7.38b Gameplay Patch
Patch 7.38b is out now, along with a new Dota Plus season. You can check out the 7.38b patchnotes here.
In addition, over the last few days we've addressed the following issues:
In addition, over the last few days we've addressed the following issues:
- Fixed Clinkz Burning Army skeletons being able to auto-cast Tar Bomb
- Fixed Templar Assassin Hidden Reach effects being visible to enemies
- Fixed Sven Level 10 Talent +10% Vanquisher Bonus Damage not working properly
- Fixed Ability Draft loading screen being stuck during draft phase when there are fewer than 10 players in the lobby.
- Drow Ranger Precision Aura from illusions no longer overrides her own bonus agility
- Fixed Ancient Apparition Ice Blast Shatter Threshold flickering when clicking on an enemy affected by ice blast
- Ability Draft: Doom: Devour: fixed player losing ability in first slot for the rest of the game after casting Devour
- Ability Draft: Doom: Devour: fixed permanently gaining passive aura from neutral creep
- Fixed Roshan Timer being broken when Templar Assassin Third Eye innate is active.
- Fixed Mark for Sell items not being collected by the courier if the courier did not start in the fountain when ordering it to deliver
- Fixed Mark for Sell items being returned to the hero if they were in the courier's inventory when delivering other items.
- Refined the alt-click chat messages on the Roshan Timer to match other alt-click messages.
- Refined alt-click chat messages on the Madstone indicator to better match other alt-click chat messages.
- Fixed Drow Ranger with the Sidestep Facet not triggering Silencer Last Word when Multishot finishes
- Fixed Viper Nosedive, which caused the caster model orientation to enter a bad state, allowing Rubick or any hero in Ability Draft to exploit this with certain abilities, causing them to remain permanently in the world.
- Fixed Jakiro Liquid Fire not working in Ability Draft
- Fixed Spell Lifesteal Amplification from Kaya (and it's combined items) not working