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Champion Spotlight: Kalix

    By wood, river, cavern, and vale, nomads of the Shaar spread the tale of Kalix the Exile. Gifted in combat from a young age, this Thri-kreen warrior amassed a collection of trophies, garnering acclaim from the others of his tribe—the Krakk't. However, the hunter was never satisfied. He dreamed of quarry none would dare. At the Hill of Memories, during the yearly gathering, Kalix attacked the emissaries of the other tribes. None could deny his prowess. For this act, he was banished and forced to wander the world, searching for purpose. Now Kalix offers his services to all who promise a worthy hunt, and woe unto any foe he marks as his prey.

Kalix is a Support Champion who excels in formations featuring unorthodox species. This Thri-kreen harnesses his telepathic abilities to boost the damage of Champions that aren't next to him, and he's skilled at tracking down his favored foe: humanoids. Kalix also increases the damage of your active party when he is positioned in the front column of a formation, making him an invaluable resource once you have access to multiple adventuring parties.

For more information about this CNE Original Thri-Kreen Champion, read on...






Male (he/him)


Lawful Evil






STR: 12

DEX: 18

CON: 14

INT: 13

WIS: 11

CHA: 11

TOT: 79

Patron Eligibility: Mirt, Vajra, Strahd, Elminster (until February 5th, 2028)

[h3]Basic Attack[/h3]
  • Chatkcha(ranged) -Kalix throws a Chatkcha at the closest enemy, dealing 1 hit.

[h3]Passive Abilities[/h3]
  • Thri-kreen Telepathy - While Kalix is in the front column of any party, your active party's damage is increased by 100%. This means this ability affects your active party even if Kalix is not in your active party (as long as they're in the front-most column of their party).

[h3]Formation Abilities[/h3]
  • Mindlink - Kalix telepathically increases the damage of all Champions not adjacent to him by 100%.
  • Unorthodox Alliance - Kalix gains an Ally stack for each Champion in the formation that is not a Standard species. He increases the effect of Mindlink by 100% for each Ally stack, stacking multiplicatively. Standard species are Aasimar, Dragonborn, Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Goliath, Halfling, Human, Orc, Tiefling, Half-Orc, and Half-Elf.
  • Chameleon Carapace - Enemies that attempt to choose Kalix as a target do not, and instead choose to attack another Champion, assuming another valid target exists. The effect of Mindlink is increased by 100% each time this triggers, stacking multiplicatively up to 25 times and resetting when changing areas.
  • The Deadliest Prey - Humanoids are Kalix's favorite foe. All Champions deal 400% additional damage against Kalix's favored foes.

  • Strength in Numbers - The most represented species in your formation grant additional Ally stacks for Unorthodox Alliance (even if it is not a Standard species). In the case of a tie, Champions from all tied species grant an additional Ally stack.
  • Creative Camouflage - The maximum stacks of Chameleon Carapace are doubled, and 50% of the current stacks are not reset when you change areas.
  • One For You, One For Me - Kalix gains the Speed role and each time a monster spawns that is not his favored foe, one or more favored foes simultaneously spawn. The effect of The Deadliest Prey is also increased by 400%.

[h3]Ultimate Ability[/h3]
  • Gythka Strike(melee) -Kalix makes 5 attacks against random enemies, dealing ultimate damage and stunning them for 5 seconds due to his paralyzing poison.


Global DPS Buff

Thri-kreen Telepathy Buff

Mindlink Buff

Unorthodox Alliance Buff

Chameleon Carapace Buff

Ultimate Cooldown


  • Selflessness
    Increases the damage of all Champions by 10%.
  • Expanded Awareness
    Increases the effect of Kalix's Mindlink ability by 20%.
  • Hidden Danger
    Increases the effect of Kalix's Chameleon Carapace ability by 20%.
  • Common Quarry
    Increases the effect of Kalix's The Deadliest Prey ability by 20%.

  • Inspiring Leader
    Increases the damage of all Champions by 25%.
  • Mental Discipline
    Increases the effect of Kalix's Mindlink ability by 40%.
  • Eclectic Collective
    Increases the effect of Kalix's Unorthodox Alliance ability by 40%.
  • Last Surprise
    Increases the effect of Kalix's Chameleon Carapace ability by 40%.
  • Hunt the Civilized
    Increases the effect of Kalix's The Deadliest Prey ability by 40%.
  • Hunt the Divine
    Add Celestial as a favored foe for Kalix.
  • Hunt the Bound
    Add Construct as a favored foe for Kalix.
    Unlockable as an Event Reward
  • Hunt the Amorphous
    Add Ooze as a favored foe for Kalix.

  • Psionic Talent
    Increases the effect of Kalix's Thri-kreen Telepathy ability by 80%.
    Available in the Ruby Rose Knight Kalix Theme Pack
  • Entertainer
    Increases the Charisma score of Kalix by 2.
    Unlockable as an Event Reward

[h3]We Want YOUR Feedback[/h3]
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