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Dota 2 News

7.38b Gameplay Patch

Patch 7.38b is out now, along with a new Dota Plus season. You can check out the 7.38b patchnotes here.

In addition, over the last few days we've addressed the following issues:

  • Fixed Clinkz Burning Army skeletons being able to auto-cast Tar Bomb
  • Fixed Templar Assassin Hidden Reach effects being visible to enemies
  • Fixed Sven Level 10 Talent +10% Vanquisher Bonus Damage not working properly
  • Fixed Ability Draft loading screen being stuck during draft phase when there are fewer than 10 players in the lobby.
  • Drow Ranger Precision Aura from illusions no longer overrides her own bonus agility
  • Fixed Ancient Apparition Ice Blast Shatter Threshold flickering when clicking on an enemy affected by ice blast
  • Ability Draft: Doom: Devour: fixed player losing ability in first slot for the rest of the game after casting Devour
  • Ability Draft: Doom: Devour: fixed permanently gaining passive aura from neutral creep
  • Fixed Roshan Timer being broken when Templar Assassin Third Eye innate is active.
  • Fixed Mark for Sell items not being collected by the courier if the courier did not start in the fountain when ordering it to deliver
  • Fixed Mark for Sell items being returned to the hero if they were in the courier's inventory when delivering other items.
  • Refined the alt-click chat messages on the Roshan Timer to match other alt-click messages.
  • Refined alt-click chat messages on the Madstone indicator to better match other alt-click chat messages.
  • Fixed Drow Ranger with the Sidestep Facet not triggering Silencer Last Word when Multishot finishes
  • Fixed Viper Nosedive, which caused the caster model orientation to enter a bad state, allowing Rubick or any hero in Ability Draft to exploit this with certain abilities, causing them to remain permanently in the world.
  • Fixed Jakiro Liquid Fire not working in Ability Draft
  • Fixed Spell Lifesteal Amplification from Kaya (and it's combined items) not working

As a lapsed 4,500 hour veteran of Dota 2, the big new Wandering Waters update has lured me back—but despite the changes, the game still feels stuck in its ways

There was a time when a slight tweak to a forest path would send my Dota 2 clan’s heads into a collective spin. Valve’s venerable MOBA used to be much more conservative with map changes, and big ones are still rare—but they happen, now. In 2023 the map got 40% bigger, and Roshan relocated to the edges of the map. As of last week’s Wandering Waters update, Dota 2 has more rivers, frogs and crafting than ever before, plus Roshan has returned from the suburbs...
Read more.

Dota 2 remembers water is very important, adds more, in latest map shakeup

Dota 2 has had a firecracker few years, consistently remaking the game and shaking things up when players least expect it with map and hero changes coming fast and furious. The developers have, frankly, slipped the leash. Valve's got no control of them anymore. They can't, as evinced by the latest update: 7.38, Wandering Waters...
Read more.

Dota 2 Update - 2/21/2025

Over the last few days we've addressed the following issues:

  • Fixed heroes in Ability Draft not having innate abilities
  • Fixed Lotus Pool timers showing regular Dota game mode timings in Turbo
  • Fixed minimap icons not showing for live spectators in player view
  • Fixed some camps' spawnboxes being taller than Kunkka's Torrent height
  • Fixed Tormentor spawning in undesirable locations while in Demo Mode

  • Neutral Tooltip is better at guessing enchantment level
  • Fixed Ironwood trees not providing extended healing duration when consumed with Tango
  • Fixed Ninja Gear usage while smoked allowing you to re-apply Smoke of Deceit to your allies
  • Fixed Phylactery not slowing enemies on proc
  • Fixed Pirate's Hat causing the Death Cost tooltip to display a slightly incorrect amount
  • Fixed Pyrrhic Cloak reflecting reflected damage
  • Fixed Revenant's Brooch on Illusions dealing more damage than intended

  • Fixed an issue where Scurry and Death Pact would have more than the max number of charges if the corresponding talent was taken after the ability was skilled
  • Fixed various issues with Morphling's Morph
  • Fixed various issues with Winter Wyvern's Winter's Curse

  • Fixed Anti-Mage Magebane's Mirror not reducing mana when the caster doesn't have enough mana to spend
  • Fixed Arc Warden's Flux with Aghanim's Scepter occasionally still silencing even if Flux was dispelled
  • Fixed Crystal Maiden's Blueheart Floe not leveling up with Freezing Field
  • Fixed Dazzle not getting Desolator charges when killing heroes while a Nothl Voyager
  • Fixed Dazzle not getting Urn of Shadows charges when killing heroes while a Nothl Voyager
  • Fixed Dazzle's Aghanim's Shard not providing Healing Amplification while in the Nothl Realm
  • Fixed Dazzle's Nothl Projection not benefitting from Poison Touch talent upgrades in certain situations
  • Fixed Dazzle's Nothl Projection granting more Town Portal Scrolls than desired in certain situations
  • Fixed Dazzle's Nothl Projection putting Aeon Disk on cooldown
  • Fixed Dazzle's Nothl Projection putting Refresher Orb going on cooldown
  • Fixed Dazzle's Poison Touch debuff duration not increasing when used before casting ultimate (and in reverse)
  • Fixed Dazzle's Soul being able to use Hand of Midas
  • Fixed Dragon Knight's Corrosive Dragon's spells and Damage over Time effects getting blocked by Physical Block
  • Fixed Dragon Knight's Wyrm's Wrath applying debuffs to teammates when denying
  • Fixed Dragon Knight's Wyrm's Wrath with the Fire Dragon Facet unintentionally dealing damage to towers
  • Fixed Dragon Knight's Wyrm's Wrath with the Fire Dragon Facet proccing twice per hit when in Elder Dragon Form
  • Fixed Dragon Knight's Wyrm's Wrath with the Fire Dragon Facet AoE bonus not stacking with other sources of increased AoE
  • Fixed Hoodwink's Level 20 Sharpshooter talent having blind spots in its vision path
  • Fixed Invoker with Aghanim's Scepter gaining more levels of Quas, Wex, or Exort than intended
  • Fixed Io's Tether not healing tethered targets from damage dealt with Aghanim's Shard
  • Fixed Lion's Impale not benefitting from AoE bonuses if the AoE bonuses were acquired after leveling Impale
  • Fixed Monkey King clones stealing gold with Pirate's Hat
  • Fixed Morphling's Adaptive Strike with Flow facet not stunning targets if Morphling Morphed while the projectile was traveling
  • Fixed Pangolier's Shield Crash Barrier putting Blink Dagger on cooldown when the barrier fully blocks the damage
  • Fixed Primal Beast's Ferocity stacks being uncapped in certain situations
  • Fixed Rubick being able to accrue Arcane Accumulation stacks from Nothl Projection's End Projection
  • Fixed Rubick with an Aghanim's Scepter not receiving the Aghanim's Scepter upgrade from a stolen Shackles
  • Fixed Puck's Phase Shift being interrupted by certain commands
  • Fixed Riki's Tricks of the Trade being interrupted by certain commands
  • Fixed Techies' Minefield Sign with Aghanim's Scepter triggering during the Cast Point
  • Fixed Templar Assassin's Meld with Hidden Reach taking longer than expected to reach max attack range
  • Fixed Windranger's Killshot executing targets at slightly higher than the stated thresholds
  • Fixed Windranger's Level 25 Talent Focus Fire Kills Advance Cooldown by 18s not working correctly

There's been a flood in the Wandering Waters update for Dota 2

While Valve continue building up their next MOBA with Deadlock, their current Dota 2 is still as popular as ever and the Wandering Waters update for Dota 2 sounds pretty awesome.

Read the full article here: https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2025/02/theres-been-a-flood-in-the-wandering-waters-update-for-dota-2/