Old World March 5th Updated Test Build
[h2]Test Branch 1.0.76691 Test 2025-03-05[/h2]
Launch Offensive changes:
Other design changes
[h3] UI[/h3]
Setup screen changes:
Other UI changes:
[h3]Bugs Fixed[/h3]
Launch Offensive changes:
- Offensive effects do not apply to the leader unit
- Cannot launch offensive when on cooldown
- Leader unit goes on new launched offensive cooldown
- For team games, bonus orders from the offensive go to the unit owners
Other design changes
- Critical hits on cities are no longer possible
- Stun is now possible when attacking a unit in a city without any HP left
- Commander leaders always grant +10XP per turn to all units (previously units had to be idle)
- Free improvements are now allowed on resource tiles with a generic improvement ping. Placing a free urban improvement on a resource removes the resource without harvesting it
- Adjusted ambition threshold calculations so a greater variety of ambitions gets offered
- Events where the AI offers Truce on breaching a city now trigger when the city is captured instead
- Can no longer build roads and improvements in territory of an ally
- Water tiles no longer need to be adjacent to land in order to transfer them from one of your cities to another
- Units that earn XP past the maximum level convert that XP to training
- Ezana's Evangelist trait only gives new units Christianity/Adept in city where he is governor (Wrath of Gods)
- Rendering API change: Linux / Steam Deck now default to Vulkan. Windows supports Vulkan with a command-line switch
- Epic Mac build now runs natively when run outside of the Epic launcher, i.e. using alternative launcher such as Heroic
- Improved UI responsiveness when cycling through workers
- Performance improvements
- AI combat improvements
- Improved AI use of Launch Offensive
- Improved AI order predictions when planning moves
- AI is more aggressive in moving towards enemy cities when at war
- AI more likely to place ranged units in forest when defending its territory with a Tactician leader
- AI fort building now less common
- AI tries harder to delay using anchored units so that land units don't get stranded
- AI now less eager to build some wonders that are not very useful (e.g. Jebel Barkal without world religion)
- Added ALLOW_CITY_CRITICAL_HITS to globalsInt, for use by modders
[h3] UI[/h3]
Setup screen changes:
- Removed Options Preset dropdown from Simple setup and added Event Level
- Added Reset Options button to Advanced and MP setup screens
- Added difficulty mode to Advanced setup screen
- Simple setup settings are saved separately from advanced setup settings. Going back and forth between Advanced and Simple screens retains only nation and dynasty settings
- Entering the setup screens with a premade map that restricts nation choices stored in the options file will no longer keep that map choice, to ensure all nations are shown
- Enabled DLC no longer gets reset every time
Other UI changes:
- Selected characters now appear in the upper right side of the screen and Ambitions in the upper left
- Strategic resource icons for unit production shown on city categories when available
- Temporary unit effects now show the remaining turn count on their icons
- Changed all happiness/discontent yield displays to use relevant icon instead of signed text
- Added worker list to tile tooltip when multiple workers are stacked
- Selecting a character centers the camera on job-relevant city or unit
- Research UI is now always shown regardless of selection
- Added reminder for pillaged tiles
- Added ability to hide improvement tooltips by holding CTRL
- Timeline now shows map terrain changes over time
- Timeline now shows current revealed-not-visible state for borders when it is set to show the current turn
- With a land unit selected, hovering over a water tile in anchor range will show "Must end move on land tile"
- Network games are now paused automatically when the game is over
- Cannot surrender a multiplayer game if you are the last player remaining
- World tile text now shows over city UI
- Unworked wonders show Requires Worker text with worker selected
- Right-click toggles tab panel menus off if already open
- Improved unit strength tooltip text
- Updated premade map descriptions
- Removed some of the yield breakdown from the specialist tooltip and added modified total yield
- Removed line break from event option tooltips that start goals
- Removed 'New Event in Wizard' button from Event Browser
- City links that do not open the city screen now pan the camera to the city when clicked (i.e. tribal raid notifications)
- Starting a game using a parameter string no longer updates the options file with the game's settings
- Added custom savegame prefix to standalone scenarios
- Added more promotion and effectUnit information to encyclopedia
- Updated Shapur's dynasty description to clarify that Strike applies to melee and ship units (Wonders and Dynasties)
- Plague flies are only shown on units with the Plagued effect. Plague fog effect is confined to city territory (Wrath of Gods)
- Wildfire visual effect is less extreme (Wrath of Gods)
[h3]Bugs Fixed[/h3]
- Fixed workers and ships in cities with no defenses not taking damage from attacks
- Fixed clicks on parts of the UI selecting map elements behind them
- Fixed Continents map script bug
- Fixed Caravans being unable to travel through anarchy territory
- Fixed improvements being repairable inside hostile territory
- Fixed unit health bars appearing incorrectly for some attack previews
- Fixed the Ignore Map Nation Starts option not working on some maps
- Fixed Family Seat founding bonus not showing in the setup screens and in game before player has founded their capital
- Fixed Road To overlay not updating when changing mouseover tile
- Fixed flickering issue when hovering over build recommendations on some parts of the screen
- Fixed bug where AI could still win in some cases when player achieves victory on the same turn
- Fixed goal threshold bug incorrectly making ambitions invalid
- Fixed Barbarian Horde MP achievement not working in hotseat
- Fixed Greek and Assyrian capitol buildings not being shown when adjacent to rivers
- Fixed Allow Negative Cognomens option appearing when no characters option selected
- Fixed Free Court Minister encyclopedia entry with null icon
- Fixed encyclopedia prompt showing on traits with no encyclopedia page
- Fixed encyclopedia null references
- Fixed succession law preview tooltip showing wrong law
- Fixed Courtiers Added stat not increasing when recruiting an existing foreign courtier
- Fixed Organized tribes not healing
- Fixed some AI bugs
- Fixed research UI not updating immediately when yield rates change
- Fixed Carthage scenarios giving a lower-tier victory than earned if one of the goals was completed indirectly
- Fixed Calamities causing city sites to become impassable
- Fixed Flood not displaying correctly in some cases (Wrath of Gods)
- Fixed Calamity level showing on in-game difficulty mode and game parameters tooltips, if the content is disabled in the current game (Wrath of Gods)
- Text and event fixes