Old World February 13th Updated Test Build
[h2]Test Branch 1.0.76299 Test 2025-02-13[/h2]
[h3]Bugs Fixed[/h3]
- Commander leaders now always grant +10XP per turn to all units (previously units had to be idle)
- Updates to The Old World premade map, mainly around Kush and Aksum start positions
- New tutorial event added when Warriors can be upgraded to Spearmen (previously only occured for Axemen upgrades)
- In Rise of Carthage scenario 4, tribal allies will automatically declare war on Rome
- When using the Caesar Dynasty, Princess Julia will now take up family Julius if picked (Wonders and Dynasties)
- Rising Stars now demand the throne less and to be Grand Viziers more (Behind the Throne)
- Optimization and performance improvements
- Standalone scenarios are now shown on the top level of the scenario screen instead of under their own category
[h3]Bugs Fixed[/h3]
- Fixed memory leak
- Fixed issues with paramater strings
- Text and event fixes