1. Shardbound
  2. News
  3. Patch Notes #53

Patch Notes #53

Card Changes

+ Strict Packmaster:

  • Health reduced to 4, down from 5.

+ Spearmaiden:

  • Attack reduced to 3, down from 4.

+ Raised By Primals:

  • Cost increased to 3, up from 2.

+ Chronoslap:

  • Now also deals 1 damage in addition to stunning.

+ Warpgate:

  • Anomaly stats increased to 4/4, up from 3/3.
Core Gameplay

  • The time bank will now be activated even when a player is idle (has taken no actions) on a turn.
Map Changes

  • Lost Highlands has been added to the map pool!
Some Shards are desolate. Some are dark and dangerous. And others are vibrant - dappled with lush vegetation and ancient technology that still flickers with the sparks of a long lost purpose.

Core Tech

  • Upgraded Unreal Engine to version 4.17.1

  • Updates continue on refining the details of the new UI. Aesthetic improvements have been made to various screens.
  • Most alert and confirmation dialogs have been updated to the new style.
  • The escape key may now be pressed as a shortcut to clicking the “back” button on screens in the Overworld.
  • Improved code redemption flow in the Options menu.
  • The Profile UI may now be opened during the tutorial or on top of any other screen in the Overworld.
Bug Fixes

  • [Mac] Fixed a crash that occurred on Intel chipsets (e.g. Macbook Air) when spawning specific VFX.
  • Fixed a bug on Reaver’s Mire where the maps’ ambient sounds would pop.