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  3. Winter Event 2024

Winter Event 2024

[h3]Town Tree Event[/h3]
Find big town trees in center of the islands towns. Below the tree you'll notice a breaker panel and an electric meter. If the you place a generator and provide power to the tree, you can hit the big red button to start the challenge. Keep in mind this challenge can only be done at night and it doesn't stop your nightly horde from arriving :)

Once the challenge starts, you'll need to survive 3 separate waves of zombie hordes. Surviving the challenge will result in presents, duh! This year, as mentioned above, we've upped loot rates. You'll also no longer need a lighter for the firework presents and we’ve included the new flare gun and flare rounds, so go crazy! The event will be active until new year's eve and should automatically disable itself.

Santa hat wearing zombies, so festive!

So creepy!

Santa's little helpers

Toys for all!

Event rules


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