Old World March 12th Updated Test Build
[h2]Test Branch 1.0.76797 Test 2025-03-12[/h2]
National Ambitions:
Continent map script changes:
Other design changes:
[h3]Bugs Fixed[/h3]
National Ambitions:
- The final ambition is now called a National Ambition and may be offered early, after a player has completed 5 ambitions
- The offer is triggered soon after the player reaches 75% progress towards one of the national ambitions
- National Ambitions are not used for tier counting purposes i.e. they do not make regular ambition offers harder
- All National Ambitions are listed in the Encyclopedia under their own category
- Added new National Ambition '+250 Food, Iron, Stone, Wood and Money per turn'. This replaces the previous ambition to stockpile 2000 of each resource
- Added new regular Ambition 'Control 4 Hamlet class improvements'
- Adjusted ambition threshold calculations and ambition events to allow a greater variety of ambitions to be offered
Continent map script changes:
- Continent is now the default map script
- Added new Extreme Terrain suboption 'None' and made this the default
- Tribal Lands placement option removed
Other design changes:
- 7 new events relating to Calamities happening to other players (Wrath of Gods)
- Reduced other religion opinion penalty duration for Venerate mission (Wrath of Gods)
- Increased chance of Scrub appearing on new Arid tiles on Ebbing Sea map from 2% to 10% (Wrath of Gods)
- Mod manager no longer fully loads installed maps when fetching subscription info
- Unit XP overflow into training uses TRAINING_PER_XP for consistency
- Buildable projects now use a ProductionType such as YIELD_CIVICS. Non-buildable projects do not require this
- iCivics has been renamed to iCost in project.xml
- Popup text minimum scaling reduced
- Can now queue the same tile multiple times without the unit executing the queued moves
- When the last tile in a move queue is right-clicked, the unit executes the queue
- Flipped luxury panel buttons
- Tweaked alignment for scenario-specific goal info
- Archetypes now shown in line of succession panel
- Improvement pings are no longer removed by an occurrence rendering a tile impassable (Wrath of Gods)
- Boosted plague fog visibility (Wrath of Gods)
- Boosted volcano animation speed (Wrath of Gods)
[h3]Bugs Fixed[/h3]
- Fixed Korean text sometimes not displaying
- Fixed text autosizing issues
- Fixed popup text not updating immediately after changing scaling
- Fixed assert when removing player ownership from a tile with a religion attached
- Fixed forest on lake tile in Middle East map
- Fixed bad city border preview on Old World Map by removing an urban tile to the west of Pella
- Fixed a threading issue that could cause server-side exceptions
- Fixed unit queuing bugs
- Fixed units not being selectable through overlays
- Fixed some UI elements not updating properly after undoing initial found
- Fixed occasional opinion arrow misalignment in event popup
- Fixed city recommendation assert
- Fixed hire and recruit buttons not showing for Tribal units (affects previous Test build only)
- Fixed submenus sometimes not appearing or being interactable (affects previous Test build only)
- Fixed inheritance screen submenu positioning (affects previous Test build only)
- Fixed research bar showing in city view (affects previous Test build only)
- Fixed hidden names on mini tech tree (affects previous Test build only)
- Fixed minimized decisions showing on city screen (affects previous Test build only)
- Fixed city production and unit submenus getting cut off (affects previous Test build only)
- Fixed calamity postprocessing profiles overriding postprocessing settings from graphics settings i.e. Motion Blur (Wrath of Gods)
- Fixed some rendering issues when terrain changes height (Wrath of Gods)
- Fixed calamity effects being removed from rivers too early in some cases (Wrath of Gods)
- Fixed eruptions displaying on volcanos obscured by fog of war (Wrath of Gods)
- Fixed double legitimacy penalty when abandoning a Demand (Wrath of Gods)
- Fixed trees removed from building improvements not being counted for demands (Wrath of Gods)
- Fixed issue where some global calamities that target tiles were instead targeting all tiles (Wrath of Gods)
- Fixed Wrath of Gods scenario failure when random nation and random archetype chosen (Wrath of Gods)
- Fixed Wrath of Gods scenario victory event not triggering when next victory becomes impossible (Wrath of Gods)
- Fixed Wrath of Gods scenario duplicate victory threshold events in some cases
- Text and event fixes