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Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms News

The Apothecary

Well Met, Champions!

Today we have introduced a brand new system to Idle Champions: the Apothecary.

The Apothecary allows players to Distill, Enhance, and Brew potions to create the types of potions they want, including a new tier of potions: Legendary Potions!

To learn more, read on...

[h2]Welcome to the Apothecary[/h2]

The new Apothecary system is accessed from the Potion inventory screen and from the Potion Manager. From here you can:

  • Distill existing potions into Potion Reagents and Legendary Vessels. The amount of Potion Reagents gained is based on the rarity of potions.
  • Enhance existing potions to higher rarities, using Potion Reagents and Legendary Vessels.
  • Brew new potions of your choice, using Potion Reagents and Legendary Vessels.
[h2]Legendary Potions[/h2]

Note: Last week we updated the title of the existing Legendary Potions that you can collect when dismantling a legendary piece of equipment to Legendary Equipment Potions. Those potions are different from the Legendary potions we're introducing today.

Legendary Potions are a new type of potion crafted exclusively through the Apothecary using Potion Reagents and Legendary Vessels:

  • Legendary Potions require 1 Legendary Vessel and 1,440 Potion Reagents to craft from scratch.
  • Legendary Potions have larger base effects than Epic Potions but also increase the effect of all active potions by 15%, stacking multiplicatively.
    • The global speed cap remains in place, however, the Legendary Speed Potion has an additional effect: Game Speed Cap +5% per Speed Potion active, stacking additively.
    • With five Legendary Potions active, all Potions effects are roughly doubled.
  • Legendary Potions last for 24 hours and persist through adventure resets. Using additional Legendary Potions adds to the duration.

Potion Type

Potion Effect

Potion Duration

Legendary Giant's Strength

Global DPS +1500% & All Potions' Effects +15%

24 hours

Legendary Clairvoyance

Gold Find +500% & All Potions' Effects +15%

24 hours

Legendary Heroism

Champion Health +400% & All Potions' Effects +15%

24 hours

Legendary Fire Breath

Clicks deal 900s of BUD & All Potions' Effects +15%

24 hours

Legendary Speed

Game Speed +225%, All Potions' Effects +15%, & Game Speed Cap +5% per speed potion active, stacking additively (max +25%)

24 hours

[h2]Collect a free Legendary Vessel each week![/h2]
We've updated the Daily Rewards to include a Legendary Vessel, available to collect for free each week! - You'll find it under Day 7:

[h2]Log in and check it out![/h2]
Everyone who logs into Idle Champions after Noon today, and before Noon PT on March 19th will collect a free Legendary Vessel, as well as 1440 Potion Reagents - enough to brew your first Legendary Potion! Learn more by clicking the Apothecary button in the Potion inventory screen or the Potion Manager. There is a handy overview of Distill/Enhance/Brew costs visible in the FAQ section.

[h2]Apothecary Feedback[/h2]

What do you think of the Apothecary System? Your feedback is important to us, and we would love to have you join our community on one of our official platforms:

New Champion: Sheila

    Sheila is the compassionate heart of a group of young friends whisked away to the magical world of Dungeons & Dragons. She reluctantly took on the role of Thief, using her Cloak of Invisibility to move unseen. Sensitive and loyal, Sheila strives to keep her loved ones safe, especially her younger brother, Bobby. Her supportive spirit is a powerful force as they journey together in search of a way back home.

Sheila is a Support and Debuff Champion whose kind heart supports all Good-aligned Champions in the formation. Her magical Cloak of Invisibility allows her to attack unseen, weakening enemy coordination and increasing her allies' critical hit chance and damage. She occasionally collects Potion Reagents when bosses are defeated, allowing you to brew potions. The Apothecary system will be launching on March 12! We'll have more information about it in an upcoming blog.

For more information about The Thief, read on!
[h2]Sheila the Thief[/h3]





Female (She/Her)


Neutral Good




Support / Debuff

Saturday Morning Squad

STR: 10

DEX: 14

CON: 11

INT: 11

WIS: 15

CHA: 12

TOT: 73

Patron Eligibility: Mirt, Elminster (until March 26th, 2028)

[h3]Basic Attack[/h3]
  • Unseen Strike(melee) -Sheila turns invisible and deals 1 hit to the closest enemy.

[h3]Formation Abilities[/h3]
  • Kind Heart - Sheila increases the damage of all Good Champions by 100%.
  • Cloak of Invisibility - Every time Sheila attacks, the enemies become less coordinated, opening them up to more critical hits. For each attack, increase the Critical Hit Chance of all Champions by 2% and increase their Critical Hit Damage by 10%, stacking additively up to 10 times and resetting every time you change areas.
  • Potion Reagent Scavenger - Sheila can help scavenge up to 2500 additional Potion Reagents when killing bosses. While this cap is not reached, Sheila has a 10% chance of scavenging 10 Potion Reagents each time a boss is defeated. The cap increases by 100 every day.

[h3]Specializations A[/h3]
  • Meekly Meeting - Sheila increases the damage bonus of Kind Heart by 100% for each Champion in the formation with a total ability score of 78 or less, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Youthful Allies - Sheila increases the damage bonus of Kind Heart by 100% for each Champion in the formation with an age of 20 or less, stacking multiplicatively.
  • A Rosy Outlook - Sheila increases the damage bonus of Kind Heart by 100% for each Female or Non-Binary Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.

[h3]Specializations B[/h3]
  • Frightening Strike - Sheila's base and ultimate attacks frighten her targets. Frightened enemies take 100% more damage from critical hits, stacking multiplicatively up to 8 times per enemy.
  • Enraging Strike - Sheila's base and ultimate attacks enrage her targets. The damage enraged enemies take increases by 15% every 2 seconds, stacking multiplicatively up to 30 times. The stacks reset when the enemy takes out their anger by attacking a Champion.
  • Confusing Strike - Sheila gains the Control role. Sheila's base and ultimate attacks confuse her targets for 3 seconds. Confused enemies are stunned, take 1000% additional damage, and face the other direction.

[h3]Ultimate Ability[/h3]
  • Ultimate Invisibility(melee) -Sheila turns invisible for a short while and attacks each enemy.


Global DPS Buff

Kind Heart Buff

Cloak of Invisibility Buff

Buffs Meekly Meeting, Youthful Allies and A Rosy Outlook SLOT 4

Buffs Frightening Strike, Enraging Strike and Confusing Strike SLOT 5

Ultimate Cooldown

  • Selflessness
    Increases the damage of all Champions by 10%.
  • Heart of Copper
    Increases the effect of Sheila's Kind Heart ability by 20%.
  • Making Friends
    Increases the effect of Meekly Meeting, Youthful Allies and A Rosy Outlook by 20%.
  • Mischief Maker
    Increases the effect of Frightening Strike, Enraging Strike and Confusing Strike by 20%.
  • Inspiring Leader
    Increases the damage of all Champions by 25%.
  • Heart of Silver
    Increases the effect of Sheila's Kind Heart ability by 40%.
  • Unseen Advantage
    Increases the effect of Sheila's Cloak of Invisibility ability by 40%.
  • Unseen Danger
    Increases the effect of Sheila's Cloak of Invisibility ability by 40%.
  • Better Friends
    Increases the effect of Meekly Meeting, Youthful Allies and A Rosy Outlook by 20%.
  • Sneaky Saboteur
    Increases the effect of Frightening Strike, Enraging Strike and Confusing Strike by 20%.
  • Actor
    Increases the Charisma score of Sheila by 1.
    Unlockable as an Event Reward
  • Heart of Gold
    Increases the effect of Sheila's Kind Heart ability by 80%.
    Available in the Swashbuckler Sheila Theme Pack
  • Scholar
    Increases the Intelligence score of Sheila by 2.
    Unlockable as an Event Reward

[h2]Champion Feedback[/h3]
What do you think of Sheila? Do you have any feedback about her design or abilities? We want to know!

The best way for us to hear your feedback would be for you to join our community on an officially supported platform:

Fleetswake 8

    The party is recruited by one of Waterdeep's merchant guilds to look into a number of mysterious ship disappearances over the past year. Superstitious folk blame Umberlee, but the merchant guild isn't so sure, and as the Fair Seas Festival gets underway your party begins their investigation in the Dock Ward of Waterdeep...

Our most pirate-y event of the year is here, welcome to Fleetswake Year 8! This year's event introduces two new Featured Champions: Volothamp "Volo" Geddarm and Sheila the Thief. Expect to see some sea-faring skins this event!

Volo is available with the launch of the event today, while Sheila will become available to unlock next week on Wednesday, March 12 -- but don't worry, Sheila is worth the wait!

To learn more about Fleetswake 8, read on...

[h2]Featured Champions[/h2]


Volothamp "Volo" Geddarm is a flamboyant world traveler, self-proclaimed expert, and author of such works as Volo’s Guide to Monsters. Known for his bombastic personality and flair for storytelling, Volo has a knack for turning facts into tall tales. Though he’s quick to avoid personal danger, he’s fiercely loyal to his friends — just don’t expect him to cover the tab.

Learn more about Volo in his Champion Spotlight!


Sheila is the compassionate heart of a group of young friends whisked away to the magical world of Dungeons & Dragons. She reluctantly took on the role of Thief, using her Cloak of Invisibility to move unseen. Sensitive and loyal, Sheila strives to keep her loved ones safe, especially her younger brother, Bobby. Her supportive spirit is a powerful force as they journey together in search of a way back home.

Learn more about Sheila in her Champion Spotlight coming this Friday, March 7th!

[h2]Flex Champions[/h2]
Flex Slots allow players to unlock additional Champions and earn chests during
events, choosing from a pool of retired Champions associated with the event.
This collection of retired Champions includes the Champions from previous years of the
event as well as some Champions whose events have been retired.
This event's Flex Slot pool includes:







Black Viper




[h2]Event Augments[/h2]
  • Augment 1: Free Rerolls (New Augment)

    Description: You gain five free rerolls to use on each set of your Weekly Offers during this event!
  • Augment 2: Golden Offers (New Augment)

    Description: One of your weekly offers will be Golden during this event. Golden offers provide an additional 10% discount! The Golden tag persists when an offer is rerolled.
  • Augment 3: Empowered Rewards (Returning Augment)

    Description: Tier 2 and higher event variants award Corrupted Gems in addition to their normal rewards.
  • Augment 4: Worth The Wait (Returning Augment)

    Description: New Champion Sheila will unlock at the start of week two of this event, and completing her tier 2+ variants awards double chests!

You can check out which Augments are active at any time by mousing over the Event Banner.

[h2]Fleetswake Feedback Wanted[/h2]
Praise Umberlee, it's time to enjoy the Fair Seas festival with our nautical-themed skins! Are you excited for Fleetswake, Volo, and Sheila? Let us know!

Your feedback is important to us, and we would love to have you join our community on one of our official platforms:

New Champion: Volo

    Volothamp "Volo" Geddarm is a flamboyant world traveler, self-proclaimed expert, and author of such works as Volo’s Guide to Monsters. Known for his bombastic personality and flair for storytelling, Volo has a knack for turning facts into tall tales. Though he’s quick to avoid personal danger, he’s fiercely loyal to his friends — just don’t expect him to cover the tab.

Volo is a Support Champion whose encyclopedic knowledge empowers his allies despite his tendency to overestimate his own expertise. His buffs grow stronger as you complete more collection and guide quests, while his quick thinking ensures the party can regroup when danger strikes.

For more information about Volo, read on...

[h2]Volothamp "Volo" Geddarm[/h2]





Male (He/Him)


Chaotic Good






STR: 9

DEX: 12

CON: 10

INT: 15

WIS: 11

CHA: 16

TOT: 73

Patron Eligibility: Mirt, Strahd, Elminster (until March 5th, 2028)

[h3]Basic Attack[/h3]
  • Volo's Guide to Malicious Mockery(magic) -Volo writes a scathing note, dealing a deep magical cut to the nearest enemy.

[h3]Passive Abilities[/h3]
  • Volo's Guide to the Sword Coast - Volo can be used in any Grand Tour of the Sword Coast campaign adventure or variant, even if he would not normally be available to be used due to variant or patron restrictions.

[h3]Formation Abilities[/h3]
  • Volo's Guide to Combat - Volo increases the damage of all Champions in the two columns in front of him by 100%.
  • Volo's Guide to Questing - Volo increases the effect of Volo's Guide to Combat by 10% for each Guide and/or Collection Quest completed, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Volo's Guide to Monsters - Volo counts each type of enemy encountered in the current adventure. Volo increases the effect of Volo's Guide to Combat by 100% for each enemy type encountered, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Volo's Guide to Rapid Retreats - If a Champion in the column in front of Volo is defeated, the formation immediately retreats to the previous area. Upon returning to the area of their near defeat, the effect of Volo's Guide to Combat is increased by 1000% in that area.

  • Volo's Guide to Spirits and Specters - Volo gains the Hunter role and Undead become his Favored Foe. The effect of Volo's Guide to Combat is increased by 100% for each Champion in the formation with the Hunter role, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Volo's Guide to Brain-Eating Tadpoles - The effect of Volo's Guide to Combat is increased by 100% for each Ceremorphosis stack the formation has, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Volo's Guide to All Things Magical - The effect of Volo's Guide to Combat is increased by 100% for each Champion in the formation with a Magic base attack, stacking multiplicatively.

[h3]Ultimate Ability[/h3]
  • Volo's Guide to Writing Wrongs -Volo takes out a book and quill and writes for 15 seconds, causing his buffed allies to deal additional BUD-based damage for the duration.


Global DPS Buff

Volo's Guide to Combat Buff

Volo's Guide to Questing Buff

Volo's Guide to Monsters Buff

Buffs all Specializations

Ultimate Cooldown


  • Selflessness
    Increases the damage of all Champions by 10%.
  • Volo's Constructive Consultation
    Increases the effect of Volo's Volo's Guide to Combat ability by 20%.
  • Volo's Helpful Hints
    Increases the effect of Volo's Volo's Guide to Questing ability by 20%.
  • Volo's Grasping Guesswork
    Increases the effect of Volo's Volo's Guide to Monsters ability by 20%.

  • Inspiring Leader
    Increases the damage of all Champions by 25%.
  • Volo's Discerning Details
    Increases the effect of Volo's Volo's Guide to Combat ability by 40%.
  • Volo's Inspirational Intimations
    Increases the effect of Volo's Volo's Guide to Questing ability by 40%.
  • Volo's Fantastic Findings
    Increases the effect of Volo's Volo's Guide to Monsters ability by 40%.
  • Volo's Justified Jaunt
    Increases the effect of Volo's Volo's Guide to Rapid Retreats ability by 40%.
  • Volo's Adaptable Approach
    Increases the effect of Volo's Volo's Guide to Spirits and Specters, Volo's Guide to Brain-Eating Tadpoles, and Volo's Guide to All Things Magical specializations by 20%
  • Athlete
    Increases the Strength score of Volo by 1.
    Unlockable as an Event Reward


  • Volo's Expanded Expertise
    Increases the number of columns buffed by Volo's Guide to Combat by +1.
    Available in the Privateer Volo Theme Pack
  • Volo's Boundless Brilliance
    Increases the effect of Volo's Volo's Guide to Questing ability by 80%.
    Unlockable as an Event Reward

[h2]Champion Feedback[/h2]

What do you think of Volo? Would you let him perform amateur surgery on your eye? We want to know!

The best way for us to hear your feedback would be for you to join our community on an officially-supported platform:

March Augments Preview

Yarrr, welcome to the March Event Augment Preview!

Our next event be launchin' on Wednesday, March 5th, with a mix of new and returnin' augments. For more info, ye need to read on!

[h2]Fleetswake Year 8 Event Augments[/h2]

  • Augment 1: Free Rerolls (New Augment)

    Description: You gain five free rerolls to use on each set of your Weekly Offers during this event!
  • Augment 2: Golden Offers (New Augment)

    Description: One of your weekly offers will be Golden during this event. Golden offers provide an additional 10% discount! The Golden tag persists when an offer is rerolled.
  • Augment 3: Empowered Rewards (Returning Augment)

    Description: Tier 2 and higher event variants award Corrupted Gems in addition to their normal rewards.
  • Augment 4: Worth The Wait (Returning Augment)

    Description: New Champion Sheila will unlock at the start of week two of this event, and completing her tier 2+ variants awards double chests!
Note: Similar to our rollouts in January and February, the spotlight blogs for the two Featured Champions next month will also be spread out, with Volo tomorrow, February 28th, and Sheila's releasing next Friday, March 7th.

[h2]Augment Feedback[/h2]

What do you think? 'Yarrr' or 'nay'?

Tell us about your experiences with Augments in Idle Champions. The best way for us to hear your feedback would be for you to join our community on an officially-supported platform: