Shardbound Patch #57
Patch Note Preamble
Hey all! It's been super exciting to see so many of you engage with us and play since the last large patch. I know there have been a lot of questions regarding whether the game is fully back or when we're going to add more art to the game. I'm sorry to say that there isn't a path to either of those things at this time.
We will however, commit to doing the best we can to iterate and improve the game as we have it now. If you have any questions or feedback feel free to reach out to us on our discord at:
Now onto the changes in this patch!
[h3]Minor bug fixes[/h3]
Fix up associated cards for Zieger 1 to properly show Vaast
Fix up Uncontrollable keyword text error on Frenzied Direhide and Frenzied Rageclaw
[h3]New Content![/h3]
Noble Season 1 card back in honor of our first Noble for season 1, Atrioc! Enjoy your Tendah nobles!
Leader card backs and new games won achievement for factions
Each faction now awards you a leader based card back once you hit 100 wins with them.
Note: you will need to win a single game with a faction in order to unlock these achievements even if you're past the total number of wins required.

[h3]In Match UI[/h3]
Updated the in game hand UI to move where the player decks are and enlarged them.
Updated player 2 hand UI to make card backs actually viewable to the opponent.