Old World January 22nd Updated Test Build
[h2]Test Branch 1.0.75810 Test 2025-01-22[/h2]
[h3]Bugs Fixed[/h3]
- Repeatable technologies increase by 50% of the original cost each time they are researched (+1000, up from +500)
- All religious buildings (Temples, Monasteries, Cathedrals) are now permanent
- Crossbowmen bonus against melee now only applies to attack instead of strength
- New advanced setup option 'Balanced starting resources' for single player (previously MP only)
- If the AI reaches a victory condition on its turn and the player also does at the start of their next turn, the player will now be given the victory instead of the AI
- Reduced the effect of Grand Vizier and AI leader traits on the number of units they tend to build
- Reduced cost of Burning improvements to 50 Training (down from 100)
- Purging a religion from a city now prevents it spreading to the city again without use of a Disciple
- Can no longer gift Family Seats
- Ambition victory now disabled in multiplayer by default (will remain on for ongoing games where it is enabled)
- In Heroes of the Aegean scenario 2, Themistocles now retires after the battle of Salamis
- Tweaks to invasions in Pharaohs of the Nile scenario 5
- AI performance optimization
- Tactical AI improvements
- Improved AI use of anchoring
- Improved AI Scout movement under Exploration law
- Improved AI unit movement
- Added command line argument -loadgame
- Refactored opinion levels to be independent of XML order
- New feature: Generating a parameter string, which players can use in the setup screen to restart the same game from the beginning
- The SP setup screen now has a third tab (Simple/Advanced/Parameter String), where players enter the parameter string
- Parameter Strings can be found on the in game menu
- A preview of potential water control is now shown when holding CTRL with ship selected
- Notification display order reversed, now shows oldest notifications at the top
- Character tooltips now show trait effects that are relevant to the current position (leader, general, governor) of the character
- Rearranged city queue display to avoid overlap. Queue can now display 9 items (up from 4)
- Known visibility button now shows visibility for all rivals if no unit or player is selected
- Buy Orders shortcut key now defaults to SHIFT+O (instead of O)
- Added Leader Archetype dropdown to Basic Setup options for Barbarian Horde scenario
- Added icons for strength and weakness to character tooltips
- MP player UI (team research and gifting options) is now shown in SP when player has AI teammates
- Stats for all players are now shown to observers in MP games
- Removed the 'Edit in Wizard' button from existing events in the Event Browser
- Fixed confusing color of unit fatigue pips when already force marched and there is no movement limit. Force marched units now display flashing "marched" text
- MP scenario tooltips now show scenario subtitle
- Renamed Units Killed stat on stats screen to Military Units Killed
- Removed Raiders and Rebels from game history
- Improved "Slow AI" tooltip
- Bonus tech cards now indicate that they are bonus cards
[h3]Bugs Fixed[/h3]
- Fixed ships sometimes being built on the city center instead of the intended water area
- Fixed event syntax bug
- Fixed nested link in generated diplomacy links
- Fixed hover issue on team research display
- Fixed UI issue with Create Game button being disabled after unloading a server game
- Fixed some AI confusion about who benefits when performing a mission on a character of a different nation
- Fix for initial city naming - only relevant in mods
- Fixed tribe link in city widget not selecting tribe
- Fixed some UI issues with tile highlighting
- Fixed AI exception with tribal cities
- Fixed missing seat founding bonus in the family class Encyclopedia entries
- Fixed add urban recommendation not showing border preview on hover
- Fixed regenerating Hall of Fame entries leading to points wins becoming defeats after opulence VP changes
- Fixed player placement bug for 2-team MP games that also have independent AI nations
- Fixed portrait interpolation errors for portraits that do not have interpolation settings when interpolation is disabled
- Fixed boat projectiles causing rendering artifacts on macs
- Fixed breaking peace with a tribe in no characters mode
- Fixed name display issue in some languages for royal characters with jobs
- Fixed goals not completing when new units created
- Fixed marauder prefabs being slightly offset
- Fixed portraits not updating when age interpolation is enabled for the first time in-game
- Fixed portrait editor breaking when interpolation is disabled in graphics options
- Fixed portrait editor portraits not updating correctly when a source portrait
- Fixed portrait editor opinion tab displays
- Fixed incorrect tile highlighting for event options that affect tiles
- Fixed Learn to Play 2 choose tech goal not completing immediately
- Fixed potential issues with retake islands events in Rise of Carthage scenario 4
- Fixed bugs with rebellion event triggering twice and Aristotle event not triggering in Heroes of the Aegean scenario 4
- Text and event fixes