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  3. The Shardbound Summer Bundle!

The Shardbound Summer Bundle!

Hey there, Rangers! We couldn’t help but join in on the fun of the Steam Summer Sale, and just launched a new Bundle that’s available for a very limited time!

Until July 5th, you can head OVER HERE and grab the bundle for just 7 bucks. It includes 40 boxes at a 65% discount and throws in 2 Legendary Boxes to boot, each with a guaranteed Legendary card.

Why did we want to join the Summer Sale? Two reasons - first, we didn’t want the Shardbound community to be left out of the season of bargains, so we hope this is an exciting way to supplement your barracks. Secondly, the Summer Sale is a great time to discover new games, and we wanted to get the word out to new players about Shardbound!

We hope you’ll tell your friends it’s a great time to jump in and join our Alpha, and encourage them to pick up this sweet deal. We also hope you’re enjoying our recent balance patch and we’re eager for your feedback! Please keep it coming.

- Your Friends at Spiritwalk