1. Shardbound
  2. News
  3. Dec 19, 2024 Patch Notes

Dec 19, 2024 Patch Notes

  • The Leaderboard is now working, and it’s your chance to see how you stack up against other skilled Rangers in the Realm. Compete for glory, climb the ranks, and prove your mastery!
  • But that’s not all—when the season concludes, your placement will determine the incredible rewards you’ll receive. The higher you climb, the greater the spoils!
  • Sharpen your strategies and prepare for battle. The path to victory awaits!

Gameplay Changes:
  • Change durability on Weapons to be lost even when damage is only dealt to Armor.
  • Updated description of Armorsmith.
  • Updated the wording on many cards.

[h2]Card-Specific Changes
  • Bloodbound Pages
    • Can now trigger once per turn instead of once per round
  • Chronoslap
    • Effect can now chain between targets
  • Hollow Fae
    • Increased Stats
  • Quantum Turnkey
    • Stats reduced
    • Now reduces the cost of a 1 random spell instead of all spells in hand
  • Rankbreaker
    • Stats reduced
  • Starfall Templar
    • Stats reduced
  • Tome of Echoes
    • Is able to be triggered once per turn instead of once per round
  • Warpgate
    • Increased cost
    • Reduced stats of spawned Quantum Turnkey

Bug Fixes and Changes:
  • Fixed an issue with matchmaking where Bots were selecting decks with inappropriate power.
  • Fixed an issue with cards in hand being highlighted as castable when they has no valid target.
  • Fixed an issue with Chronoslap showing incorrect damage floater.
  • Fixed an issue with Distorter VFX
  • Fixed an issue with Enlistment Decree always providing lower of 2 values when upgraded.
  • Fixed an issue with Flesh Offering not giving VP to the Commander when used to kill an allied Unit that was holding VP.
  • Fixed an issue with Grasping Tentacles causing Commanders to T-pose when targeted.
  • Fixed an issue with Grim Inspiration where the second Thrall would not draw until after deploy of another card or end turn.
  • Fixed an issue with Phase Attuned Gauntlets buff persisting after equipment is destroyed.
  • Fixed an issue with Roar: Immobilize sometimes not working when adjacent to crystals.
  • Fixed an issue with Slow Reflexes causing targets to have negative stats.
  • Fixed an issue with Soultaker sometimes doing too much Bloodtoll damage on Thief.
  • Fixed an issue with Supply Requisition giving stats that didn't match description.
  • Fixed an issue with Supply Requisition giving units negative armor.
  • Fixed an issue with Matter Transmogrifier applying incorrect attack buff.
  • Fixed an issue with Osprey Deadeye applying vulnerable to Crystals.
  • Fixed an issue with Summon Blades where the spawned Zephy Monks were not properly receiving buffs/debuffs.
  • Fixed an issue with Starfall Templar's Vulnerable debuff not being removed when Starfall Templar dies.
  • Fixed an issue with Tempest Hound being able to stun Resilient units.
  • Fixed an issue with Tome of Echoes returning equipment to hand on death.
  • Fixed an issue with Vengeful Veteran's damage multiplier applying too many times.
  • Fixed an issue with Wind Step which caused units with Sluggish to permanently lose movement.
  • Fixed an exception caused by Bouncing a unit next to an enemy unit.
  • Fixed an exception caused by Bouncing a unit while Banner of Conquest is in play.
  • Fixed an exception caused by Bouncing Starfall Templar.
  • Fixed an exception caused by starting a match with Matter Transmogifier against Grave Spores.
  • Fixed an exception caused by Grim Inspiration when hand is full.
  • Fixed an exception caused by Pawnbroker
  • Fixed an exception caused by Soul Shifter w/ Engage if Bounced to hand and turn is ended.
  • Fixed an exception caused by Soultaker
  • Fixed an exception caused by Precise Detonation when used on a boulder created by Stone Prison.
  • Fixed an exception caused by Tome of Echoes when hand is full.

  • Fixed an issue with multiple cards showing error text in the upgrade screen.
  • When upgrading cards, if there are not enough of a card to consume they will now be hidden from the upgrade pool
  • Fixed an issue with in the Collection where the wrong Faction's Power was shown after upgrading a Commander or Relic.
  • Fixed an issue with rewards showing as claimable when they had already been claimed.
  • Fixed an issue with card rewards showing incorrect icon on quest rewards.
  • Fixed an issue with the News button in the main menu not showing the News notification when new News is new.