1. Shardbound
  2. News
  3. First Win of the Day Reward

First Win of the Day Reward

Hey there Rangers,

In our most recent patch (Patch #48, 7/11) we made a change to Shardbound that wasn't recorded in our Patch Notes. The change was that 'First Win of the Day' no longer triggers when winning a game in Training Grounds bot matches. We apologize for any confusion or frustration caused by this change as it was not intended to be hidden from the community and was an oversight on our part. We have a strong philosophy on transparency and want to continue to develop this game with you guys, the players!

The reason for this change is that FWotD is intended to be a reward for those entering Matchmaking and not just a 'login reward'. We were seeing a majority of players playing Training Ground bot matches, then going straight into MM, which is not its intended purpose.
The FWotD reward is for PvP games and if you're matched with a bot you will be rewarded for that win. Hope this clarifies any of the confusion and, of course, if you guys have any questions we're happy to answer them! We always want to be forthright with the community, so thanks for bringing this to our attention!

- Your friends at Spiritwalk