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  3. Dual Spring Offensive Campaign begins!

Dual Spring Offensive Campaign begins!

[h2]Spring Offensive - Eastern Front[/h2]
Under the Chantilly Agreement of December 1915, Russia, France, Italy and Great Britain were committed to simultaneous attack against the Central Power in the summer of 1916. The Lake Naroch offensive is related to this, as it was launched by request of the French Marshal Joseph Joffre. It was intended to relieve pressure on the French troops fighting in Verdun on the Western Front. The offensive was launched on March 18 1916.

The Lake Naroch offensive was unsuccessful due to a lack of adequate reconnaissance. This resulted in the Russian artillery's failure to destroy the well fortified German positions, which in return led to direct infantry attacks against the German line that had minimal chance of success.

[h2]Dual Spring Offensive in game[/h2]
Our latest campaign event will run until March 27.
All casualties in Frontlines and Maneuver game modes in Verdun and Tannenberg will be added to the total losses, and the winning side will be whoever suffers the least killed and wounded. Too many First World War battles essentially became meatgrinders (or were even conceived as such from the start) and so it is for our campaigns.

Read the event FAQ here!