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Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms News

Vecna: Eve of Ruin Part 5

The hunt for pieces of the Rod of Seven Parts continues.

On the world of Krynn, in the Northern Dargaard Mountains of Solamnia, a giant corrupted tree holds the next clue.

Note: You will need to have completed the previous two Vecna: Eve of Ruin adventures, Death House and Sacrifice, in order to access these new adventures.

[h2]Campaign: Vecna: Eve of Ruin[/h2]

[h3]The Peylon Tree[/h3]
Investigate the peylon tree in search of the next piece of the rod.
  • Complete area 800

[h3]Variant: Return of the Lone Wolf Party[/h3]
Investigate the peylon tree with a lone werewolf and Champions that are just as lonely.
  • You may only use Champions that don't belong to an affiliation.
  • Riffel (in werewolf form) joins the formation as an escort.
  • Champions next to Riffel take damage equal to 5% of their total health every second due to his werewolf-y nature.
  • Complete Area 850

[h3]Three Moons Vault[/h3]
Enter Three Moons Vault to claim the next rod piece from an evil archmage.
  • Complete area 850

[h3]Variant: The Old Ways[/h3]
Enter Three Moons Vault while facing Lord Soth with your older Champions.
  • You may only use Champions that are 100 years old or older.
  • In each Boss Area, Lord Soth spawns as an additional boss that must be defeated to progress.
  • Complete Area 900

[h2]Vecna: Eve of Ruin Tier 3 Blessings[/h2]
  • Measured Assault - Local: Decrease the base attack cooldown of all non-Chaotic Champions by 0.1s
  • Stick Together - Local: Increase the damage of all Champions by 100% for each adjacent formation slot, stacking additively
  • Allies in Death - Local: Increase the damage of all Champions by 100% for each Undead Champion in the formation, stacking additively
  • Legendary Heroes - Global: Increases the damage of all Champions by 2% for every piece of equipment of Legendary rarity across all Champions, stacking multiplicatively.

[h2]New Champion Roles![/h2]
With this update we'll be introducing 3 new Champion Roles. Check out the new roles below:
  • Breaker - Champions with the Breaker role are ones with effects or mechanics that cause enemies with hits-based or armor-based health to take extra damage from some or all attacks.
  • Control - Control Champions are ones who affect the enemies in a non-damaging way, such as stunning, slowing, or reducing the damage they do.
  • Hunter - Hunter Champions are ones who have one or more favored foes and deal extra damage or grant extra effects against those enemies.

[h2]Opening the Vault[/h2]
The Vault is open! What wondrous creatures lie within?

Access to a special vault has been granted for a limited time. Click the notification or check the Shop to learn more.

[h2]Campaign Feedback[/h2]
Are you enjoing the campaign? We want to know!
The best way for us to hear your feedback would be for you to join our community on an officially-supported platform:

2025 Champion Spotlight: Ishi

    Ishi Snaggletooth hails from a warren of Kobolds living in the sewers under Baldur's Gate. Always the type to be more curious than careful, she accidentally stowed away on a ship headed to Port Nyanzaru. There, she met her dear friend, the Firbolg Littlefox. Often shunned by humans, Ishi hopes to prove herself as a true hero however she can. Ishi's biggest claim to fame is the defeat of the known swordsman, Hershel Von Saberburg, and since that day, she's touted herself as a renowned duelist to anyone who'll listen to her.

It's been a long time since Ishi joined Idle Champions, and on February 12th, 2025, she will be the lucky recipient of a new Rework set to make her a powerful component of non-human formations.

For more info about the new Ishi Rework, read on!

[h2] Ishi Snaggletooth[/h2]





Female (She/Her)


Chaotic Good



Fighter / Rogue

DPS/ Gold


STR: 10

DEX: 18

CON: 16

INT: 12

WIS: 14

CHA: 15

TOT: 85

Patron Eligibility: Mirt, Vajra, Zariel, Elminster (until February 12th, 2028)

[h3]Basic Attack[/h3]
  • Quick Strike (melee) - Ishi attacks the front-most enemy.

[h3]Passive Abilities[/h3]
  • Me First! - Ishi always attacks 0.25 seconds faster than the fastest member of the formation, or every 6 seconds if nobody else is in the formation.

[h3]Formation Abilities[/h3]
  • Monsters Are People Too! - Ishi's damage is increased by 100% for each non-human in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Let's Find Some Treasure - Ishi increases the party's gold find by 100% for each non-human Champion, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Treasure Hunter - Ishi increases the effect of Let's Find Some Treasure by 100% for every 4 seconds it has been since Ishi attacked but did not kill an enemy, stacking multiplicatively up to 15 times.
  • Faster, Harder, Stronger - Ishi keeps track of the number of attacks she has made in the last minute. She increases her damage by 100% for each attack, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Winner Take All - Every day, Ishi gains 5 Duel To The Death stacks. When Ishi has an available Duel To The Death stack and gets the killing blow on a boss that drops a loot sack, there is a 5% chance that she will consume a Duel To The Death stack and claim a piece of that boss's equipment as her own, granting 6 item levels to a piece of her equipment at random. Ishi can store up to 50 Duel To The Death stacks at once.

  • Friend to the Familiar - Ishi's damage is increased by 125% for each Aasimar, Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Halfling, and Half-Elf Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Friend to the Feared - Ishi's damage is increased by 150% for each Dragonborn, Goliath, Orc, Tiefling, and Half-Orc Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Friend to the Exceptional - Ishi's damage is increased by 100% for each Champion in the formation that is not a Standard species, stacking multiplicatively. Standard species are Aasimar, Dragonborn, Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Goliath, Halfling, Human, Orc, Tiefling, Half-Orc, and Half-Elf.

[h3]Ultimate Ability[/h3]
  • Confidence Boost - For 30 seconds, Ishi's damage is increased by 100% for each non-human in the formation, stacking multiplicatively. The duration extends when Ishi lands the killing blow on a boss.


Champion DPS Buff

Faster, Harder, Stronger Buff

Monsters Are People Too! Buff

Let's Find Some Treasure Buff

Buffs Friend to the Familiar, Friend to the Feared, and Friend to the Exceptional

Ultimate Cooldown

  • Frugal
    Increases all Gold found by 10%.
  • Something to Prove
    Increases the effect of Ishi's Monsters Are People Too! ability by 20%.
  • Detritus Diving
    Increases the effect of Ishi's Let's Find Some Treasure ability by 20%.

  • Well Rounded
    Increases the effect of Ishi's Monsters Are People Too! ability by 40%.
  • Finders Keepers
    Increases the effect of Ishi's Let's Find Some Treasure ability by 40%.
  • Counting Lesson
    Increases the effect of Ishi's Faster, Harder, Stronger ability by 40%.
  • Kobold Camaraderie
    Increases the effect of Friend to the Familiar, Friend to the Feared, and Friend to the Exceptional by 40%.
  • Keen Mind
    Increases the Intelligence score of Ishi by 1.
    Unlockable as an Event Reward

  • Creature Squad
    Increases the effect of Ishi's Monsters Are People Too! ability by 80%.
  • Multiversal Allies
    Increases the damage of all Champions by 20% for each unique species in the formation, stacking additively.
  • Ardent Allies
    Increases the effect of Friend to the Familiar, Friend to the Feared, and Friend to the Exceptional by 80%.
    Unlockable as an Event Reward

[h2]Ishi Feedback Requested[/h2]
The Ishi Rework is here! What do you think? Will she make non-human formations popular? We want to know!

The best way for us to hear your feedback would be for you to join our community on an officially-supported platform:

Grand Revel 8

It's time for another day of dancing in Chult!

Grand Revel runs until February 26th. Featured Champions for this year's event include a new Thri-Kreen Ranger and a returning Kobold Fighter - and together, they seek to empower non-human formations like never before!

In the Forgotten Realms, Grand Revel is a day of dancing, music, and the eating of sweet treats of all sorts, from chocolate to red "firemint" candies. But even during such an unparalleled day of joy, there are quests to be done and adventures to be had. One such adventure revolves around a missing caravan on Chult -- and the Templar of the Order of the Gauntlet who desperately wants it found...

[h2]Featured Champions[/h2]

    By wood, river, cavern, and vale, nomads of the Shaar spread the tale of Kalix the Exile. Gifted in combat from a young age, this thri-kreen warrior amassed a collection of trophies, garnering acclaim from the others of his tribe—the Krakk't. However, the hunter was never satisfied. He dreamed of quarry none would dare. At the Hill of Memories, during the yearly gathering, Kalix attacked the emissaries of the other tribes. None could deny his prowess. For this act, he was banished and forced to wander the world, searching for purpose. Now Kalix offers his services to all who promise a worthy hunt and woe unto any foe he marks as his prey.

Kalix is a Support Champion who excels in formations featuring unorthodox species. This Thri-kreen harnesses his telepathic abilities to boost the damage of Champions that aren't next to him, and he's skilled at tracking down his favored foe: humanoids. Kalix also increases the damage of your active party when he is positioned in the front column of a formation, making him an invaluable resource once you have access to multiple adventuring parties.

Learn more about Kalix in his Champion Spotlight.


    Ishi Snaggletooth hails from a warren of Kobolds living in the sewers under Baldur's Gate. Always the type to be more curious than careful, she accidentally stowed away on a ship headed to Port Nyanzaru. There, she met her dear friend, the Firbolg Littlefox. Often shunned by humans, Ishi hopes to prove herself as a true hero however she can. Ishi's biggest claim to fame is the defeat of the known swordsman, Hershel Von Saberburg, and since that day she's touted herself as a renowned duelist to anyone that'll listen to her.

It's been a long time since Ishi joined Idle Champions, and on February 12, 2025, she will be the lucky recipient of a new Rework set to make her a powerful component of non-human formations.

Learn more about Ishi in her Champion Spotlight coming this Friday, February 7th!

[h2]Flex Champions[/h2]
Flex Slots allow players to unlock additional Champions and earn chests during
events, choosing from a pool of retired Champions associated with the event.
This collection of retired Champions includes the Champions from previous years of the
event as well as some Champions whose events have been retired.
This event's Flex Slot pool includes:






Hew Maan


Brother Uriah



[h2]Event Augments[/h2]
  • Augment 1: Boon Enhancements (Returning Augment)
    Description: An additional boon buff at each level increases gems dropped from bosses.


Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3

Tier 4

Gem Drops





  • Augment 2: Auto-Equip (Returning Augment)
    Description: Event Champions whose recruitment adventure or variants you complete gain common rarity equipment in all slots if they don't already have better.
  • Augment 3: Auto Blacksmith (Returning Augment)
    Description: Every tier two or higher event variant completed automatically applies 100 Tiny Blacksmithing Contracts to the variant's Champion's equipment for free!
  • Augment 4: Worth The Wait (Returning Augment)
    Description: Rebalanced Champion Ishi will unlock at the start of week two of this event, and completing her tier 2+ variants awards double chests!

[h2]Elegant Spring Celebration[/h2]
It's finally time for our Elegant Spring Celebration! Players will be able to unlock daily curated rewards along with exciting participation rewards that include the new Myrkul's Chosen Skin and a Taunt feat for the Nightwarden Minthara. The Elegant Spring Celebration comes to a close next Wednesday, February 12th.

[h2]Grand Revel Feedback Wanted[/h2]
We want to hear about your experiences in Idle Champions! What do you think about Kalix? Are you excited to learn more about Ishi's rework on Friday?

Your feedback is important to us, and we would love to have you join our community on one of our official platforms:

Champion Spotlight: Kalix

    By wood, river, cavern, and vale, nomads of the Shaar spread the tale of Kalix the Exile. Gifted in combat from a young age, this Thri-kreen warrior amassed a collection of trophies, garnering acclaim from the others of his tribe—the Krakk't. However, the hunter was never satisfied. He dreamed of quarry none would dare. At the Hill of Memories, during the yearly gathering, Kalix attacked the emissaries of the other tribes. None could deny his prowess. For this act, he was banished and forced to wander the world, searching for purpose. Now Kalix offers his services to all who promise a worthy hunt, and woe unto any foe he marks as his prey.

Kalix is a Support Champion who excels in formations featuring unorthodox species. This Thri-kreen harnesses his telepathic abilities to boost the damage of Champions that aren't next to him, and he's skilled at tracking down his favored foe: humanoids. Kalix also increases the damage of your active party when he is positioned in the front column of a formation, making him an invaluable resource once you have access to multiple adventuring parties.

For more information about this CNE Original Thri-Kreen Champion, read on...






Male (he/him)


Lawful Evil






STR: 12

DEX: 18

CON: 14

INT: 13

WIS: 11

CHA: 11

TOT: 79

Patron Eligibility: Mirt, Vajra, Strahd, Elminster (until February 5th, 2028)

[h3]Basic Attack[/h3]
  • Chatkcha(ranged) -Kalix throws a Chatkcha at the closest enemy, dealing 1 hit.

[h3]Passive Abilities[/h3]
  • Thri-kreen Telepathy - While Kalix is in the front column of any party, your active party's damage is increased by 100%. This means this ability affects your active party even if Kalix is not in your active party (as long as they're in the front-most column of their party).

[h3]Formation Abilities[/h3]
  • Mindlink - Kalix telepathically increases the damage of all Champions not adjacent to him by 100%.
  • Unorthodox Alliance - Kalix gains an Ally stack for each Champion in the formation that is not a Standard species. He increases the effect of Mindlink by 100% for each Ally stack, stacking multiplicatively. Standard species are Aasimar, Dragonborn, Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Goliath, Halfling, Human, Orc, Tiefling, Half-Orc, and Half-Elf.
  • Chameleon Carapace - Enemies that attempt to choose Kalix as a target do not, and instead choose to attack another Champion, assuming another valid target exists. The effect of Mindlink is increased by 100% each time this triggers, stacking multiplicatively up to 25 times and resetting when changing areas.
  • The Deadliest Prey - Humanoids are Kalix's favorite foe. All Champions deal 400% additional damage against Kalix's favored foes.

  • Strength in Numbers - The most represented species in your formation grant additional Ally stacks for Unorthodox Alliance (even if it is not a Standard species). In the case of a tie, Champions from all tied species grant an additional Ally stack.
  • Creative Camouflage - The maximum stacks of Chameleon Carapace are doubled, and 50% of the current stacks are not reset when you change areas.
  • One For You, One For Me - Kalix gains the Speed role and each time a monster spawns that is not his favored foe, one or more favored foes simultaneously spawn. The effect of The Deadliest Prey is also increased by 400%.

[h3]Ultimate Ability[/h3]
  • Gythka Strike(melee) -Kalix makes 5 attacks against random enemies, dealing ultimate damage and stunning them for 5 seconds due to his paralyzing poison.


Global DPS Buff

Thri-kreen Telepathy Buff

Mindlink Buff

Unorthodox Alliance Buff

Chameleon Carapace Buff

Ultimate Cooldown


  • Selflessness
    Increases the damage of all Champions by 10%.
  • Expanded Awareness
    Increases the effect of Kalix's Mindlink ability by 20%.
  • Hidden Danger
    Increases the effect of Kalix's Chameleon Carapace ability by 20%.
  • Common Quarry
    Increases the effect of Kalix's The Deadliest Prey ability by 20%.

  • Inspiring Leader
    Increases the damage of all Champions by 25%.
  • Mental Discipline
    Increases the effect of Kalix's Mindlink ability by 40%.
  • Eclectic Collective
    Increases the effect of Kalix's Unorthodox Alliance ability by 40%.
  • Last Surprise
    Increases the effect of Kalix's Chameleon Carapace ability by 40%.
  • Hunt the Civilized
    Increases the effect of Kalix's The Deadliest Prey ability by 40%.
  • Hunt the Divine
    Add Celestial as a favored foe for Kalix.
  • Hunt the Bound
    Add Construct as a favored foe for Kalix.
    Unlockable as an Event Reward
  • Hunt the Amorphous
    Add Ooze as a favored foe for Kalix.

  • Psionic Talent
    Increases the effect of Kalix's Thri-kreen Telepathy ability by 80%.
    Available in the Ruby Rose Knight Kalix Theme Pack
  • Entertainer
    Increases the Charisma score of Kalix by 2.
    Unlockable as an Event Reward

[h3]We Want YOUR Feedback[/h3]
What do you think of Kalix? Is he everything you had hoped our next CNE Original would be? We want to know!
The best way for us to hear your feedback would be for you to join our community on an officially-supported platform:

February Augment Preview

Welcome to the Event Augment preview for Grand Revel!

Our second 2025 Event launches on Wednesday, February 5th, and brings back four Event Augments. For more info on which Event Augments have returned for Grand Revel 8, read on!

[h2]Grand Revel Year 8 Event Augments[/h2]

  • Augment 1: Boon Enhancements (Returning Augment)
    Description: An additional boon buff at each level increases gems dropped from bosses.


Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3

Tier 4

Gem Drops





  • Augment 2: Auto-Equip (Returning Augment)
    Description: Event Champions whose recruitment adventure or variants you complete gain common rarity equipment in all slots if they don't already have better.
  • Augment 3: Auto Blacksmith (Returning Augment)
    Description: Every tier two or higher event variant completed automatically applies 100 Tiny Blacksmithing Contracts to the variant's Champion's equipment for free!
  • Augment 4: Worth The Wait (Returning Augment)
    Description: Rebalanced Champion Ishi will unlock at the start of week two of this event, and completing her tier 2+ variants awards double chests!
Note: Similar to our rollouts in December and January, the spotlight blogs for the two Featured Champions next month will also be spread out, with Kalix tomorrow, January 31st, and Ishi's releasing next Friday, February 7th.

We hope you enjoy these Event Augments! Please tell us about your experiences with Augments in Idle Champions. The best way for us to hear your feedback would be for you to join our community on an officially-supported platform: