changecandid1024)
* Reworked stats screen layout and added war section

[h3]BUGFIXES (12 bug fixes)[/h3]

As always more fixes to fix!

* Fixed lands beyond graveyard tells you that you already raised the dead but choosing the option allows you to repeat it infinitely (credit Gilldarr Raumass)
* Fixed bug with human village in lands beyond having innaccesible farmland (credit Mini Paceed)
* Fixed bubbling lava text bug (credit Mini Paceed)
* Fixed splash into lava text bug (credit Mini Paceed)
* Fixed corpse traders cannot be dropped through a trap door (Credit Mini Paceed)
* Fixed missing text when asking steward to imprison people
* Fixed steward forced imprisonment rule not saved and resets each time you load game (credit AV)
* Fixed bug with Elyk the madmans naked work story
* Fixed Dunelord text bug 'humans a weak' instead of 'are weak'
* Fixed misplaced exit option in champion staff screen
* Fixed text bug in year transition screen (credit Parabell(_)m)
* Fixed issue where asking mercantile leaders to attack other kingdoms always end up attacking rebels (credit Kaliah)

EVERYTHING ELSE (x features)

* Updated blind user guide as it was outdated since quickstart was added (credit Indianapolis_Jones)

As always, the discord is where it's at so don't be a stranger, I check it often :)

And we still have Warsim Collector's Editions for anyone interested - Warsimstore.com

Thank you all very much!


Warsim 1.2.7 (Houseparty and Mushroom Trip Improvements)

Was planning on releasing this later with more stuff in it, but a lovely bug reporter educated me on the fact that my wonderful champion Gibbrath from the previous update... Which was an update to fix a crashbug... Added his own save breaking bug (F You GIBBRATH) so here's an early release :)


Played through the houseparty with one of my best friends recently in a fun playthrough, but noticed a few things that we could improve.

* Added ability to sip a drink from the booze when in the cellars of the house party (credit Harrison)
* Added drunk level now shown to you when in the cellars of the house party (credit Harrison)
* Added ability to request the booze seller when at the house party (credit Harrison)
* Added ability to pay 50 gold for 50 more drinks (credit Harrison)
* Added ability to pay 100 gold for 100 more drinks (credit Harrison)
* Added ability to pay 250 gold for 250 more drinks (credit Harrison)

[h3]MUSHROOM TRIP EXPANSION (22 features)[/h3]

Expanded this system so your trip can get better or worse as it goes on, unlocking better or worse events! Also added a heap of new ones :)

* Added new trip type system (player can have good/bad or mixed trip which determines events)
* Added new trip event 'Bad trip'
* Added new trip event 'Good trip'
* Added new trip event 'Getting better'
* Added new trip event 'Getting worse'
* Tweaked ruined cabin trip encounter
* Added new trip encounter 'Blorktorn vision'
* Added new trip encounter 'Warm fuzzy feeling'
* Added new trip encounter 'Love and Joy'
* Added new trip encounter 'it's a game?'
* Added new trip encounter 'Whoa fingers'
* Added new trip encounter 'close up'
* Added new trip encounter 'veins are weird'
* Added new trip encounter 'Mirror peek'
* Added new trip encounter 'Golden cube'
* Added new trip encounter 'Meatball'
* Added new trip encounter 'fleeting'
* Added new trip encounter 'lunatics'
* Added new trip encounter 'disgusting'
* Added new trip encounter 'screen'
* Added new trip encounter 'imagine goblins'
* Fixed bug with hands trip encounter

[h3]THRONE ROOM ADJUSTMENTS (7 changes)[/h3]

Some encounters were appearing much more often than others and bloating the throne room a bit, I've tried to balance this!

* Made gift giving woman throne room encounter 5x rarer
* Made champion available 20% rarer
* Made too fat for door encounter 3x rarer
* Made necromancer insult encounter 5x rarer
* Made undead corpse seller encounter 2x rarer
* Made passionate speech 25% rarer
* Made I forgot encounter 2x rarer

[h3]BUGFIXES (6 bug fixes)[/h3]

As always more fixes to fix!

* Fixed unawoken corpses being shown on main menu for non necros
* Fixed exiting village champion challenger screen counts as having challenged them
* Fixed gnome insult text bug
* Fixed issue with custom knightly order leader name growing each time you rename the order
* Fixed Gibbrath champ description broke saves (credit u/Mythos1092)
* Fixed bug where leaving chimchogre area without sacrifice causes you to meet them

[h3]EVERYTHING ELSE (2 features)[/h3]

* Made goblin celebration event clarify what the cost is in the end of turn text instead of just saying 'you pay the fee'
* Added new pop up for godmode challenge start showing you that you have a terraton (as many players were getting confused and bugreporting to me that godmode starts with no cash... it's there you just gotta smelt it lads)

As always, the discord is where it's at so don't be a stranger, I check it often :) - https://discord.gg/YyFAkry98w

And we still have Warsim Collector's Editions for anyone interested - Warsimstore.com

Thank you all very much!
