Patch Notes #55.5
System Changes
- Random duel order now actually randomly chooses a player instead of always Player 1
- Daily Rewards exist again!
- Rematches in queueing are enabled for the time being (previously you were prevented from matching with the same person twice in a row)
- Temporarily disable the Twitch nodes for Give Streamer Deck and Streamer Gives Deck so that the nodes only have challenge queues.
- You can now play Blame The Deck (randomly generated multicolor decks) through duels!
- You can now click on the duel toast to bring up the duel menu faster
- Rebalanced the Blame the Deck algorithm
Card Adjustments - Nerfs
A large number of neutrals to adjust here. Neutrals have been ubiquitous in top lists due to their flexibility and often best in slot nature over some of the class cards. We hit a lot of the known offenders, but one notable card missing here is Soul Shifter. Soul Shifter is strong, but is also necessary, so adjusting it needs to be done carefully. Shout outs to Astral Champ getting hit again, cantrips on a good body are strong.
Mind Melter
- Warcry now requires Line of Sight
Summoner’s Aide
- Health from 4 to 3
- Effect now damages Aide by 1
Phalanx Leader
- Cost from 3 to 5
- Attack from 3 to 4
- Cost from 2 to 3
- Health from 3 to 4
Astral Champion
- Health from 6 to 5
Card Adjustments - Buffs
Two of these are experimental, two of these are just stat buffs to under performing cards. There will be more tweaks in this area, card reworks and such, but these felt like a good set to try out.
Novice Knight
- Vengeful Veteran now deals double damage to the unit that killed the Knight
Blight Lasher
- Movement set to 1 up from Can’t Move
- Health from 8 to 6
- Base attack from 3 to 4
Osprey Soldier
- Attack from 3 to 5
- Health from 4 to 2