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  3. The Apothecary

The Apothecary

Well Met, Champions!

Today we have introduced a brand new system to Idle Champions: the Apothecary.

The Apothecary allows players to Distill, Enhance, and Brew potions to create the types of potions they want, including a new tier of potions: Legendary Potions!

To learn more, read on...

[h2]Welcome to the Apothecary[/h2]

The new Apothecary system is accessed from the Potion inventory screen and from the Potion Manager. From here you can:

  • Distill existing potions into Potion Reagents and Legendary Vessels. The amount of Potion Reagents gained is based on the rarity of potions.
  • Enhance existing potions to higher rarities, using Potion Reagents and Legendary Vessels.
  • Brew new potions of your choice, using Potion Reagents and Legendary Vessels.
[h2]Legendary Potions[/h2]

Note: Last week we updated the title of the existing Legendary Potions that you can collect when dismantling a legendary piece of equipment to Legendary Equipment Potions. Those potions are different from the Legendary potions we're introducing today.

Legendary Potions are a new type of potion crafted exclusively through the Apothecary using Potion Reagents and Legendary Vessels:

  • Legendary Potions require 1 Legendary Vessel and 1,440 Potion Reagents to craft from scratch.
  • Legendary Potions have larger base effects than Epic Potions but also increase the effect of all active potions by 15%, stacking multiplicatively.
    • The global speed cap remains in place, however, the Legendary Speed Potion has an additional effect: Game Speed Cap +5% per Speed Potion active, stacking additively.
    • With five Legendary Potions active, all Potions effects are roughly doubled.
  • Legendary Potions last for 24 hours and persist through adventure resets. Using additional Legendary Potions adds to the duration.

Potion Type

Potion Effect

Potion Duration

Legendary Giant's Strength

Global DPS +1500% & All Potions' Effects +15%

24 hours

Legendary Clairvoyance

Gold Find +500% & All Potions' Effects +15%

24 hours

Legendary Heroism

Champion Health +400% & All Potions' Effects +15%

24 hours

Legendary Fire Breath

Clicks deal 900s of BUD & All Potions' Effects +15%

24 hours

Legendary Speed

Game Speed +225%, All Potions' Effects +15%, & Game Speed Cap +5% per speed potion active, stacking additively (max +25%)

24 hours

[h2]Collect a free Legendary Vessel each week![/h2]
We've updated the Daily Rewards to include a Legendary Vessel, available to collect for free each week! - You'll find it under Day 7:

[h2]Log in and check it out![/h2]
Everyone who logs into Idle Champions after Noon today, and before Noon PT on March 19th will collect a free Legendary Vessel, as well as 1440 Potion Reagents - enough to brew your first Legendary Potion! Learn more by clicking the Apothecary button in the Potion inventory screen or the Potion Manager. There is a handy overview of Distill/Enhance/Brew costs visible in the FAQ section.

[h2]Apothecary Feedback[/h2]

What do you think of the Apothecary System? Your feedback is important to us, and we would love to have you join our community on one of our official platforms: