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  3. Dota 2 Update - 2/21/2025

Dota 2 Update - 2/21/2025

Over the last few days we've addressed the following issues:

  • Fixed heroes in Ability Draft not having innate abilities
  • Fixed Lotus Pool timers showing regular Dota game mode timings in Turbo
  • Fixed minimap icons not showing for live spectators in player view
  • Fixed some camps' spawnboxes being taller than Kunkka's Torrent height
  • Fixed Tormentor spawning in undesirable locations while in Demo Mode

  • Neutral Tooltip is better at guessing enchantment level
  • Fixed Ironwood trees not providing extended healing duration when consumed with Tango
  • Fixed Ninja Gear usage while smoked allowing you to re-apply Smoke of Deceit to your allies
  • Fixed Phylactery not slowing enemies on proc
  • Fixed Pirate's Hat causing the Death Cost tooltip to display a slightly incorrect amount
  • Fixed Pyrrhic Cloak reflecting reflected damage
  • Fixed Revenant's Brooch on Illusions dealing more damage than intended

  • Fixed an issue where Scurry and Death Pact would have more than the max number of charges if the corresponding talent was taken after the ability was skilled
  • Fixed various issues with Morphling's Morph
  • Fixed various issues with Winter Wyvern's Winter's Curse

  • Fixed Anti-Mage Magebane's Mirror not reducing mana when the caster doesn't have enough mana to spend
  • Fixed Arc Warden's Flux with Aghanim's Scepter occasionally still silencing even if Flux was dispelled
  • Fixed Crystal Maiden's Blueheart Floe not leveling up with Freezing Field
  • Fixed Dazzle not getting Desolator charges when killing heroes while a Nothl Voyager
  • Fixed Dazzle not getting Urn of Shadows charges when killing heroes while a Nothl Voyager
  • Fixed Dazzle's Aghanim's Shard not providing Healing Amplification while in the Nothl Realm
  • Fixed Dazzle's Nothl Projection not benefitting from Poison Touch talent upgrades in certain situations
  • Fixed Dazzle's Nothl Projection granting more Town Portal Scrolls than desired in certain situations
  • Fixed Dazzle's Nothl Projection putting Aeon Disk on cooldown
  • Fixed Dazzle's Nothl Projection putting Refresher Orb going on cooldown
  • Fixed Dazzle's Poison Touch debuff duration not increasing when used before casting ultimate (and in reverse)
  • Fixed Dazzle's Soul being able to use Hand of Midas
  • Fixed Dragon Knight's Corrosive Dragon's spells and Damage over Time effects getting blocked by Physical Block
  • Fixed Dragon Knight's Wyrm's Wrath applying debuffs to teammates when denying
  • Fixed Dragon Knight's Wyrm's Wrath with the Fire Dragon Facet unintentionally dealing damage to towers
  • Fixed Dragon Knight's Wyrm's Wrath with the Fire Dragon Facet proccing twice per hit when in Elder Dragon Form
  • Fixed Dragon Knight's Wyrm's Wrath with the Fire Dragon Facet AoE bonus not stacking with other sources of increased AoE
  • Fixed Hoodwink's Level 20 Sharpshooter talent having blind spots in its vision path
  • Fixed Invoker with Aghanim's Scepter gaining more levels of Quas, Wex, or Exort than intended
  • Fixed Io's Tether not healing tethered targets from damage dealt with Aghanim's Shard
  • Fixed Lion's Impale not benefitting from AoE bonuses if the AoE bonuses were acquired after leveling Impale
  • Fixed Monkey King clones stealing gold with Pirate's Hat
  • Fixed Morphling's Adaptive Strike with Flow facet not stunning targets if Morphling Morphed while the projectile was traveling
  • Fixed Pangolier's Shield Crash Barrier putting Blink Dagger on cooldown when the barrier fully blocks the damage
  • Fixed Primal Beast's Ferocity stacks being uncapped in certain situations
  • Fixed Rubick being able to accrue Arcane Accumulation stacks from Nothl Projection's End Projection
  • Fixed Rubick with an Aghanim's Scepter not receiving the Aghanim's Scepter upgrade from a stolen Shackles
  • Fixed Puck's Phase Shift being interrupted by certain commands
  • Fixed Riki's Tricks of the Trade being interrupted by certain commands
  • Fixed Techies' Minefield Sign with Aghanim's Scepter triggering during the Cast Point
  • Fixed Templar Assassin's Meld with Hidden Reach taking longer than expected to reach max attack range
  • Fixed Windranger's Killshot executing targets at slightly higher than the stated thresholds
  • Fixed Windranger's Level 25 Talent Focus Fire Kills Advance Cooldown by 18s not working correctly