Hotfix and 0.65e.0.4
Hello Survivors!
A new Hotfix and 0.65e.0.4 is available!
- Added: Placing multiple blueprints of the actual recipe while holding the Run (Shift) key
- Fixed: Missing "Wait" Action and functionality in Sailing UI (Default is "V" and can be changed in Options/Controls)
- Fixed: Not degrading Tool quality during usage
- Fixed: Missing HP info in Detail for non-repairable tools
- Fixed: Displayed "HP" for tool quality in Details (instead of "Quality")
- Fixed: Missing Quality info in details for killed/dead animal
- Fixed: Spawned meat after cutting dead animals gets correct quality value only after a while (not instantly)
- Fixed: Wrong hotkey displayed for 'Sit' option on Floor
- Fixed: Wrong hotkey displayed for 'Lean In' option on Shelter
- Fixed: Wrong hotkey displayed for 'Wait/Stop' option in Shelter
- Fixed: Too high player laying position in Shelter (just under the roof)
- Fixed: Not correct rotation/height values set for Sails after game load
We would like to thank you for your support, bug reports and feedback.