Vecna: Eve of Ruin Part 5

The hunt for pieces of the Rod of Seven Parts continues.
On the world of Krynn, in the Northern Dargaard Mountains of Solamnia, a giant corrupted tree holds the next clue.
Note: You will need to have completed the previous two Vecna: Eve of Ruin adventures, Death House and Sacrifice, in order to access these new adventures.
[h2]Campaign: Vecna: Eve of Ruin[/h2]

[h3]The Peylon Tree[/h3]
Investigate the peylon tree in search of the next piece of the rod.
- Complete area 800
[h3]Variant: Return of the Lone Wolf Party[/h3]
Investigate the peylon tree with a lone werewolf and Champions that are just as lonely.
- You may only use Champions that don't belong to an affiliation.
- Riffel (in werewolf form) joins the formation as an escort.
- Champions next to Riffel take damage equal to 5% of their total health every second due to his werewolf-y nature.
- Complete Area 850
[h3]Three Moons Vault[/h3]
Enter Three Moons Vault to claim the next rod piece from an evil archmage.
- Complete area 850
[h3]Variant: The Old Ways[/h3]
Enter Three Moons Vault while facing Lord Soth with your older Champions.
- You may only use Champions that are 100 years old or older.
- In each Boss Area, Lord Soth spawns as an additional boss that must be defeated to progress.
- Complete Area 900
[h2]Vecna: Eve of Ruin Tier 3 Blessings[/h2]
- Measured Assault - Local: Decrease the base attack cooldown of all non-Chaotic Champions by 0.1s
- Stick Together - Local: Increase the damage of all Champions by 100% for each adjacent formation slot, stacking additively
- Allies in Death - Local: Increase the damage of all Champions by 100% for each Undead Champion in the formation, stacking additively
- Legendary Heroes - Global: Increases the damage of all Champions by 2% for every piece of equipment of Legendary rarity across all Champions, stacking multiplicatively.
[h2]New Champion Roles![/h2]
With this update we'll be introducing 3 new Champion Roles. Check out the new roles below:
- Breaker - Champions with the Breaker role are ones with effects or mechanics that cause enemies with hits-based or armor-based health to take extra damage from some or all attacks.
- Control - Control Champions are ones who affect the enemies in a non-damaging way, such as stunning, slowing, or reducing the damage they do.
- Hunter - Hunter Champions are ones who have one or more favored foes and deal extra damage or grant extra effects against those enemies.
[h2]Opening the Vault[/h2]
The Vault is open! What wondrous creatures lie within?
Access to a special vault has been granted for a limited time. Click the notification or check the Shop to learn more.
[h2]Campaign Feedback[/h2]
Are you enjoing the campaign? We want to know!
The best way for us to hear your feedback would be for you to join our community on an officially-supported platform:
- The Official Idle Champions Discord.
- The Official Idle Champions Subreddit.
- Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Bluesky, or Instagram.